25th January 2017
Dear Parents,
I am pleased to be able to give you information about our forthcoming community concerts which will involve the children from Sharks Class (Year 6) and the children who attend our Choir Club.
As part of their music curriculum work, Sharks are currently working on musical arrangements and elements of music and are preparing a variety of songs for our performances. In addition to this, some children will perform solo instrumental pieces on their respective instruments.
The choir club are at present working on new arrangements of favourite songs and learning some new material in their sessions on a Friday after school.
Both groups of children are enthusiastic about the events and I am delighted to be able to give them the opportunity to join together with my Charmouth & Bridport Pop & Rock Choir, a group of committed adult singers who have been working with me for approx. 4 years.
All three groups will continue with their own lessons/rehearsals up to the beginning of March and then I have arranged for the children to rehearse with the adult choir on Tuesday 14th March from 1.15pm until 3.00pm.
The performances will take place on Monday 20th March and then again on Monday 27thMarch from 1.45pm until 3.00pm. Both concerts will take place in the school hall.
Tickets will cost £3.00 each and will be available from the school office. Further information will be sent shortly.
Proceeds from both performances will go to our school music fund in order to purchase further new music resources and help maintain our present instruments and equipment.
I would like to take this opportunity of inviting you to one (or both) of the performances; if you would like to attend, could you please complete and return the reply form below as soon as possible to the school office.
It would be really helpful to know how many people are interested in buying tickets in the near future.
I am sure you will agree that this will be a worthwhile and enjoyable musical project for the children and that it will also help to establish sound community links within our village and the surrounding local area. I am really looking forward to both performances – the children and adults have a real treat in store!
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me through the school office.
Yours sincerely,
Edward Jacobs,
Music Leader.
Community Concerts Reply Form
I would like _____ tickets for the Charmouth Community Concert on 20/3/17 and/or 27/3/17 (please delete)
Child’s Name: ______Class: ______
Signed: ______Date: ______
I enclose the total amount of: £ ______Cash/Cheque (Please Delete)
If you are paying for tickets by cheque, please make payable to “Charmouth Primary School”