С.1.01C Micropropagation of Gentiana family plants and others endemic for Northern Caucasus
1S.N. Bogatyriova, 1A.A.Rybalko , 2S.M.Titova, 1Sochi State University of Tourism and Health Resourt Affairs, 2Sochi Institute of the Russian University of People’s Friendship, Russia

С.1.02. Phytoactive polymers – the biomaterials for plant growing
Dobrinin A.A., Shashkova I.M., Yakovkin G.A., et al. Center “Biomaterials”, D.Mendeleyev Universityof chemical Technology of Russia, Russia

С.1.03. The micronuclear test in farm animal species
Glazko T.T., Osipjan B.A., Stolpovsky Yu. A et al. Russian State Agrarian University – MTAA, Russia

С.1.04 C Ecological analysis of air and natural waters of specially protected area (PA) "Bitsevsky forest" of Moscow
A.L. Mikhlina, L.A. Gerasina, V.V. Skibenko, et al., 2D.I. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Russia

С.1.05. Ecologically "pure" and "dirty" zones of Moscow. Seasonal changes of the antioxidant content in plants of these zones
Misin V.M., Sazhina N.N., Burlakova E.B., Emanuel Institute of biochemical physics, RAS, Russia

С.1.06 C View on the ecological problems of megalopolis through the prism of joint effects of UVR and nitric oxide on a cell
Vasilieva S.V., Streltsova D.A., N.M. Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics, RAS, Russia

С.1.07 C Chemical monitoring of soil of school territory
T.I. Ten1, А.А. Krasnoshtanova2, 1Lyceum № 1560 of Moscow, 2D.I. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Russia

С.1.08 C Исследование влияния реагентов на состояние изделий из кожи и меха
Арутюнян В.Э., Дробязко А.С., Кузнецова М.В. и др. ГОУ лицей № 1560 г. Москвы

С.1.09 Soil-archaeological researches of territory of a fortress Nienschanz on a complex siting Okhta-centre (St.-Petersburg): memory of a landscape
Rusakov A.V.1, Nikonov A.A.2, Pinachina D.V.1 1Sankt-Petersburg State University, St.-Petersburg, 2Instutute Physics of the Earth, the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia


С.2.01C Resistance of cyanobacteria and microalgae to gamma-irradiation
A.V. Bakeeva1, I.N. Suslova2, A.V. Suslov2, et al., 1 St. Petersburg State University, department of microbiology, 2 B.P. Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia

С.2.02 Complex pellets of White-rot fungi for biotechnological applications
S. Elgueta1, O. Rubilar 2, Bustamante M., MC. Diez2 , 1 International Doctorate in "Enviromental Resource Science" Universidad de La Frontera, Chile- Universidad de Napoles Federico II, Italia;
2 Centro de Biotecnología Ambiental, Scientifical and Technological Bioresource Nucleus, Universidad de La Frontera, Chile

С.2.03C Spatial distribution of microorganisms in the biofilter for organic substances and ammonium nitrogen removal
Kirilina T.V., Seitvapova L. I., Sirotkin A.S., Shaginurova G.I., Kazan state technological university, Russia

С.2.04 A Resource-saving method to improve output performance of biological polluted water treatment by using controllable oxidative stress
Kuznetsov A.Ye.1, Fu Yigang2, Vakar L.L.1, et al., 1D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia; 2State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resources Reuse, EEF, University TongJi, Shanghai, China

С.2.05C The use of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) of extra high frequency (EHF) in microbial refinement of drinking water and wastewater disinfection treatment
Kryazhev D.V., Plokhov R.A., Tkachenko Y.A., et al., JCS CEM-Technolgy, Russia

С.2.06C Biodesulfurization crude oil by the bacterial association
Perushkina E.V., Sadikova Z.O., Khasanova L.M., et al., Kazan state technological university, Russia

С.2.07C Biochemical and fractal properties of distillates of fruit and berrylike cultures and outlooks of their usage
Stromskaya I.Y., Shalimova О.A., Emelyanov A.A., The Oryol state agrarian university, Russia

С.2.08C Characteristics of the phenol-oxidizing microflora of reservoirs in the Saratov region
A.S. Tregub1, J.A. Paydulova2, 1Chernyshevsky Saratov State University, 2Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Plants and Microorganisms, RAS, Russia

С. 2.09. Наноструктурированный водный экстрагент для технологии гидроколлоидов
Голубев В.Н., Авдонин П.В., Жидков А.И., Universitat de Girona, Spain: ООО «Пищевые технологии», Российский государственный университет туризма и сервиса

С.2.10CЭкологическая оценка использования дисконтинуального способа очистки сточных вод отдельно расположенного объекта
Терещенко А.В., Невзорова А.Б. Белорусский Государственный университет транспорта, г Гомель

The air environment of Big Cities

С.3.01C Deodouration of air emissions from tobacco factories
M.E. Romanov, N.A. Zagustina Bach Institute of Biochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia


С.4.01 Biopreperations for environmental protection
Aitkeldieva S.A., Kurmanbayev A.A., Faizulina E.R., et al., Institute of Microbiology and Virology KS MES, RK

С.4.02 Антигрибковые пролонгированные ферментативные препараты
Белов А.А., Марквичев Н.С., Россинец Е.А., РХТУ им. Д.И.Менделеева, Москва, Россия

С.4.03C Microbial diversity of oil-slime with long storage retention cycle
Gora V.V., Samkova S.M., Besedina E.N., Karasev S.G., State Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Education Kuban State University, Russia

С.4.04C Technology on renewal of soils, polluted PCBs
Demin D, Sevostanov S., Deeva N. , et al., Institute of Basic Biological Problems RAS, Russia

С.4.05C The estimate of effectivity of techniques for the bioremediation of oil-contaminated soil by the change in dehydrogenase activity
Nezhinskaya E.G.1, Pleshakova E.V.1,2, 1Chernyshevsky Saratov State University, 2Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Plants and Microorganisms, RAS, Russia

С.4.06C The comparative analysis of the petropolluted soils in the presence of the destroyer and without it
Vodyanova M. A.1, Khabarova E. I.2, 1 Moscow State mountain university, 2 Moscow state academy of thin chemical technology of M.V.Lomonosov, Russia

С.4.07C Colonization of cultivated plants associative microorganisms
Chepurnova M.1, Karnova L. 1, Lebedeva A. 1, et al., 1 Tula State University, 2 Branch of Shemyakin & Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry RAS, Russia

С.4.08 The Use of Ecotol for Improving the Ecological Characteristics of Urban Soils
Kartashova, E.R., Oleskin, A.V., and Yurina, T.P., Biology Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia

С.4.09C The influence of the endophytic culture Bacillus subtilis on the steadiness of Festuca rubra to the cadmium effect
Kuramshina Z.M.1, Smirnova Y. V.1, Khairullin R.M.2,1Sterlitamak State Pedagogical Academy, Sterlitamak, 2Bashkortostan Agricultural University , Russia

С. 4.10 Creation of new biopreparations of biological control and plant stimulation
Sadykova V.S.1, Gromovykh T.I.2, Tretyakova I.N.3,1Moscow state univesrity nm. M.V. Lomonosov, 2Moscow state university of applyed biotechnology, 3Forestry Institute mn. N.S. Sukachev of Siberian Branch Russian, Russia

Section No 5
environmental-Engineering problem of Big Cities

С.5.01C Stevia like a perspective sugar substitute
Harchenko V.U., Mogilniy M.P. Pyatigorsk state technological university, Pyatigorsk, Russia

С.5.02C Biotechnological aspects of getting albuminous drugs from animal origin wastes
Kis I.V., Barantseva O.V. Moscow State Academy of veterinarian medical science and biotechnology
n.a. K.I. Skryabin, Moscow, Russia

С.5.03C The reaction of different resistance to Fusarium oxsysporum varieties of peas to inducers of apoptosis
Kozyavina K.N. Pavlovskaya N.E., Orel State Agrarian University, Orel, Russia

С.5.04 Комплексная технология очистки фильтрата полигонов захоронения твердых бытовых отходов
Николайкина Н.Е., Гонопольский А.М., Миташова Н.И. МГУИЭ, г. Москва, Россия

С.5.05C The influence of interactive factors on the biosurfactant production ability of oil-oxidizing actynobacteria
Nimchenko D.V. The Kuban state university, Krasnodar, Russia

С.5.65 Направленный биокатализ как способ переработки пищевых и сельскохозяйственных отходов
Румянцева Г.Н., МГУПБ, Москва, Россия

С.5.07C Microbial, plant and animal proteases influence on poultry secondary raw studying
Simonova M.S., Rumyantseva G. N., Moscow State University of applied biotechnology, Russia

С.5.08C Ecological problems of vaccines manufacture and application against Marek’s disease
M. Matko-Krylov1, E. Jarygina2, A. Nezhuta1, S. Kryukov, B. Solovev, 1 FSI «All Russia Research and Technology Institute of Biological Industry» (FGU VNITIBP) of RAAS, 2Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology KI Scriabin, Russia

С.5.09 Using of coffee pulp for cultivation of fungal cultures
Bashashkina E.V., Suyasov N.A., Shakir I.V., Panphilov V.I. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia

С.5.10 Bioconversion of hard-hydrolysable vegetative waste with fungi
Baurin D.V., Nikolyukina E.V., Shakir I.V., Panfilov V.I., D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia

С.5.11 Immobilization of probiotic bacteria – promising way of their use in biotechnology
Ganina V.I., Anan'eva N.V., Kim I.V., Zakharchenko A.V. Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology, Moscow, Russia

С.5.12 Waste of food manufactures as a source of reception of a micellium Laetiporus sulphureus
Ivanova I.E., The Moscow state university of applied biotechnology, Russia

С.5.13 The Method of Prediction of Formulation for Solid Domestic Wastes of Moscow City
Ischenko O.V., Yakshilov D.S., Martinov N.V., Garabadjiu A.V., Kozlov G.V.
Saint-Petersburg state institute of technology (technical university), St-Petersburg, Moscow, Russia

С.5.14 Investigation of Morphological Composition of Solid Domestic Wastes of Saint-Petersburg in 2008
Yakshilov D.S., Ischenko O.V., Martinov N.V., Garabadjiu A.V., Kozlov G.V.
Saint-Petersburg state institute of technology (technical university), St-Petersburg, Russia

С.5.15 Express Method of Volume Determination for Solid Wastes in Partly Filled Bin
Yakshilov D.S., Ischenko O.V., Martinov N.V.,., Kozlov G.V., Garabadjiu A.V.
Saint-Petersburg state institute of technology (technical university), St-Petersburg, Russia

С.5.16 Wasteless conversion of grassy biomass in biologically active substance on a basis of membrane processes
Kudrjashov V.L., All-Russian Research Institute of Food Biotechnology of RAAS, Moscow, Russia

С.5.17 Biotechnological processing of distiller’s spent grains into β-carotene enriched fodder yeastRimareva L.V., Lozanskaya T.I., Hudiakova N.M. State research institution of food biotechnology of RAAS, Moscow, Russia

С.5.18 Research of influence of freezing and defrosting on activity change glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT) in the beef and pork muscles
Ovchinnikov S.M., Gabaraev A.N. Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology, Moscow, Russia

С.5.19 Technologies of biopreparations on the basis of proteins of a protective complex of milk
Ovchinnikova O.E., Ilina A.M., Komolova G.S. Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology, Moscow, Russia

С.5.20 The combined filters with a rotating filtering element
E.V. Romanyuk, N.V. Piglovsky, Y.V. Krasovitskij, D.B. Troshchenko, Voronezh state technological academy, Voronezh, Russia

С.5.21 Use of the combined filtering structures for dust catching
N.V. Piglovsky, E.V. Romanyuk, Y.V. Krasovitsky, I. A. Chugunova, M. N. Fedorova. Voronezh state technological academy, Voronezh, Russia

С.5.22 Investigation and development of the complex intensive technology of joint processing of grain and secondary raw materials of agro- and bioindustry for production of target products and enriched fodder on basis of integrated physical and biochemical processes
Stepanov V.I., Ivanov V.V., Sharikov A.U., Ameliakina M.V. State Science Establishment All-Russian Research Institute of Food Biotechnology of RAAS, Moscow, Russia

С.5.23 Экономический подход к оценке эффективности биоинженерных решений по защите окружающей среды
Винаров А.Ю, Соколов Д.П., Смирнов В.Н., Дирина Е.Н., Ковальский Ю.В. ГосНИИсинтезбелок, Москва, Россия

С.5.24C Rational use of secondary raw materials by manufacture of foodstuff
Balasanyan A.J., Mogilny M. P. Pyatigorsk trade and economic technical school, Pyatigorsk, Russia

С.5.25C Effect of inducers of apoptosis in DNA fragmentation and antioxidant system of pea
Gagarina A.Y. Pavlovskaya N.E. Orel State Agrarian University, Orel, Russia

С.5.26C Research of process of reception soya isoflavones from wastes of production of soya protein isolate
Khabiboulina N.V., Kostina O. J., Zakieva K.S., Krasnoshtanova A.A. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia

С.5.27C Use of waste of the meat industry for reception of treatment-and-prophylactic preparations
Khamzina E.U, Ganiev I.M, Kirillova J.M., Badrutdinov N.V. Federal Centre of Toxicological and Radiation safety of animals

С.5.28C Effect of amylase activators on processing of starch-containing waste
Komissarova V.V., Rumyanceva G.N. Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology, Moscow, Russia

С.5.29 Biotechnology of mannose-containing hydrolysates based on the agricultural waste
Korneeva O.S., Cheremushkina I.V., Cherenkov D.A. et al., Voronezh State Technological Academy, Voronezh, Russia

С.5.30C The use of polysaccharides in bioosmos technology for whey proteins secretion
Kornienko O.N., Ptichkina N.M. Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov, Saratov, Russia

С.5.31C Regulation of hydrolase’s catalytic activity by alkylhydroxybenzenes: thermodynamics of С7-AHB and hen egg white lysozyme interaction
Martirosova E.I., Plashchina I.G. Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics RAS, Moscow, Russia

С.5.32C Efficiency of integrated processing of vegetative raw materials
Nurtdinov R. M.1, Shavaliev M.F.1, Yemelyanov V.M.1 et al. , 1 Kazan state technological university, Kazan, 2Open Societies Tatneftehiminvest-holding, Kazan, Russia

С.5.33C Complex processing of dairy whey for the purpose of obtaining of biologically active substances for the food and medical appointment
Rytchenkova O.V., Krasnoshtanova A.A. Mendeleyev’s Russian Chemico-Technological Univercity, Moscow

С.5.34C Hardware equipment of research works for perfection of integrated processing of agricultural raw and waste materials
Shavaliev M.F., Vinogradov D.S., Nurtdinov R.M. et al., State Technological University Kazan, Kazan, Russia

С.5.35C Installation for biodiesel from used tires, used plastic containers, waste soft roof with its own power supply
Ulyanov A.N., Shapovalov Yu.N., Andreev V.A. et al. Voronezh State Technological Аcademy, Voronezh, Russia

С.5.36C Edible covering on the basis of animal origin proteins for protection of meat products
Е.V.Kazakova, L.S. Kuznetsova Moscow state university of applied biotechnology, Moscow, Russia

С.5.37C Analysis of antioxidant capacity of fermented meat systems
Semenysheva A.I., Khorolskiy V.V., Mashentseva N.G. Moscow State University of applied biotechnology, Moscow, Russia

С.5.38С Разработка технологии насыщения компостов твердых бытовых отходов арбускулярными микоризными грибами с целью применения в качестве грунта при городском озеленении
Юрков А.П., Якоби Л.М., Кожемяков А.П. ГНУ ВНИИ сельскохозяйственной микробиологии Россельхозакадемии

SEction No 6

С.6.01C Microbial biofuel cell using alcohol fermentation waste as a fuel
Alferov S.V.1, Voevodskaya O.A.1, Reshetilov A.N.2,1 Tula state university, 2 G. K. Skryabin Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Microorganisms RAS, Russia

С.6.02C Development procedures for investigation of the enzymatic complexes absorption on lignocellulosic substrates
Andrianov R.M.2, Chekushina А.V.1, Zorov I.N.1,2, et al., 1 Departmentof Chemistry, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2 A.N.Bach Institute of Biochemistry RAS, Russia

С.6.03 Biohydrogen production and purification in integrated system
K. Bélafi-Bakó1, P. Bakonyi1, N. Nemestóthy1, Z. Pientka2,1 Research Institute of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Pannonia, Hungary; Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

С.6.04 Polyenzymic hydrolysis of sugar laminaria (Laminaria Saccharina) biomass
Garabadzhiu A.V., Galynkin V.A., Kozlov G.V. et al., Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Technical University)