Relevant Subject: Language Arts

Grade Level: Sixth Grade

Topic of Lesson: Peer Editing and Revising

Lesson Plan:

Objective: Students will edit and revise the “sloppy copies” of peers’ essays.

Materials: Students’ “sloppy copies”

Interactive Whiteboard

Document Camera

Action Editing and Revising List*

*Highlighters are needed for this step


  1. Individual student “sloppy copy” of 5-paragraph essays will be placed under the document camera for class viewing. Peers will edit using an action editing and revising list provided by the teacher. These action steps will be done using the Interactive Whiteboard.
  2. Following the editing process, revision steps will then be done using the same procedure as the editing step. These steps are also included on the action editing and revising list.
  3. When the editing and revising have been completed, the editing and revising recommendations &/or corrections will be printed for the writer to use to make his/her final copy for publishing.

Evaluation: A rubric will be used that mirrors the action editing and revising list as an evaluation of the student’s writing.

Action Editing and Revising List

1. Circle the first word of each sentence. Is it capitalized? If not, underline the first letter three times.

2. Circle the ending mark at the end of each sentence. If an ending mark is missing, add it and circle it.

3. In the introductory paragraph, underline the 3 supporting details that will be explained in the body (paragraphs 2, 3 & 4) of the essay.

4. Underline the main idea (the first detail) in the second paragraph.

5. Underline the main idea (the second detail) in the third paragraph.

6. Underline the main idea (the third detail) in the fourth paragraph.

7. In the concluding paragraph, underline the 3 details that you explained in paragraphs #2, 3, &4.

8. Highlight all of the transitional words or phrases. Each paragraph should contain at least two. If a paragraph has only one or none, write in one or more as suggestions.

9. Count the number of words in each sentence. If two or more sentence in the same paragraph have the same number of words, add or delete words from one of them so that they all vary in length.

10. Circle all words that you know or suspect are misspelled. Correctly spell the circled word if you know the correct spelling.

Action Editing and Revising List

1. Circle the first word of each sentence. Is it capitalized? If not, underline the first letter three times.

2. Circle the ending mark at the end of each sentence. If an ending mark is missing, add it and circle it.

3. In the introductory paragraph, underline the 3 supporting details that will be explained in the body (paragraphs 2, 3 & 4) of the essay.

4. Underline the main idea (the first detail) in the second paragraph.

5. Underline the main idea (the second detail) in the third paragraph.

6. Underline the main idea (the third detail) in the fourth paragraph.

7. In the concluding paragraph, underline the 3 details that you explained in paragraphs #2, 3, &4.

8. Highlight all of the transitional words or phrases. Each paragraph should contain at least two. If a paragraph has only one or none, write in one or more as suggestions.

9. Count the number of words in each sentence. If two or more sentence in the same paragraph have the same number of words, add or delete words from one of them so that they all vary in length.

10. Circle all words that you know or suspect are misspelled. Correctly spell the circled word if you know the correct spelling.

Evaluation Rubric:

Evaluated Element / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Paragraph Structure / All paragraphs are indented, coherent, and contain a main idea with supporting details. / All paragraphs are indented but one lacks coherence, a main idea, or supporting details. / All paragraphs are indented but 2 or 3 lack coherence, a main idea, or supporting details. / All paragraphs are not indented and lack coherence, a main idea, or supporting details.
Transitional Words & Phrases / At least 2 transitional words and phrases are used effectively in all paragraphs. / At least 2 transitional words and phrases are used effectively in 3 paragraphs. / At least 2 transitional words and phrases are used effectively in only two paragraphs. / Transitional words and phrases are used butnot effectively throughout the essay.
Mechanics / The essay does not contain any mechanical errors, or it may contain a few mechanical errors that do not detract from the flow of the essay. / The essay contains a few mechanical errors that detract from the flow of the essay. / The essay contains several mechanical errors that detract from the flow of the essay. / The essay contains mechanical errors that cause confusion in the reading of the essay.
Participation / The writer participated in each step of the writing process as evidenced by a sloppy copy, an Action Editing and Revising List response print out, and final copy with corrections made. / The writer participated in each step of the writing process as evidenced by a sloppy copy and Action Editing and Revising List print out but did not make all needed corrections. / The writer did not have evidence of either a sloppy copy or Action Editing and Revising List print out but turned in an essay for grading. / The writer only participated in one step of the writing process.

Use of Document Camera:

The Document Camera will be used to project students’ “sloppy copies” for class viewing.

Other Technology:

An Interactive Whiteboard will be used to help each student edit and revise his/her essay before the final step of the writing process, publishing.

Submitted by:

Shari Shunk

Sixth Grade Language Arts teacher

SouthMiddle School

500 East Parkway Drive

Morgantown, WV 26501
