Title:Drive Society Low Riders

Duration: 03:45minutes


Episode of online series following Sam Torres and the Low Riding community in the USA

Drive Society Lowriders Transcript


Sam and Sam Torres in Sam Torres’ Low Rider


Series Presenter


It is very nice in here I love the way that you’ve incorporated all the flake into the dash.

[Sam Torres]

Low Rider and episode Hero

Sam Torres

Yeah with the seats.


With the seat, everything’s custom – what do these do? Woah!

Scene transition

[Background music plays]

West Coast Hip Hop


Beauty shots of Low Riders, cars hopping, shots of Sam’s YouTube videos and channel, shots of other Drive Society videos.

[Text Displays]

Closed circuit. Professional driver. Do not attempt to recreate or perform the same or similar stunts.


Hello one and all! I’m Sam from the YouTube channel SeenThroughGlass I’ve teamed up with Shell VPower Nitro + to meet six different communities who live and breathe all things motoring. Today I’m hopping over to Torres Empire to meet Sam Torres, a lowriding icon who hosts over 1400 lowriders at his annual LA convention centre show.

Scene transition


Sam Torres in front of Torres Empire

Sam Torres

What’s up everybody this is Sam Torres from Torres Empire – come get you some.

[Text Displays]

Closed circuit. Professional driver. Do not attempt to recreate or perform the same or similar stunts.


Beauty shots of Low Riders

[Text Displays]

Drive Society

In association with Shell V Power Nitro+

Low Riders


Drive Society Logo, Shell Logo

Scene transition – Sam Torres interview


Sam Torres and Sam in Torres Empire, shots of Torres Empire event and of low rider cars, shots of LA

[Text Displays]


In association with Shell V-Power Nitro+


Lower Third with Drive society logo and Shell logo


Sam what a great way to meet you outside, you’re going to have to help me with some of the lowriding lingo, those cars were hopping?

[Text Displays]

Closed circuit. Professional driver. Do not attempt to recreate or perform the same or similar stunts.

Sam Torres

Yeah they were hopping. They’re called hoppers and they hop inches to win prizes, money, you know.


How did you get into lowriding?

Sam Torres

My brother used to have lowriders when I was a kid, my cousins my family my uncles, friends they had low riders ever since I was a little boy. I said “man I got a bike at home, I can start working on it as a lowrider bike” and that’s where I started. I want to say it’s almost in the blood.


Is it a welcoming community? If I turned up…

Sam Torres

You know what there’s no borders, there’s no borders in the lowrider community. If you sit down and you start talking about this car it’s almost like a dream in your mind it’s a piece of art that you have in your mind that you’re creating, murals, graphics, interior work we kind of go through all that and create all that first.


Shots of Torres Empire event at LA Convention Centre and of low rider cars, shots of LA


Sam and Sam Torres talking in Torres Empire garage, Sam Torres posing with friends/fans at Torres Empire event


Torres Empire what exactly is it?

Sam Torres

It’s a car club, it’s a family it’s a shop, it’s a show. It’s a long story I hate to go into a long story with you guys –


No no no!


Cars hopping

[Text Displays]

Closed circuit. Professional driver. Do not attempt to recreate or perform the same or similar stunts.

Sam Torres

But as a little boy I remember always telling everybody that I was going to do the biggest lowrider show in the world and I couldn’t wait to get older. We have over 1200 cars, maybe about a good 500 cars on the waiting list. We have the biggest hop in…ever! In the industry there’s never been any hops bigger than the hops we have at our show.


Sam and Sam Torres talking in Torres Empire garage, shots of Torres Empire event, children at event, beauty shots of Low Rider cars


Where did it actually start? Because my outsider view originally was as you said maybe a more aggressive LA street scene.

Sam Torres

I got to say that California is probably the capital of lowriding. We want other people to come and be part of our community, we want it to grow, it ain’t good if it don’t grow, that’s why I try to involve the kids as much as I can. The lowriding industry you may see some cars almost with the same panes same colour scheme, but they’re not they’re like fingerprints you know when you put two fingerprints down they look very much alike but when you start following them they have different lines different pattern work and that’s the way it is with the lowrider too.You really don’t get all the money you put into your car back. You can go to a show you can get trophies you can get plaques you might win a couple hundred dollars here and there. But all the thousands you put into there, you’re not going to get it back so it has to be something you want to do out of your heart.

Scene transition – Sam Torres and Sam outside Sam Torres’ house


Sam Torres and Sam driving in Sam Torres’ Low Rider, Sam and Sam Torres talking outside Sam Torres’ house, beauty shots of Low Rider cars.


Oh my God! I am so jealous! How do I move into your house and live your life?I now want to desperately be a lowrider. It’s amazing. Well I feel like today I’ve learnt so much that I’m now like an honorary lowrider maybe? Just?So I think I should probably take one of these back to London with me.

Sam Torres

This is the part where I tell you it was a pleasure to meet you and it’s time for you to go!


Really? I thought I was doing so well!

Sam Torres

You did so good today but I guess it’s time to go my friend.


It’s been a pleasure to meet you, thank you so much I really appreciate it.

Sam Torres

Thank you.


Cheers Sam.

Scene transition – Endboard


Shot of Low Rider car hopping

[Text Displays]

Drive Society

In association with Shell V Power Nitro+

Low Riders

Closed circuit. Professional driver. Do not attempt to recreate or perform the same or similar stunts.


Drive Society Logo, Shell Logo