Two Rivers 2014
7th Grade Poster Contest
Step 1 – Pick a theme – We are giving you four options, but please pick only one and stick to it!
All posters should be based around one of the following themes:
1. Send a message to Big Tobacco - The tobacco industry addicts more than 1,000 youth every day. The industry targets youth in the magazines we read, the movies we watch, even the stores where we shop. Let tobacco companies know they can’t target you.
2. What’s in a cigarette? - There are over 4000 chemicals in a single puff of cigarette smoke, and 69 of them are known to cause cancer. Many of these chemicals, like ammonia, can be found in everyday household products. It is definitely time to expose the truth behind these ingredients.
3. Why Smoke-Free? Are you pushing for a smoke-free policy in your community or state? Whether you’re trying to pass a smoke-free playground ordinance or a clean indoor air law, a poster is a great way to educate others about the importance of your policy.
4. How does smoking affect your health? FACT: Smoking is the most preventable cause of death in the United States. This means that many of those who lose their lives because of smoking-related illnesses could probably live much longer if they didn't smoke. Smoking can damage some of the most important organs in your body.
5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1Theme / The theme was presented in a very clear and innovative way. / Theme is mostly clear and innovative. / Theme contains few good, elements, was clear. / Themes were confusing, not clear. / No evidence of theme
Content / Well-written text and carefully chosen visuals (at least 5) that illustrate theme / Descriptive text and appropriate visuals (at least 3) work together to inform the reader / Text contains inaccuracies and some visuals lack pertinence or impact / Text scanty and inaccurate; visuals lack impact / No visuals, very little text.
Design / Logical and easy to read; type and visuals are neat and eye-catching; layout complements content. / Fairly logical; type and visuals are neat and easy to understand / Somewhat disorganized; fails to complement content / Disorganized; hastily and carelessly planned / Does not show organization or planning.
Use of Accurate Facts and Statistics / The poster includes accurate facts (at least 10) and must contain statistics on youth and tobacco use. / Contains accurate facts (at least 5) and statistics / Contains some inaccurate facts or statistics / Contains no facts or statistics that are accurate / Contains no facts or statistics
Remember: Plagiarism is not allowed! If are taking information from a source (book, magazine, internet) there needs to be a bibliography, listing the references used to gather your information.
Be creative! Making something that is going to grab someone’s attention with a fresh or new Idea. Impress your audience!