Rotary Club of Lincoln



Rotary is an organization of business and professional persons united worldwide to provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. Paul Harris, a young lawyer, and three of his friends founded Rotary in 1905 in Chicago, Illinois, USA. Following his death in 1947, The Rotary Foundation created Paul Harris Fellow recognition in his honour.

The heart of rotary is Service Above Self. Rotary clubs often designate a Paul Harris Fellow as a tribute to a person whose life demonstrates a shared purpose with the objectives of Rotary.

To date, the Rotary Club of Lincoln has acknowledged the life and work of a number of community leaders as Paul Harris Fellows:

1999  Dr. Kenneth Southward

2002  Pamela Ellens

2004  Ray Konkle

2006  Bob Bujas, David Moyer (in memoriam) & Joan Tovenati (in memoriam)

2007  Stephanie Johnston, Brian Olson, Harry Keus, Patricia Olson, Bill Wiley,

Mike Jenken, Cathy McNiven, John Ripley & John Kralt

(Rotary Club of Lincoln Founding Members on the club’s 10th anniversary)

2009  Jennifer Southward, Debbie Klassen & Jennifer Hopkins.

2010 Dr. Katherine McKeever, Walter Mittler

2011 Margaret Andrewes, John van der Beek

2013 Beverly Haskins, Ingrid & Ronald Kielstra

In 2013-14, it is the intention of the Board of Directors to honour TWO NEW Paul Harris Fellows at a special event to be scheduled in Winter 2014.

The Rotary Club of Lincoln Board of Directors invites your nomination(s). Using the attached form, please submit one or more nominations for someone who you believe deserves recognition as a Paul Harris Fellow. A small committee of the Board will review all nominations and then select TWO nominees as Paul Harris Fellows for recommendation to the Rotary Club of Lincoln Board.

Please complete the attached form and submit it to DEBBIE KLASSEN by Tuesday, November 26, 2013.

Rotary Club of Lincoln


2006… DAVID MOYER (1922 - 2003)

During the latter part of his life, David returned to his roots in Lincoln after an illustrious career as a physical engineer, working for companies such as Phillips and General Electric in the design and manufacture of vacuum tubes. With the advent of solid state electronics, David moved to MAI, a computer manufacturing company, where he designed circuit boards.

David’s longstanding involvement with Rotary began in Toronto where he was a member of the Leaside Rotary Club and continued when he joined Lincoln Rotary in 1998. David’s “happy bucks” forever enchanted his fellow Rotarians as he shared his thoughts on everyday happenings of his life in Beamsville and quotes from literary works, which he treasured.

Upon his death, David’s estate included a designation of $3100 for the Rotary Club of Lincoln. It is with much appreciation that the club acknowledges this demonstration of David’s generosity for his community.


As the creator of the Rotary Club of Lincoln Lamplighter Tour, Jennifer has inspired the participation of hundreds of community members in what has become the club’s ‘centrepiece project’. Since the inception of the tour in 2003, almost $50,000 has been raised making it possible for the Rotary Club of Lincoln’s current joint venture with the Town of Lincoln to refurbish the pavilion and build a band shell at Charles Daley Park.

Jennifer’s dedication as the producer of the Lamplighter Tour has not waned. Recently, she confirmed that she’s ‘good to go’ for the next five years. Such a commitment is exceptional as Jen puts her heart and soul and countless hours of her time into this far-reaching and unique annual cultural event in our Town.

Since joining Rotary in 2000, Jennifer has worked tirelessly with the Beamsville District Secondary School (BDSS) Interact Club to enable strong leadership and successful projects in support of McMaster Children’s Hospital, Community Care of West Niagara, Wells of Hope (Guatemala) and Adrie’s House of Hope (South Africa). Jennifer is also responsible for the success of the “Pathways to Opportunity” Employer Recognition Award, initiated by the Rotary Club of Lincoln in partnership with BDSS and the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce in 2005. And, she has extended herself over all the years in her attention to seeking out & nurturing several Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) recipients.

Jennifer and Ken Southward are active and enthusiastic community members, ever-ready with their generous support for many organizations and causes. Together they have worked to build Ken’s dental practice in Beamsville while taking great pride in the development and accomplishments of their children, Briana and Scott.


Allzeit bereit has served as Walter Mittler’s motto since he first learned to ‘BE PREPARED to do your DUTY’ as a Boy Scout in his native Austria. Soon to celebrate his 88th birthday, Walter’s life began in Vienna in 1922. At 16 years, he and his parents fled the Nazi regime and landed as refugees in Birmingham, England. At 32 years, Walter immigrated to Canada and settled in Toronto.

Following an interesting variety of career pursuits – watch repair, ballroom dancing instruction, air force, insurance, real estate, advertising, printing, hypnotherapy, Walter was well into mid-life when he was ordained as a minister with the United Church of Canada. Upon retirement from serving in several Southern Ontario charges from 1973 to 1991, Walter and his wife, Betty, came to live at Albright Gardens in Beamsville. Together, they have generously contributed their time and talent through their leadership and involvement in many community organizations and initiatives over twenty years.

Thirty-five years ago, Walter joined the Rotary Club of Perth. Twelve years ago, he resumed active membership in Rotary when he joined the Rotary Club of Lincoln. In 2001-02, he served as Club President. Walter’s passion for kids has figured prominently both in his service as a Rotarian and as a youth advocate in the community. Because of Walter’s inspiration and encouragement, Lincoln Rotary continues to make youth a priority in its community and international avenues of service.

Rotary Club of Lincoln


Please complete this form by Tuesday, November 26, 2013 and submit to Debbie Klassen, Chair, Rotary Club of Lincoln Foundation Committee



Telephone: E-Mail:

Name of NOMINEE:


Please include brief highlights of your nominee’s professional, community &/or personal life in his/her demonstration of the Rotary ideal of service…