Pooja S. Tandon, MD, MPH
2010M.P.H. University of Washington, Seattle, WA
1999M.D. Brown University School of Medicine, Providence, RI
1995A.B. (Biology) Brown University, Providence, RI
1995Semester Abroad London School of Economics, London, UK
Post-graduate Training:
2013Physical Activity and Public Health Course (Salt Lake City, UT)
2008- 2011Fellow, NRSA Primary Care Research Fellowship
University of Washington and Seattle Children’s Research Institute
1999-2002Internship & Residency, Boston Combined Program in Pediatrics
(Boston Children’s Hospital and Boston Medical Center)
Faculty Positions Held:
2/2016-currentAdjunct Assistant Professor, School of Public Health
University of WA, Seattle, WA
7/2011-currentAssistant Professor, Pediatrics (“Acting” until 11/2013)
University of WA, Seattle, WA
7/2008 – 6/2011Senior Fellow/Acting Instructor, Pediatrics
University of WA, Seattle, WA
1/2005-10/2006Instructor, Clinical, Pediatrics
Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern, Chicago, IL
8/2002-8/2004Instructor, Pediatrics
Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA
Hospital Positions Held:
7/2008 – presentSeattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, WA
1/2005-10/2006Children’s Memorial Hospital & Northwestern Memorial Hospital,
Chicago, IL
8/2002-8/2004Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA
3/2007-6/2008Pediatrician, Pediatric Associates, Bellevue, WA
3/2007-6/2007Health Consultant, Kids Country Childcare Centers, WA
11/2006-7/2007EHR Consultant, Alliance of Chicago Community Health Centers, Chicago, IL
9/2004-10/2006Pediatrician, Erie Family Health Center, Chicago, IL
8/2002-8/2004Pediatrician, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA
2016Invited to join the Society for Pediatric Research
2011Seattle Children’s Fellow’s Day Research Award (oral presentation)
2011Academic Pediatric Association Young Investigator Award
2009 & 2010Hearst Foundation Award for research in vulnerable populations
2009 & 2010Corkery Fellowship travel award
2009NIH Pediatric Loan Repayment Program
2004-2006Illinois National Health Service Corps State Loan Repayment Program
2001Fleet Community Fellows Award for outstanding community service
1999Patricia McCormick Award for Top Graduating Female Medical Student
1999Ciba-Geneva Community ServiceAward
1998Fogarty Fellowship for research at the Y.R.G. Center for AIDS Research
and Education, India
1996AMSA/National Health Service Corps - Health Promotion / Disease
Prevention Fellowship - completed at the Newark Community Health Center, NJ
Board Certification:
2012-2014Pediatric Maintenance of Certification examination & requirements completed
October 2002Pediatric Certifying Board Examination passed
Current License to Practice:
Jan 2007Washington Medical License
Professional Organizations:
2016—presentSociety for Pediatric Research
2013 -- present International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
2011 – presentAmerican Heart Association
2008 – presentAcademic Pediatric Association
1999 – presentAmerican Academy of Pediatrics
Teaching Responsibilities:
2008- currentSeattle Children’s Hospital University of Washington
Precept medical students and pediatric residents in outpatient and inpatient settings
2004-2006Erie Family Health Center
Precepted medical students & residents in continuity clinic
2002-2004Boston Medical Center
Precepted students and residents in outpatient and inpatient settings
Co-director, Continuity Clinic Program for Residents
Served on Intern Selection CommitteeResidency Training Committee
Served on residency’s Primary Care Track Review Committee
Small group instructor for Introduction to Clinical Medicine
Editorial Responsibilities: None
Special International Responsibilities:
2014-currentCo-Chair of Special Interest Group on Early Childhood & Education for the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
Special National Responsibilities:
2013-2016Co-chair (2014-2016) of the Early Childhood Education Working Group for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Healthy Eating Research Group
2016-2017Review committee for the APA Young Investigator’s Award
Special Local Responsibilities:
2008-currentWA Childhood Obesity Prevention Coalition
2013-2014WA State Child Care Survey Advisory Team
2015-currentBoard Member, Islandwood, Bainbridge Island, WA
2015-2016Search Committee, UW Faculty on Nature & Health
2016-currentBest Starts for Kids – Science & Research Panel, WA
Sprout (Study of preschoolers outdoors)8/1/2013-4/30/2018
Role: PIFunding: NHLBI, 1 K23 HL112950-01A1
The overall aim is to characterize outdoor physical activity for preschoolers at child care and to understand environmental and social determinants of outdoor physical activity in order to inform intervention development.
PLAY (Preschoolers Learning & Active everyday)10/1/2016-9/30/2017
Role: PIFunding: CHBD Stimulus Funds
The overall aim is to pilot test the feasibility and acceptability of an intervention to increase preschoolers physical activity using monitoring devices.
Active Play & Cognition study2/15/2015-9/30/2016
Role: PIFunding: CHBD Stimulus Funds
This is a pilot study to examine the acute effects of active play on preschoolers’ cognition.
SHAKE (Supporting healthy and active kids’ environments)7/2013-6/2015
Role: PIFunding: Safeway Foundation
The aims are the local implementation, economic evaluation and development of a sustainable model for an evidence-based child care based obesity prevention intervention (NAP SACC)
PACT (Preschoolers Active at Child Care)7/2012-6/2014
Role: PIFunding: American Heart Association (Beginning Grant-in-aid)
The aim is to study and compare 2 different approaches (physical activity curriculum vs increased outdoor play time) to increasing children’s physical activity in child care settings
NIH Pediatric Loan Repayment Program7/2012-6/2014
Measuring preschooler’s outdoor time at child care – pilot study7/2011-6/2013
Role: PIFunding: Seattle Children’s Research Institute CHBD Mentored Scholars Program
SPrOut (Study of Preschoolers Outdoors) – pilot study3/2011-2/2012
Role: PIFunding: Academic Pediatric Association Young Investigator’s Award
Studies of Screen Time & Outdoor Play in Preschoolers7/2009-6/2011
Role: PIFunding: Hearst Foundation Fellow’s Award
SES and home environments, physical activity and obesity7/2010-6/2011
Role: PI/first author for this study which uses data from the Neighborhood Impact on Kids Study (PI: Saelens, NIH Grant ES014240)
Funding: Hearst Foundation Fellow’s Award for research in vulnerable populations
Nutrition Menu Labeling Study10/2008-6/2009
Role: PI
Funding: Center for Child Health, Behavior and Development, Seattle Children’s Research Institute
Eating Out Study9/2008-8/2010
Role: PI
Funding: University of Washington, Division of General Pediatrics
NIH Pediatric Loan Repayment Program7/2009-6/2011
NIH NRSA UW Primary Care Research Fellowship 7/2008-6/2010
# T32 HP 100002 16
1. Newmann S, Sarin P,Kumarasamy N, Amalraj E, Rogers M, Madhivanan P, Flanigan T, Cu-Uvin S, McGarvey S, Mayer S, Solomon S. Marriage, Monogamy and HIV: A Profile of HIV Infected
Women in South India. International Journal of STD and AIDS;2000:11:4:250-3. PMID:10772089.
2. Tandon P, Wright J, Zhou C, Rogers CB, Christakis DA. Nutrition menu labeling may lead to
lower calorie restaurant meal choices for children. Pediatrics 2010;125:244-248. PMID:20100765.
3. Tandon P, Zhou C, Lozano P, Christakis DA. Preschoolers' total daily screen time at home and by type of child care. Journal of Pediatrics. October 2010 (10.1016/j.jpeds.2010.08.005). PMID: 20980020.
4. Tandon P, Zhou C, Chan NL, Lozano P, Couch SC, Glanz K, Krieger J, Saelens BE. The Impact of Menu Labeling on Fast Food Purchases for Children and Parents. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. October 2011.PMID:21961472. PMCID:PMC3185295.
5. Tandon P, Garrison M, Christakis DA. Physical activity and beverage consumption in home- and center-based child care settings. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior44(4): 355-359. 2012. PMID: 22564855.
6. Tandon P, Zhou C, Christakis DA. The frequency of outdoor play for preschool age children cared for at home-based child care settings. Acad Pediatr. 2012 Nov-Dec;12(6):475-80. doi: 10.1016/j.acap.2012.06.010. Epub 2012 Sep 12. PMID: 22980727
7. Tandon P, Zhou C, Christakis DA. Frequency of parent-supervised outdoor play of us preschool-aged children. Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine (now JAMA Pediatrics). 2012:1-6.
8. Tandon P, Zhou C, Sallis JF, Cain KL, Frank LD, Saelens, BE. Home environment relationships with children's physical activity, sedentary time, and screen time by socioeconomic status. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2012 Jul 26;9:88. doi: 10.1186/1479-5868-9-88. PMID:22835155 PMCID: PMC3413573
9. Tandon P, Saelens B, Zhou C, Kerr J, Christakis D. Indoor Versus Outdoor Time in Preschoolers at Child Care. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2013;44(1):85-88. PMID:23253655
10.Tandon P, Grow HM, Couch S, Glanz K, Sallis JF, Frank LD, Saelens BS. Physical and social home environment in relation to children’s overall and home-based physical activity. Preventive Medicine. 2014.
11.Henne HM*, Tandon P, Frank LD, Saelens BE. Parental factors in children's active transport to school. Public Health. 2014.
12. Tandon P, Saelens B, Christakis DA. Active Play Opportunities at Child Care. Pediatrics 2015.
13. Tandon P, Fengler S*, Moran L*, Lengua L. BMI mediates the effects of low income on preschool children’s executive control, with implications for behavior and academics. Childhood Obesity2015.
14. Jayasuriya A*, Williams M, Edwards T, Tandon P. Parents' perceptions of preschool activities: exploring outdoor play. Early Education and Development.2016.
15. Tandon P. et al. The relationship between physical activity and diet and young children’s cognitive development: a systematic review. Preventive Medicine Reports. 2016.
16. Tandon PS, Walters KM*, Igoe BM, Payne EC, Johnson DB. Physical Activity Practices, Policies and Environments in Washington State Child Care Settings: Results of a StatewideSurvey. Maternal Child Health Journal. 2016.
17. Tandon P, Saelens B, Copeland K. A comparison of parent and childcare provider’s
attitudes and perceptions about preschoolers’physical activity and outdoor time. Child: care, health, and development. Accepted October 2016.
Peer-reviewed Abstracts (in past 5 years)
1.Tandon P, Zhou C, Sallis JF, Cain KL, Frank LD, Saelens, BE Socioeconomic Status Differences in the Home Environment for Physical Activity & Sedentary Behaviors. Poster at the Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Boston, MA. May 2012.
2. Tandon P, Saelens B, Zhou C, Christakis DA. GPS and Light Sensors to Differentiate Indoor Vs. Outdoor Physical Activity in Preschoolers at Child Care. Oral Presentation at the Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Washington DC and at the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Belgium, May 2013.
3. Tandon P, Saelens B, Christakis DA. Characterization of Preschoolers' Active Play Opportunities at Child Care. Oral Presentation at the Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Vancouver, BC, May 2014 and poster at the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 2014.
4. Tandon P, Thompson S, Moran L, Lengua L. BMI Mediates the Effects of Low Income on Preschool Children's Executive Control and Behavioral Adjustment. Oral Presentation at the Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Vancouver, BC, May 2014 and poster at the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 2014.
5. Tandon PS, Saelens B, Christakis D. Two approaches to increase physical activity for preschool age children in child care centers as part of a symposium onInterdisciplinary Approaches to Reduce the Incidence of Early Childhood Obesity. Society for the Research on Child Development Biennial Meeting 2015, Philadelphia, PA.
6. Tandon P. WA State Survey of Physical Activity Practices and Policies in Centers and Family Home Child Cares. Oral Presentation at the Pediatrics Academic Societies Meeting, San Diego, April 2015.
7. Tandon P. and Copeland K. Parent’s Attitudes and Perceptions About Preschoolers’ Physical Activity & Outdoor Time. Poster at Pediatric Academic Societies and International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 2015.
8. Tandon P. et al. The relationship between physical activity and diet and young children’s cognitive development: a systematic review. Oral presentation at the RWJF Healthy Eating Research Conference and poster at International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2016.
9. Tandon P. et al. Short term impact of physical activity on preschoolers’ cognitive function. Oral presentation at the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity and poster at Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting 2016.
10. Frenkel H*., Tandon PS, et al. Illnesses and Injuries at Nature Preschools. Poster at Child and Nature Network Conference. Vancouver, April 2017.
Invited lectures:
- No Child Left Inside: Outdoor Play and Children’s Health. Invited speaker at the 2nd Annual Children’s Environmental Health Research Matters Conference. Seattle, WA. February 2013.
- No Child Left Inside: Outdoor Play & Children’s Health. Invited speaker at the Ingredients for a Family Friendly Downtown meeting of the American Institute of Architects, Seattle, WA. April 2013.
- A research agenda to study and promote preschoolers’ physical activity, health & well-being. Invited speaker at Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY. December 2013.
- Exercise and outdoor activity as a developmental influence. Invited speaker at the Seattle Children’s Hospital Child Psychiatry Residents Didactics Series. Seattle, WA. January 2014.
- The Need for Our Daily Dose of Vitamin N: The Nature/Health Connection. Invited speaker at Town Hall Seattle. November 2014.
- Early Learning & Physical Activity. Invited speaker at WA State Early Learning Stakeholders Meeting, Federal Way, WA. September 2015.
- The Health Benefits of Physical Activity & Outdoor Time for Children. Invited Speaker at the Trust for Public Lands, Seattle, WA. September 2015.
- Invited Speaker at UW School of Public Health’s first PRISM event, Seattle, WA. October 2015.
- Keynote Speaker at Islandwood’s Waking the World Breakfast, Seattle, WA. November 2015.
- Keynote Speaker at Tiny Trees Preschool Launch Luncheon, Seattle, WA. November 2015.
- Invited speaker to the Building a Healthier Future Summit by the Partnership for a Healthier America. Washington D.C. May 2016.
- Grand Rounds. Physical activity & outdoor play: benefits for health and learning. Seattle Children’s Hospital. June 2016.
- Invited Speaker at the King County Land Conservation Advisory Group meeting. Seattle, WA. September 2016.
- Keynote Speaker at the YMCA Strengthening Communities Breakfast. Bellevue, WA. September 2016.
- Invited Speaker at the Trust for Public Land Annual Conference. Seattle, WA. April 2017.
- Keynote Speaker for the Trust for Public Land Women’s Breakfast. Seattle, WA. May 2017.
Updated 2/7/2017