Module 14: Reviewing Patient Reception

The following tasks require you to mark on the schedule the arrival, registration, and admittance for patient appointments; update patient registration information when a patient checks in; and produce a printed charge ticket that enables the provider to mark service(s) performed during a patient appointment.

Please refer to Module 4: Patient Reception as you complete these tasks.

Task 14-1: Checking in Patients Upon Arrival – Registration Updates

Today is April 8, 2008 and Alex Cordova has come in for his appointment with Dr. Appolo. He and his family have finished moving from Duluth, Minnesota. Alex’s insurance information has not changed with his move, but he has a new address, employer, and phone numbers as follows:

·  Address: 715 Ocean View Drive, Calabasas, CA 91303

·  Employer: Ajax Cement Company

·  Work Phone: (818) 999-6666

·  Home Phone: (818) 124-5555

·  Cell Phone: (818) 691-1144

·  Emergency contact: Merideth Cordova (818) 124-5555

Alex arrives at the medical office 15 minutes before his appointment time. During check in, you will need to make these changes to his registration information.

1.  Log on to e-Medsys®.

2.  From the main menu, press CTRL+B from the key board to access the scheduler.

3.  Type in 04/08/2008 and press Tab. Be sure Dr. Appolo is the default physician. Alex Cordova’s appointment should be at the 1:00 p.m. time slot as indicated in the below screenshot.

Reprinted with permission of TriMed Technologies, Corp.

4.  Right click on his name and indicate “Arrived.” A supplemental Patient Information Screen displays. This is a snapshot of the patient’s account and can be used to confirm whether registration updates need to be made. You confirm that this patient does have updates.

5.  Open the Billing tab and open Patient Registration or press CTRL + P from the keyboard. Type “Cord” and Search to find Alex’s registration information.

6.  Update his Patient Registration screen with the address, employer, and phone information provided.

7.  Type today’s date (04/08/2008) into the First Seen field.

8.  Click Accept or press Alt +A from the keyboard. Your work should match the screenshot below.

Reprinted with permission of TriMed Technologies, Corp.

9.  Click on the Guarantor tab. Notice the information has updated from the patient registration screen.

10.  Click Accept (Alt+A) to save the changes.

11.  Click Clear to exit out of Alex’s account, and then click Exit to exit out of the patient registration area. You are back on the Patient Appointment Information screen. Click Exit on this screen to return to the Appointment Scheduling calendar.

12.  Now, right click Alex’s appointment slot and indicate “Registered.” Exit out of the screen to return to the main menu.

Task 14-2: Checking in Patients Upon Arrival – No Registration Updates

Today is April 2, 2008 and Pat Bright arrives for her appointment with Dr. Vincent Venus at 2:00 p.m.

1.  Log on to e-Medsys®.

2.  From the main menu, press CTRL+B from the key board to access the scheduler.

3.  Change the provider to Dr. Vincent Venus and the date to 04/02/2008. Press Tab. Pat Bright’s appointment should display as shown by the below screenshot.

Reprinted with permission of TriMed Technologies, Corp.

4.  Right click on Pat’s appointment and then left click on Arrived. The Patient Appointment Information screen will display as shown below.

Reprinted with permission of TriMed Technologies, Corp.

5.  Click Exit (Alt+E) to return to the scheduler.

6.  Right click on Pat’s appointment again and select Registered. Click Exit (Alt+E) to return to the main menu.

Task 14-3: Printing Patient Charge Tickets

Now that Alex Cordova is checked in, print a charge ticket for his appointment. This allows the provider to mark services performed during a patient appointment.

1.  Log on to e-Medsys®.

2.  At the top of the screen, click on Scheduling.

3.  Press Ctrl + B on the keyboard. The Appointment Scheduling screen will now appear.

4.  Type “CORD” in the Name field and click the Search button. This action brings up Patient Appointment Information for Alex.

5.  Be sure that the 04/08/2008 appointment for Alex is highlighted in the center of the screen, and click the Charge Ticket button.

Reprinted with permission of TriMed Technologies, Corp.

6.  The charge ticket will print to your local printer. Label the charge ticket task 14-3 and turn it in to your instructor.

7.  Click Exit when you are finished, and close the Scheduling area and return to the main menu when you are finished.


Task 14-4: Receiving Patients (With Registration Updates) and Printing a Charge Ticket

This task requires you to check in a patient (indicate Arrived on the schedule), update registration information (indicating Registered on the schedule), and then print a charge ticket without using step-by-step instructions as given in the previous tasks.

1.  Julie Michaels arrives at your medical office on April 10, 2008 for her appointment at 2:30 p.m. with Dr. Venus to have her sore shoulder examined. Update Julie’s registration with the following information provided at the time of her arrival. Indicate her first seen date as April 10, 2008. Print a charge ticket and label it Task 14-4 and turn it in to your instructor.

Personal Information
Employer: / McDonalds
Work Number: / 818-234-6785
Emergency Contact Information
Name: / Mark Michaels
Phone: / (818) 254-8795
Guarantor Information
Name: / Self
Insurance Information
Insurance Plan: / Blue Shield of CA (use the Red Bluff address)
Relationship to Policyholder: / Self
Effective Date: / 1/1/2007
Group Number: / AG8976
Policy Number: / 095678354
Copayment: / $10

Task 14-5: Receiving Patients (Without Registration Updates) and Printing a Charge Ticket

1.  Today is April 15, 2008 and Barbara Greene has arrived for her 9:30 a.m. appointment with Dr. Vincent Venus. Indicate the patient has arrived on the scheduler, print a charge ticket and label it Task 14-5a and turn it in to your instructor.

2.  Today is still April 15, 2008 and John Marks has arrived 15 minutes early for his new patient physical with Dr. Harriet Medusa at 9:30 a.m. Indicate the patient has arrived on the scheduler, print a charge ticket, label it Task 14-5b and turn it in to your instructor.