USD 306 Board MinutesPage | 1
5056 E. K-4 Highway Gypsum, KS 67448
December 21st, 2015
The meeting of the USD 306 Board of Education was held on Monday, December 21st, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the board conference room.
Board Members present: Lori Blake, Steve Bartholomew, Dwight Conley, Justin Knopf; Kenny Costigan, Becky Cooper, and Brandon Hughes.
Board Members Not present: none
Others Present: Greg Mann, Superintendent; Stephanie Hettenbach, Clerk of the Board; Tiffany Snyder, Elementary Principal; Scott Chrisman, Vice-Principal; Roger Stumpf, Secondary Principal(arrive after Principal reports); and attached list.
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by President Steve Bartholomew.
A motion was made by Becky Cooper and seconded by Lori Blake to approve the agenda as amended with request for student trip following the update for 2016-2017 music trip. Carried 7-0
A motion was made by Becky Cooper and seconded by Kenny Costigan to approve the minutes of the regular monthly meeting of December 21st, 2015 as amended. Carried 7-0
A motion was made by Lori Blake and seconded by Brandon Hughes to approve the General Fund Warrants ,Vouchers and Journal Entries for the month of December 2015 for a total of $230,028.59, Elementary Activity Fund, High School Activity Fund and Food Service Fund. Carried 7-0
Update on Spring 2017 Music Trip
Keri Boley and Sean Keasling presented the Board of Education updated information on the Music Department Trip scheduled for Spring 2017. The music department has taken a trip once every 4 years and is planning the next trip to Chicago Spring Break 2017. The plan includes 3 performances along withmuseums and other attractions. Estimated cost per person is $1,000.00. A trip deposit will be requested this year for commitment. Each student does fund raising. Type of transportation has not been finalized .
Request for Student Trip
Rosetta Wiles requested permission for an out of state trip, to Dallas, Texas, for the National High School Cheerleading competition. Rosetta Wiles would like the cheer squad to observe the competition this year and hopefully participate next year. The request is for a bus and fuel. Fees would come from the cheer fund and each member would pay for own food.
A motion was made by Dwight Conley and seconded by Justin Knopf to provide a bus and fuel, if an additional driver can be secured to split driving time.
Discussion followed. MOTION TABLED UNTIL JANUARY 11th ,2016 MEETING.
Representative Steven Johnson
Representative Steven Johnson gave the Board of Education an update on the legislative session in Topeka. Representative Johnson answered question from the Board.
Engineering Report
Chad Lawson, of Lochner, presented the Board of Education with a draft engineering report. They would like the Board to review and give feedback. The upper gym floor will be addressed in the final report. A discussion on bus parking, roof and other items from draft report followed.
Break – 9:00 p.m.
Reconvened – 9:10 p.m.
Mr. Mann lead a discussion on the renewal of BoardDocs software for Board of Education meeting agendas.
A motion was made by Becky Cooper and seconded by Lori Blake to renew BoardDocs software license for the next calendar year at the cost of $2,700.00. Carried 7-0
Board of Education:
Becky Cooper gave a brief overview of the conversations she has had with 3 of the 6 rural water districts that cover residents in USD 306 district.
Principals Reports:
Roger Stumpf reported on the experience with his first Prairie Patch Craft Show. It was a mass of humanity with good community contact. Roger Stumpf led a discussion on activity eligibility based on quarter versus semester grades.
A motion was made by Justin Knopf and seconded by Brandon Hughes that activity eligibility for Senior High students be taken from the Semester grad beginning with the Spring Semester of 2015-2016. Carried 7-0
Tiffany Snyder gave highlights from Grandparents day including the traffic flow problem and how much Grandparents appreciate the day. The music programs have been a great success because of the tremendous work Mrs. Valerie Snyder has done. Tiffany Snyder stated because of the support of the staff at Southeast of Saline, twenty-eight families were helped by the Angel Tree project.
Scott Chrisman updated the Board of Education on discipline reports, building report cards and state testing.
Lori Blake thanked the administrators for their hard work and attendance at student activities.
Executive Session:
Student Matter:
A motion was made by Dwight Conley and seconded by Becky Cooper that the board goes into Executive session #5 for 10minutes for the purpose of discussing matter relating to actions adversely or favorably affecting a person as a student, patient or resident of a public institution, except that any such person shall have the right to a public hearing requested by that person; and that the board return to open meeting at 10:08 p.m. (10 minutes) Carried 7-0 Seven board members and the superintendent, secondary principal, elementary principal and assistant principal entered executive session.
Same motion for an additional 10 minutes to return to open meeting at 10:18 p.m.
Same motion for an additional 5 minutes to return to open meeting at 10:23 p.m.
Same motion for an additional 5 minutes to return to open meeting at 10:28 p.m.
Reconvened at 10:28 p.m.
Superintendents Report:
Mr. Mann led a discussion on the use of mud routes. By a show of hands the majority of the Board of Education would have the mud routes refined for use at a future date. Communication with staff, parents and the communities will be the key to the success of mud routes.
A motion was made by Lori Blake and seconded Becky Cooper to accept the resignation of Michelle Fulton as Business Manager/Treasurer effective November 2015. Carried 7-0
A motion was made by Justin Knopf and seconded Brandon Hughes to approve the hiring of Cory Knight as High School Wrestling assistant coach for 2015-2016 school year. Carried 7-0
A motion was made by Becky Cooper and seconded Justin Knopf to approve the hiring of Emmy Prater as Business Manager/Treasurer. Carried 7-0
A motion was made by Lori Blake and seconded by Kenny Costigan to adjourn. Carried 7-0
Adjourned at 10:54 p.m.
approved ___x____Stephanie Hettenbach
amended ______Clerk of the Board