Technical Meeting on

Radiation Safety in Industrial Radiography

IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria

M Building, Board Room A

23 - 27 June 2014


Chairman: Mr John Kinneman(USA)Scientific Secretary:Mr Eric Reber,


Rapporteur: Mr Mark Smith (USA)Secretary: Mr Tom Alexander(X21267)

Conference Clerk:Mr Clemens Kosian

DAY 1: Monday,23June
09:30 / Opening Remarks / Pil-Soo Hahn, Director, IAEA Div. of Radiation, Waste & Transport Safety
Chairman’s Opening Remarks, Objectives for the meeting, Conduct of the Meeting / John Kinneman
Administrative matters / Eric Reber
Group Photo
10:15 / Industrial Radiography Overview, ISEMIR / Richard van Sonsbeek,Applus RDT Group, Netherlands
10:45 / IAEA Safety Guide No. SSG-11, Radiation Safety in Industrial Radiography / John Wheatley, IAEA
11:00 / IAEA Safety Reports Series No. 7, Lessons Learned from Accidents in Industrial Radiography; Practical Radiation Safety Manual on Gamma Radiography / Eric Reber
11:15 / Open discussion, Expectations of the participants for the meeting / John Kinneman
11:40 / The Radiological Accident in Nueva Aldea / Ricardo Videla,Comisión Chilena de Energía Nuclear, Chile
12:10 / Brazilian industrial radiography accident: reconstructive dosimetry and lessons learned / Francisco C.A. Da Silva, Institute of Radiation Protection and Dosimetry, Brazil
12:30 / Lunch
14:00 / Findings and preliminary results on the Ventanilla Accident / Susana Gonzales, Instituto Peruano de Energía Nuclear, Peru
14:20 / Accident in Bulgaria / Svetla Kazakova, Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Authority
14:40 / Accident in Slovenia / Iztok Anželj, Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration(SNSA)
15:00 / Lost source incident in Nanjing / Baowei Chen, China Institute for Radiation Protection
15:30 / Coffee
16:00 / Accident in Malaysia / Ibrahim Nassir, Malaysia Nuclear Agency
16:20 / Accidents in USA / James Thompson, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC)
16:40 / Chairman’s Summary/ Announcements / John Kinneman
DAY 2:Tuesday,24June
09:00 / Chairman’s Remarks / John Kinneman
09:05 / Accidents in UK / David Orr, HSE Radiation Team, UK
09:25 / Session I Discussion: assessment of problems and development of solutions / John Kinneman
10:35 / Coffee
11:00 / Training of Radiographers / Richard van Sonsbeek
11:20 / Training of Radiographers / Geoff Mason, Oceaneering, UK
11:40 / Training of Radiographers - Nigerian Experience / Olatunji Olaonipekun, Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority
12:00 / Training of Radiographers – US Experience / James Thompson, USNRC
12:20 / Session II Discussion: assessment of problems and development of solutions / John Kinneman
13:00 / Lunch
13:00 / Equipment Demonstration; Room MOE13 / Chris Cole, Gilligan Engineering Services, UK
14:10 / Emergency Response / Geoff Mason, Oceaneering, UK
14:30 / ISO 3999 / Cathleen Roughan, IAEA
14:50 / Development of ANSI N43.9 / Donny Dichary, Source Production and Equipment Company, USA
15:10 / Radiography Equipment / Philip Kilfoil, GammaTec NDT Supplies, South Africa
15:30 / Coffee
16:00 / Radiography Equipment / Richard van Sonsbeek
16:20 / Radiography Equipment / Chris Cole, Gilligan Engineering Services, UK
16:40 / Maintenance and Inspection of Radiography Equipment / Rusty Barrett, QSA Global, USA
17:00 / Chairman’s Summary/Announcements / John Kinneman
DAY 3: Wednesday,25June
09:00 / Chairman’s Remarks / John Kinneman
09:05 / Radiography Equipment / Pavel Krupicka, UJP PRAHA, Czech Republic
9:25 / Session III Discussion: assessment of problems and development of solutions
10:05 / Communication and Requests for Assistance / Joseph Chaput, Incident and Emergency Centre, IAEA
10:15 / Public Exposures Due to Industrial Radiography Accidents in Russia / Igor Gusev, Div. of Radiation, Transport & Waste Safety, IAEA
10:35 / Management of emergencies, safety and security events in UAE / Abdulla AL Yammahi,Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation, UAE
10:55 / Coffee
11:20 / Emergency Source RetrievalsRusty Barrett, QSA Global, USA
11:40 / French Working Group on the Management of Emergencies in Industrial Radiography / Anne Cordelle, Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN);Grégory Fontaine, Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN),France
12:10 / Session IV Discussion: assessment of problems and development of solutions / John Kinneman
12:40 / Lunch
14:00 / Regulatory infrastructure in Canada / Karen Mayer, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC)
14:20 / Regulatory infrastructure in UK / David Orr, HSE Radiation Team, UK
14:40 / Regulatory infrastructure in Nigeria / Olatunji Olaonipekun, Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority
15:00 / Regulatory Infrastructure in Turkey / Sinan Ozgur, TurkishAtomic Energy Authority
15:20 / Regulatory Infrastructure in Slovenia / Iztok Anželj, SNSA
15:40 / Coffee
16:10 / Regulatory infrastructure in Burkina Faso / Dr Sawadogo, National Authority for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety, Burkina Faso
16:30 / Session V Discussion: assessment of problems and development of solutions / John Kinneman
17:15 / Chairman’s Summary/Announcements / John Kinneman
DAY 4: Thursday, 26 June
09:00 / Chairman’s Remarks / John Kinneman
09:05 / Revision of Nuclear Security Series No. 11 / Christina George, Division of Nuclear Security, IAEA
09:25 / Source Tracking / Kurt Silvers, Pacific Northwest Nuclear Laboratory, USA
09:45 / An overview of security of radioactive sources in industrial radiography and a case of responding to security incident involving radioactive sources / Francisco C.A. Da Silva, IRPD, Brazil
10:05 / Incident in Buenos Aires / María Teresa Alonso, Nuclear Regulatory Authority of Argentina
10:25 / Coffee
10:55 / Safety/Security Interface in Canada / Karen Mayer, CNSC
11:15 / Security Requirements for Industrial Radiographic Operations in the United States / James Thompson, USNRC
11:35 / Session VI Discussion: assessment of problems and development of solutions / John Kinneman
12:30 / Lunch
14:00 / Work in breakout groups; Room MOE15; drafting of chairman’s report / TBD
13:00 / Equipment Demonstration; Room MOE13 / PavelKrupicka, UJP Praha
14:00 / Equipment Demonstration; Room MOE13 / Rusty Barrett, QSA Global
15:00 / Equipment Demonstration; Room MOE13 / Donny Dichary, SPEC
15:30 / Coffee
16:00 / Work in breakout groups; Room MOE15; drafting of chairman’s report / TBD
16:00 / Equipment Demonstration; Room MOE13 / Philip Kilfoil, Gammatec
DAY 5: FRIDAY, 27 June
09:00 / Chairman’s Remarks / John Kinneman
09:05 / Reports from breakout groups
09:25 / Feedback from equipment demonstrations
09:45 / Review of chairman’s report by meeting participants
10:30 / Coffee
11:00 / Review of chairman’s report by meeting participants
Closing remarks
Adjournment / John Kinneman

Meeting Files: