Guidelines for Fire Evacuation Procedures for Legal, Governance, Business Assurance & Executive

  • The Fire Alarm test is carried out weekly every Tuesday around about 10.00am
  • In Every meeting room on the 4th Floor is a copy of the assembly point and a copy of the Evacuation Floor Plan, so Guests in meetings know where to go in the event of a fire
  • Any member of staff noticing smoke or the start of a fire – must sound the fire alarm, by breaking one of the four Red Break glass fire alarm points that are situated on the 4th floor – these are located on the wall at the front of the door, on the wall by R404 by the Stationery cupboard, on the wall outside Room 416 and on the wall outside Room 405 (as highlighted on the floor map)

All members of staff are to evacuate the building immediately by using the following Evacuation procedure:

  • Using the nearest fire exit – on this floor we have two – through the front door immediately down the stairs (marked number 1 on the floor plan) and the other through the rear doors by the Vice Chancellor’s office, immediately down the stairs (marked number 10 on the floor plan)
  • Disabled Guests or members of staff visiting this floor can evacuate the building by using the refuge point which is located at the rear of this floor by the Vice Chancellor’s office – the West Lift (highlighted on floor plan as L402); this lift can be used in the event of a fire. Or by using another refuge point at the front doors on the landing of the stairs by the lift (L401) as highlighted on the floor map, please note this lift must not be used in all cases
  • We also have available an Evac Chair for the use of evacuating anyone with a disability to enable them to make a safe exit – The nominated Fire Warden trained in using this equipment is Nicola Robertson (the Evac Chair is located on the 5th Floor Edinburgh Building next to the Fire Lift)
  • All staff must go to their assembly point which is located behind the Edinburgh Buildingmarked on the attached map – point 10
  • Any external Visitors to the 4th floor must also follow the same evacuation procedure and go to the same assembly point – marked on the attached map – point 10
  • The nominated Fire Wardens will do a sweep of the floor to make sure that no one is left on this floor and will go the assembly point

Attached for reference is a copy of the floor plan for the 4th Floor – highlighting the nearest fire exit routes, refuge points and red break glass point alarms to sound the alarm in case of a fire

Fire Wardens for the 4th Floor

Louise Bell

Bernard Dale

Julie Richardson

Becky Lane

Nicola Robertson