Education Service Center, Region 20

Parent Advisory Committee Meeting

October 11, 2013



Vice-President, Martin Belman Jr. (parent) Poteet ISD

Member, Sandra Rodriguez, Medina Valley ISD

Member, Joanne Moreno, Medina Valley ISD

Member, Mayra Hernandez, ESC 20

Member, Maria Martinez, (parent) Alamo Heights ISD

Member, Mary Lou Lafuente, Jubilee Charter

ESC 20 Staff:

Patricia Martinez, Coordinator III

Dolores Sendejo, Educational Specialist

Rachel Morales, Educational Specialist

Idalia Ibanez, Educational Specialist

Yvette Munoz, OSY Specialist

Carolina Anthony, Recruiter

Carolyn Castillo, Component Director

Larry Rodriguez, PAC Facilitator

Ad Hoc Members:

Richard Cabada, Aetna

Lizabeth Peters, Kerrville ISD

Rita Flores, Judson ISD

Translation Services: Ezequiel Quijano

I. Welcome

a. Patricia Martinez, Migrant Education Program (MEP) Coordinator welcomed everyone and facilitated introductions.

II. Action Items

a. Since a quorum was unavailable the business of approving minutes for the March 6, 2013; May 10, 2013; and August 28, 2013 meetings will be tabled until the meeting scheduled for January 2014.

III. Discussion Items

a. PAC evaluation results 2012-13

Larry provided a brief overview of the PAC program evaluation results from last year. During the May 10, 2013 meeting, Larry asked members who were present to complete a brief evaluation of the PAC for 2012-13.

Members were asked to rate the following from “not very satisfied” to “very satisfied”:

·  Length of time for meetings

·  Opportunity for you to voice your opinion during meeting

·  Information from guest speakers is meaningful

·  Information regarding the meeting dates/times is shared with enough advance notice

·  Region 20, PAC website provides meaningful information

·  Information and discussions are conducted in my native language

Only five members were present during the meeting to provide their feedback. Of those who were present, all rated each item as “very satisfied.”

b. Amending by-laws to include community stakeholders as PAC members

During the August 28th meeting Richard Cabada, Aetna, expressed a desire to participate as a member of the PAC. A review of the PAC by-laws indicates an amendment to the by-laws for community stakeholders to participate is not required. The by-laws regarding membership explain that membership is based upon nominations from school districts and parents participating in Shared Service Agreement districts/charters. Therefore, Larry asked if anyone would be interested in nominating Mr. Cabada as an Aetna representative to participate as a member of the PAC. Mr. Belman nominated Mr. Cabada to participate as a member of the ESC 20 PAC. Mr. Cabada accepted the nomination to participate.

c. PAC Meeting dates & locations for remainder of 2013-14

Although the PAC was not able to vote on meeting dates and locations for the remainder of the meetings scheduled in January, March and May, Larry suggested we discuss possible dates to meet in January. Once meeting options are established, Larry will forward the choices to each officer/member and request their vote.

Following some discussion on the matter, members offered various options regarding meeting dates and other considerations to enhance parent participation.

Suggested options:

·  Keep the meetings at ESC 20, from 10:00 am – 1:00pm

·  Rotate PAC meetings to various districts/charters throughout the region, maintain 10am-1pm meeting time

·  Conduct evening meetings from 6:00 pm – 9:00pm

·  Conduct Saturday meetings

·  Conduct meetings on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays; Mondays and Fridays are very busy. The group also decided that Saturday’s should not be an option because this day is used primarily for addressing family needs.

·  Offer districts the option of participating in the PAC meeting via video conferencing

Larry explained he would develop a PAC member ballot with the suggested options, and forward the ballot to each member. Members will be asked to cast their votes and return the ballot by a certain deadline. To enhance the voting process, the ballot will be mailed to members who are school staff; but parents will receive their ballot in the mail. They will be given the opportunity to call ESC 20 to cast their vote.

d. Presentation Topics

This item was tabled since a quorum was not present to vote.

e. New Members

An invitation was extended to all who were present to become a PAC member, no one responded with interest to participate.

IV. Information Items

a. State PAC Meeting Summary

This item was tabled because Mrs. Budd was unavailable.

b. Tutoring Update

Rachel Morales presented the tutorial update. Currently employing 16 part time tutors. Student qualify for tutoring if they fail one or more areas of state assessment, or who demonstrate an identified need by failing a grading period. We are still trying to identify a tutor for Pearsall, Stockdale and De Hanis.

We are currently serving about 56 or 60 students. We have many families who have been offered tutoring services but have declined services. Mr. Belman asked why parents are declining services. Rachel mentioned that when the parameters of the service are explained, the parent opts not to receive the service. Many times the parents prefer tutoring be completed during or after school, but this is not always possible. Rachel also mentioned that there should be a home tutor for Alamo Heights very soon.

The question was asked, “What can we do to collaborate with parents and share information?” Dolores Sendejo stated that an in depth conversation needed to take place with parents. Rachel suggested that home visits be conducted to engage parents because home phones are often unavailable or disconnected.

c. Out-of-School Youth (OSY)

Yvette Munoz presented on the OSY initiative. She began by explaining that hers is a new position. Yvette stated the main reasons migrant students leave school before graduating is due to lack of credits, the student is not able pass state assessment or because of pregnancy. Her goal is to encourage these students to complete their high school diploma or GED. She reported she is currently working with 6 students. Students range in age from 15-22. She is also working to establish partnerships with agencies in the community. Yvette explained that she identifies students from Early Withdrawal Reports and Unique Reports; she also obtains referrals by visiting with families. Richard with Aetna, stated that if any of the families have health-related issues and they have no health insurance coverage, Aetna has products that may help them.

d. Upcoming Conferences

Larry mentioned two upcoming parent conferences:

·  AMET, Nov. 20-22 to be held in Houston. All parent PAC members were sent an invitation to attend. Ms. Martinez expressed an interested but had not yet responded. Larry asked her to call Maria on Monday so she could be added to the list.

·  Statewide Parent Involvement Conference Dec. 5-7.

Thus far three parents have expressed an interest in attending one or both conferences.

Larry also mentioned the Building Success through Knowledge student & parent conference, December 16, 2013. The target audience is high school students and parents. John Quinones will deliver the keynote address. Breakout sessions will be geared toward college, financial aid, career choices, etc. We have also invited representatives from business and industry, as well as colleges and universities. Mileage reimbursement and translation services will also be available. The deadline for parents and students to register is November 15.

e. Presentation

Larry delivered a presentation entitled College Supports and Program Options.

A motion was made by Sandra Rodriguez to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Joanne Moreno. Meeting adjourned at 1:15pm.

Next PAC meeting is TBD.