Sir Nigel RODLEY (United Kingdom)
Born: 1 December 1941; Leeds, United Kingdom
Working languages: English, French, Spanish
Address and email: Human Rights Centre, School of Law, University of Essex, Colchester CO4 3SQ, UK;
Current positions:
Since 2015: Emeritus Professor of Law
Since 2003: Chair, Human Rights Centre, University of Essex
Since 2001: Member, UN Human Rights Committee (HRC) (Chair 2013-2014)
Since 2015:HRCCo-Special Rapporteur on New Communications & Interim Measures; Co-Rapporteur on draft General Comment 36; focal point for 50th Anniversary of the International Human Rights Covenants
Main professional activities:
1965-1968: Assistant Professor of Law, Dalhousie University, Halifax NS, Canada
1968-1969: Assoc. Economics Affairs Officer, Public Finance and Financial Inst’ns Div’n., UN HQ New York
1969-1972: Visiting Lecturer of Pol. Science, Graduate Faculty, New School for Social Research, New York
1970-1972: Research Fellow, New York University Center for International Studies
1973-1990: Founding Head of Legal Office, International Secretariat, Amnesty International, London
1973-1990: Part-time Lecturer in Law, London School of Economics (Research Fellow 1983)
Reader (1990-1994)/Professor of Law (1994-2015), University of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom; Director, LLM in International Human Rights Law (1991-1993) Dean of the School of Law (1992-1995)
1993-2001: UN Commission on Human Rights Special Rapporteur on torture
Educational Background
1960-1963: University of Leeds LLB
1964-1965: Columbia University LLM
1970: New York University LLM
1993: University of Essex PhD
Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned:
Since 2003: Commissioner, International Commission of Jurists (President since 2012; Council Member of JUSTICE, ICJ British Branch since mid-1990s)
Since 2000: Member, Editorial Committee, British Year Book of International Law
Since 2009: Co-Editor-in-Chief, Israel Law Review
Since 2010: Member, UK Foreign Secretary’s Advisory Group on Human Rights
Since 2013: Patron,Freedom from Torture (Trustee 2003-2013); Patron, REDRESS
2015: Independent Expert, UN Intergovernmental Working Group on revision of the UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (Cape Town)
Since 1990: Training programmes in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America, e.g., in 2015, UN International Law Fellowship Programme (The Hague) & UN International Law Seminar for Arab States (Cairo)
List of most recent publications in the field
The Treatment of Prisoners under International Law (3rd edn., with Matt Pollard, OUP 2009)
The Routledge Handbook of International Human Rights Law (with Scott Sheeran, 2013)
‘UN Treaty Bodies and the Human Rights Council’, in Keller & Ulfstein, UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies (CUP 2012)
‘The Role and Impact of Treaty Bodies’ (in Oxford Handbook of International Human Rights Law, 2013)
‘The International Court of Justice and Human Rights Treaty Bodies’, in Andenas & Bjorge, A Farewell to Fragmentation (CUP 2015)