Education Partners Solution, Inc.281-494-0187
5.4Video Surveillance System Description
Vendor/Manufacturer will provide TISD with Y/N answers with comments if needed to the following functional matrix:
a) Work to include installation of Internet Protocol (IP) addressable video surveillance and provide the capability of connection to access monitoring control systems within the campus and within the district. Connection to the data network system is required. Coverage is to be campus interior as well as designated exterior areas. Vendor will propose camera locations based upon site surveys, campus maps, experience and/or any other resources made available to assist in sizing each campus coverage.
2) Video Surveillance System
a) The Campus Surveillance System will be used to monitor designated interior and exterior areas at all times.
b) The system is used to visually monitor designated areas as proposed by the vendor.
c) The following functional capabilities are considered essential for this Surveillance system.
i) Switch any assigned camera in the system to any monitor in the system.
ii) Provide partitioning of cameras and priority access.
iii) Cameras equipped with environmental housings.
iv) Provide fused low voltage power for control of heater and blower.
v) Adjust and balance cameras via software from network accessed workstations.
vi) Minimum camera adjustments available:
(1) Iris
(2) Shutter
(3) Zoom
(4) Focus
(5) Gain
(6) Hue
(7) Backlight Compensation
(8) Color Saturation
(9) Brightness
(11) Contrast
d) Enter and edit video information real-time and save them for future use.
e) View via multiple monitors at one time.
f) Support an unlimited number of viewing stations.
g) User define sequence for viewing camera(s) on each monitoring station.
h) Bypass cameras in the system during sequencing to a monitor.
i) Provide the capability to program alarms and associated incoming alarms with related outputs.
j) Bypass alarms in the system, either by position or time deactivation.
k) Provide time, date and alphanumeric camera titling.
l) Provide real time system status in the master controller.
m) Record alarmed and monitored camera viewing areas.
n) Motion detection shall trigger the archiving of images.
o) Cameras must have motion detection.
3) Graphical User Interface (GUI) and software control:
a) Control and configuration must offer integration of components and operation into one complete system.
4) General
a) Equipment temperature limits: 0 to 50 degrees C.
b) Cameras
i) Camera Environmental Housing Power Supply:
(1) Provide for powering of camera environmental housings.
(2) Output: 24VAC with sufficient amp capacity for control of cameras and housings associated to each circuit.
5) Building Surveillance Camera:
a) Multicast video streams
b) Support for in-line compliant power over Category 5 and category 6 cabling.
c) Simultaneous encoding of video into multiple digital video streams: Specify at camera or server:
i) 640 x 480 JPEG (2 fps to 10 fps) – Frames Per Second (fps)
ii) Configurable MPEG4 (30 fps, 10 kbps) Low-resolution full motion video.
iii) Configurable MPEG4 (30 fps, 900 kbps) High-resolution full-motion video.
iv) Configurable H.264 (30 fps, 900 kbps) High-resolution full-motion video.
d) Industry standard compression formats – JPEG, MPEG4 and H.264.
f) Motion detection at the camera.
g) Integrated 18x motorized zoom
h) Variable focus (4.1 to 73.8mm)
i) Auto iris control
j) Static or dynamic IP addressing
k) LED indicators for status reporting
l) 10/100 Ethernet interface – IEEE 802.3, 802.3U, 802.3i, 802.3af.
m) Support trigger cards that allow for inbound and outbound dry contacts.
n) Support Audio sensing and recording
o) Audio shall interface with system Alarms and Alerts triggering recording when audio threshold is broken including, archive, alerts, and playback.
p) Audio to have threshold adjustments and lip synchronization.
q) Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 196-2 compliant digital signatures in all archived files.
r) Support cameras behind Network Address Translation (NAT) routers.
s) Cameras shall support copper, single-mode and multi-mode fiber optic connectivity.
t) Support streams transmitted via TCP/IP and UDP.
u) User permissions to be granular enough to allow user by user, camera by camera, and function by function to be assigned to each user.
v) Provide export of video to CD or DVD with system viewing software. (Burn to DVD)
w) Support screen resolution greater than 1024 x 768.
x) Support both 4x3 and 16x9 monitor viewing.
y) Video window presets can be loaded at startup.
z) Video window presets are scheduled based on time and date.
aa) Capability to interface with Access control systems
bb) Archive video only when motion is detected.
cc) Archiving of full motion MPEG4 and/or JPEG images provided.
dd) Viewing of full motion 30 frames per second video at all monitor stations.
ee) Remote viewing of video from unlimited locations.
ff) The surveillance system shall be capable of an unlimited number of cameras.
gg) Color and Monochrome viewing with color viewing down to 0.1 lux and monochrome down to 0.01 lux.
hh) Wireless viewing stations supported.
6) Building Surveillance Outdoor Environmental Camera Housing:
a) Provide a weather resistance NEMA 4X rated enclosure construction of aluminum bracket, acrylic and UV stable plastic.
b) Internal dimensions: accommodate camera, lens and serving cables.
c) Provide with thermostatic controlled blower and heater.
7) Power Over Ethernet Switches:
a) District currently has Cisco Catalyst 3750 10/100 or 3750G PoE switches deployed in every telecommunications closet.
b) If requested, provide 802.3af switches for providing camera power via the network cabling system.
c) If requested, provide power inserters if 802.3af switches ports are not available.
a) Software:
i) Provide manufacture software modules:
(1) View Watch
(2) Event Watch
(3) Decision Watch
(4) Gate Watch
(5) Reports
(6)Joystick PTZ control option
b) Management
i) Single management application
ii)Software updates centrally
iii) Scalable to 800 cameras
iv) Web browser based
v) Remote access with password and ID without client
vi)Centralized server administration
vii)Dynamic load balancing of cameras across servers
c) Backup
i) Non proprietary archiving
8) Support/Training
a) 800 support call center
b) 24x7 support
c) US Based help desk
d) Texas support presence
e) Online training support
6.0Proposal Forms
6.1Proposer Information
- Company Name
- Legal Name (if different)
- Years in Business Under Name
- Years installing similar systems
- Contact Person
- Full Mailing Address
- Address Line 2
- Telephone Number
- Fax Number
- Email Address/Web Site
- Number of Full-time employees
- Number of Full Time Technical Personnel
- Project Manager Name
- Attached personnel resumes of Project Team(YES)(NO)
- Service Provider Identification Number (SPIN)
6.2Proposer Experience
To be a qualified Proposer, the vendor must include below three references with similar systems or equipment installed. Preference will be given to vendors with references for implementations at organizations most similar to TISD. Include separate sheet(s) containing supporting documentation regarding reference projects if available.
- Organization Name
- Contact Person(s)
- Full Mailing Address
- Address Line 2
- Telephone Number
- Fax Number
- Project Dates
- Brief Description (attach detail)
- Organization Name
- Contact Person(s)
- Full Mailing Address
- Address Line 2
- Telephone Number
- Fax Number
- Project Dates
- Brief Description (attach detail)
- Organization Name
- Contact Person(s)
- Full Mailing Address
- Address Line 2
- Telephone Number
- Fax Number
- Project Dates
- Brief Description (attach detail)
6.3Proposer Subcontractors/Partners
Every subcontractor shall be bound by the applicable terms and provisions of the contract documents. Further information about the subcontractor/partner may be requested prior to award. Identify all subcontractors or partners used for this project. Include separate sheet(s) labeled "Subcontractors/Partners" if necessary.
Subcontractor/Partner #1
- Organization Name
- Years in Business Under Name
- Years installing similar systems
- Contact Person
- Project Function
Subcontractor/Partner #2
- Organization Name
- Years in Business Under Name
- Years installing similar systems
- Contact Person
- Project Function
Subcontractor/Partner #3
- Organization Name
- Years in Business Under Name
- Years installing similar systems
- Contact Person
- Project Function
6.4Cost Summary
The respondent will provide a cost summary on the form below. The information requested below is the minimum that will be accepted. Respondent will submit one (1) original and three (3) complete copies of the Offer.
Additional information and pricing shall be documented, titled with the "Additional Service Cost" line item on this Cost Summary Form that it detailing and the total additional cost entered into that line item's price.
6.4.1Electronics Cost Summary
All Proposers must submit a Bill of Materials detail identifying, Part Number, Product Description, Quantities and Extended Cost. This will include "no cost" items also. If proposer is submitting installation and/or maintenance options, include this information.
Cost of Turn-Key Quotation Option.
DESCRIPTION / PRICEEquipment Cost = / $______
Configuration Price = / $______
Installation Price = / $______
Maintenance Price = / $______
+Other Price (Shipping, Bond, Management, etc.) = / $______
-Other Price (Discounts, etc.) = / $______
Total Turn Key Price = / $______
Include Network Diagrams
(describe by equipment type on separate sheet if necessary)
Additional "Added Value" Service Cost Option:
- .
Price =$______
- .
Price =$______
- .
Price =$______
- .
Price =$______
- .
Price =$______
Other Proposal Criteria:
- Calendar days to complete projects with Project Plan and Calendar
Total Project =______Days
7.1RFP Submittals
All vendors must provide a proposal that meet the specifications outlined in Sections 2.0 – 5.0. and provide the information required to evaluate the RFP against the Criteria for Selection in Section 1.5.
Technical specifications must be supplied on each product proposed.
7.2Proposer Information
As outlined in section 6.0.
7.3General Terms and Conditions
As outlined in section 8.0.
TISD Security Camera RFP – V.3.3Page 1Education Partners Solution, Inc.
(281) 494-0187
Education Partners Solution, Inc.281-494-0187
Appendix A: Conditions, Disclosures and Notifications
General Terms & Conditions
Contractual Terms & Conditions
Special Terms & Conditions
Certificate of Residency
Conflict of Interest Disclosure
Felony Conviction Notification
Vendor Debarment Statement
Signed Notice Form
References & Bid Qualification
Model SB 9 Contractor Certification
- Bids shall be submitted on this form only and placed in a separate envelope, sealed and properly identified with bid title, number and bid opening date.
- All items to be quoted F.O.B. Temple I.S.D. Warehouse freight pre-paid. Title does not transfer to the School District until received at same. (If applicable, see “Special Conditions”).
- Sums of money shall be indicated both by Unit Cost and Total Cost when applicable. In case of discrepancy, the Unit Cost shall govern.
- Unless otherwise specified, all prices are to be firm prices. Other than firm prices will not be considered, however, cash discounts offered may be considered in determining the successful supplier. Cash discount period shall start from date of receipt of acceptable invoice or from date of receipt of acceptable material whichever is the later.
- Any catalog, brand name or manufacturer’s reference used herein is intended to be descriptive and not restrictive. Proposals on any reputable manufacturer’s regularly produced product which is similar and substantially equivalent will be considered. Temple I.S.D. reserves the right to make final decisions as to comparable items. Be very certain that items upon which you bid and deliver are EQUAL to items listed. Materials which are not equal shall be returned to the supplier transportation charges collect.
- Samples, when requested, must be furnished within five working days of the request at no cost to the District. If not destroyed in examination, they will be returned to the bidder on request at the vendor’s expense.
- Temple I.S.D. reserves the right to accept or reject all or any part of any bid, to waive technicalities and to award items to best serve the interest of the District. This inquiry implies no obligation on the part of the buyer, nor does the buyer’s silence imply an acceptance or rejection of any offer.
- It is understood and agreed that the District reserves the right to increase or decrease quantities or modify conditions and specifications by mutual agreement with the selected supplier, both at the time of acceptance of this quotation offer, as so modified, and subsequent thereto.
- Temple ISD is exempt from all applicable Federal and State Taxes. All Quotation offers and/or bids are to be made taking this fact into consideration.
- PLEASE NOTE CAREFULLY- Complete all information in spaces provided, otherwise your bid may not be considered.
- Deliveries under the terms of this bid will be in accordance with the dates indicated therein, except where no date is indicated, the vendor will enter the earliest assured date. It is understood and agreed that the delivery date and/or date of installation AFTER receipt of a purchase order is the seller’s best offer. In its acceptance of any offer, the district is relying on the promised delivery date and/or installation of material and basic to its acceptance, unless otherwise indicated. In the event of Seller’s failure to deliver as and when promised, the School District reserves the right to cancel its accepting order, or any part thereof, and seller agrees that the School District may return all or part of any shipment so made, and may charge seller with any loss or expense sustained as a result of such failure to deliver as promised. All goods are subject to inspection and return at the vendor’s expense if found to be inferior to those specified or promised.
- In the event any article to be sold or delivered, thereunder, is covered by any patent, copyright,trademark, or application, the seller shall indemnify and hold harmless the District from any and all loss, cost expenses and legal fees on account of any claims, legal actions, or judgments on account of manufacture, sale, or use of such article in violation infringement or the like of rights under such patent, copyright or application.
- The District shall not be responsible for any goods delivered or services performed without its purchase order signed by an authorized representative of the Purchasing Department.
- Vendors who do not bid, but wish to remain on our bid list, must notify the Temple I.S.D. Purchasing Department in writing using the enclosed “Notice of No Response” form. Failure to do so may result in removal form this list.
- CONFIDENTIAL OR TRADE SECRETS (Government Code, Article 252.049). If any of the information is considered to be confidential or a trade secret belonging to the offeror and, if released, would give advantage to a competitor or offeror, that information should be filed with the proposal in a separate envelope marked “CONFIDENTIAL – DO NOT DUPLICATE WITHOUT PERMISSION”.
- Electronic, telephone, telegram and facsimile bids are unacceptable.
- All items will be new and unused, unless otherwise specified, and in first class condition.
- In the event that Seller’s obligations hereunder require or contemplate performance of services by seller’s employees, or persons under contract to Seller, to be done on Purchaser’s property, the Seller agrees that all such work shall be done as an independent contractor and that the persons doing such work shall not be considered employees of the Purchaser. Seller shall maintain all necessary insurance coverage as required by statute as well as those coverage specifically enumE-Rated within the bid document. Seller shall indemnify and save harmless and defend Purchaser from any and all claims or liabilities arising out of the work covered by this paragraph.
- All shipments and/or correspondence (i.e. cartons, packages, invoices, etc.) must bear the appropriate TISD purchase order number on the outside.
- PAYMENT will be made upon receipt and acceptance by Temple ISD of item(s) ordered and receipt of a valid invoice, in accordance with the State of Texas Prompt Payment Act, Chapter 2251, Government Code VTCA. Successful bidder(s) is required to pay subcontractors within ten (10) days.
- Seller agrees to not discriminate against a qualified individual with a disability. Seller also agrees to provide a qualified individual with a disability an opportunity to participate in or benefit from the aid, benefit, or service that is equal to that afforded others involved in the program, service or activity.
- The TempleIndependentSchool District shall give preference to small and minority firms, women’s business enterprise and labor surplus area firms as required by CFR, Title 34, Section 80.36 or when it is in the best interest of the District.
- EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES LAWS. Successful bidder will be required to comply with applicable equal employment opportunity laws and regulations.
- No individual shall be excluded from participating in, denied the benefit of, subject to discrimination under, or denied employment in the administration of, or in connection with any such program because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, handicap, or political application or belief.
- Any bid received after the time and date specified for opening shall not be considered.
- Temple ISD reserves the right to award items on this invitation in groups, “item by item”, or an “all or none” basis – whichever serves the interest of the district.
- CONTRACT. This bid, when properly accepted by Temple ISD, shall constitute an integral part of any contract, equally binding between the successful bidder and Temple ISD. No different or additional terms will become a part of this contract with the exception of Change Orders.
- EVALUATION CRITERIA. In determining whom to award a contract, the district shall consider: (1) the purchase price; (2) the reputation of the vendor and of the vendor’s goods or services; (3) the quality of the vendor’s goods or services; (4) the extent to which the goods or services meet the district’s needs; (5) the vendor’s past relationship with the district; (6) the impact on the ability of the district to comply with laws and rules relating to historically underutilized businesses; (7) the long-term cost to the district to acquire the vendor’s goods or services; and (8) any other relevant factor as listed in the project documents.
- ALL VENDORS OR CONTRACTORS DOING BUSINESS WITH TEMPLE ISD must submit a Conflict of Interest Questionnaire if required no later than the 7th business day after the date the person becomes aware of facts that require the statement to be filed as required by Local Government Code, Section 176.006.