Violence Risk ScaleInitial Assessment Format
Report Template
Demographic InformationIntroduction
Brief background description & address:
a)Number of terms of incarceration
b)Index Offense
c)Criminal History
Sources of Information
a)Observations including interviewb)File review
c)Other consultations, etc.
Treatment History(summarize factors that relate positively or negatively to offense pattern)
E.g., Psychiatric, Psychological, Treatment history, Personal/Sexual/relationships, Criminal (patterns/analyses), Education, Substance abuse, etc.
TREATMENT PLANS (Plan should flow from treatment history and VRS risk assessment)
a)Treatment Plan (objective/action plan to meet goals)
b)Treatment goals (long and short)
The purpose of this report will be to identify suitability for the Violence Reduction Program. The report will address his physical and mental health status, risk of violence, treatment targets, institutional management concerns, and concerns for management in the community. Risk factors and treatment responsivity will be assessed using the Violence Risk Scale (VRS - Wong & Gordon, 1999, 2000). This is a risk assessment instrument comprised of static and dynamic predictor variables that can be used for the identification and assessment of high risk factors associated with violence. The VRS variables are rated both pre- and post-treatment to assess changes in risk as a result of treatment interventions. The VRS also incorporates the Stages of Change Model (Prochaska & DiClemente, 1986) to evaluate pre-and post-treatment motivation, responsivity, and stability. As the individual progresses through the different stages of change, motivation for change and the associated behavioral modifications become more notable, internalized, and stable.
Upon admission to the ______Program, Mr. ______was assessed using the Violence Risk Scale.
Identified treatment targets that rated as high at the commencement of treatment include:
VRS Items rated 3.
Additional treatment targets include: VRS Items rated 2.
Variables rated as relative strengths include:VRS Items rated 0 or 1
Stages of Change Descriptions
The complete description may not be relevant - use what is appropriate.
Mr. ______presents as being in the ______stage of change. (See descriptions below).
PreContemplation Stage:
At the commencement/ end of treatment, Mr. ___ demonstrates characteristic consistent with individuals who are in the precontemplation stage of change evidenced by denial/minimization/externalization/justification of problem areas.
Provide specific examples!!!
Contemplation Stage:
At the commencement/ end of treatment, Mr. ___ demonstrates characteristics consistent with individuals who are in the contemplation stage of change. He has knowledge and considered addressing his problem areas however has not yet taken relevant action to change. Provide specific examples!!!
Preparation Stage:
At the commencement/ end of treatment,Mr. ___ demonstrates characteristics consistent with individuals who are in the preparation stage of change evidenced by insight concerning the need to change problem area(s) and the observation of relevant treatment-oriented behaviours. For individuals within the preparation stage of change, positive behaviours may be relatively recent and may experience lapses prior to behavioral improvement becoming more stable.
Provide specific examples!!!
Action Stage:
At the commencement/ end of treatment, Mr. ___ demonstrates characteristics consistent with individuals who are in the action stage of change evidenced by his consistent ability to demonstrate positive modifications to attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors associated with aggression and violence over an extended period of time relative to lifetime functioning. Mr. ___has developed and consistently implements effective interventions to manage his problem areas. In addition, behavioral change has been significant and stable over a relatively extended period of time. Provide specific examples!!!
Maintenance Stage:
At the commencement/ end of treatment, Mr. ___ demonstrates characteristics consistent with individuals who are in the maintenance stage of change evidenced by his consistent ability to demonstrate significant modifications to attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors associated with aggression and violence over an extended period of time relative to lifetime functioning, and further, has generalized these positive changes across a variety of challenging circumstances and situations, that is high-risk situations. Mr. ___has developed a relapse plan and has internalized effective interventions to manage his problem areas. Provide specific examples!!!
Note: When there has been positive change but not sufficient enough to warrant a full stage progression, it is appropriate to reflect improvement by indicating that the individual has progressed from the early to latter phase of a particular stage of change. For example:
At the commencement of treatment, Mr. X demonstrated characteristics consistent with the early phase of the Preparation stage of change, this was evidenced by his insight concerning the need to change problem area(s) and the observation of some relevant treatment-oriented behaviours. Early in treatment these, positive changes were very recent and/or unstable. At the end of treatment, these positive behaviours are becoming more consistent and reliable and Mr. X is now assessed as in the latter phase of the Preparation Stage of Change.. Should Mr. X. continue to practice, strengthen, and then generalize these positive changes, he would be considered to have moved into the Action and Maintenance stages of change, respectively.
©Gordon & Wong (2000, 2002, 2004). Do not reproduce without expressed permission from the authors. The views expressed therein are the personal views of the authors and do not necessarily represent that of the Correctional Service of Canada or the University of Saskatchewan.