ASIOACG Terms of Reference (V1.0)
Terms of Reference (V1.1)
The purpose of ASIOACG is:
- to facilitate the optimum provision of Air Traffic Management (ATM) in the Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean region, through the development and implementation of improvements to ATM operational procedures; and
- to harmonise the procedures and implementationof technology available to ANSPs within the Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean region.
ASIOACG provides an informal forum for representatives of stakeholders to consider various air traffic management strategies and to develop potential solutions to ATM problems in the Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean Flight Information Regions.
ASIOACG will focus on the alignment of Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean air traffic management plans and procedures, from an operational perspective and the development of priorities and schedules for near and medium term changes.
To this end, representatives of the airlinesusers, industry stakeholders, regulatory authorities and international organizations will be invited to attend ASIOACG meetings.
In addition, ASIOACG will identify and assign implementation tasks using resources from within the region, and act as a steering group for those task forces. The primary focus shall be on:
- exploring changes to ATM operational and air traffic flow management procedures in order to eliminate capacity or efficiency limitations of the Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean ATM systema;
- sharing information on medium to long range plans for enhancing compatibility of air traffic operations and systems; and
- supporting the goals and objectives of the relevant International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Air Navigation Planning and Implementation Regional Groups (PIRGs), and the realisation of the Global Plan Initiatives and Aviation System Block Upgrade (ASBU) timeframes
It is accepted that the work of ASIOACG does not usurp the responsibilities of the ICAO Regional Offices, nor the due process for changes to Standards and Recommended Practices. ather, ASIOACG is established as an informal gathering ofANSPS, airspace users, industry stakeholders, regulatory authorities, and representatives from international organizations, to support and expedite the goals and objectives of ICAO.
To that end, the relevant ICAO Regional Offices will be provided with a standing invitation to attend, as an observer, all ASIOACG meetings, or ASIOACG sub-group, working group or task force meetings. ASIOACG reports will also be provided to the ICAO Regional Offices at Bangkok, Nairobi, Cairo and DaKar by member ANSPs in coordination with Chair ASIOACG and may be used at their discretion.
The Indian Ocean strategic partnership to reduce emissions (INSPIRE) was formed as a collaborative network of partners and peer organisations across the Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean region dedicated to improving the efficiency and sustainability of aviation.
INSPIRE promotes the implementation of Air Traffic Management environmental best practice in all phaseses of flight. The ASIOACG supports the realisation of the INSPIRE objectives by facilitating the reduction of emissions in the enroute phase of flight.
Hosting of Meetings
Hosting of the meetings shall be normally be on a rotational basis between the members. The host for the meeting will act as Co-Chair for that meeting. The location of the next meeting(s) will be determined prior to the conclusion of each meeting.
Preparation of Meeting Agenda
The Co-Chair shall be responsible for drafting and distributing the provisional Agenda at least 30 days before each meeting.
The Provisional Agenda shall also be distributed to the relevant ICAO Regional Offices, airspace users, industry stakeholders, regulatory authorities, and international organizations. The agenda may also be transmitted to the civil aviation authorities of other countries and to other organizations directly affected by items on the agenda.
Meeting Expenses
The incidental expenses involved in hosting a meeting (e.g., costs of meeting room rental, reproduction of papers, administrative support, etc.) shall be borne by the host organisation. The host organisation will not be responsible for the expenses of any ATM provider, airspace user, industry stakeholder, regulatory authority, or international organization activities; or any individual participant associated with meetings.
Meeting Records
Because these meetings are informal, the hosting organisation shall keep only a very succinct set of summary minutes that record items discussed, actions agreed to, parties tasked, and time frames for completion. Before final publication, the summary minutes will be transmitted to the ASIOACG membership for review and approval. Copies of the summary minutes will be sent to all participants and others as may be determined by the Secretariat.
Sub-groups, Working Groups, Task Forces
Arrangements relating to sub-groups, working groups and task forces will be agreed by the ASIOACG membership when such groups are established. This will include the management arrangements, terms of reference, participation, reporting process, deliverables, meeting schedules, etc.
The effectiveness of ASIOACG is heavily dependent upon a free exchange between the member ANSPs, and between the member ANSPs and airlines, industry stakeholders, regulatory authorities, and international organizations.
To facilitate this, the number of representatives participating in ASIOACG meetings shall be limited to the number of participants appropriate to the agenda of the meeting. Subject to State considerations, one of the representatives of each stakeholder will be a person who is able to make decisions with respect to planning and implementation. The Members will strive to achieve consistency of representation to facilitate the work of ASIOACG.
The relevant ICAO Regional Offices will have standing invitations to participate in each meeting as an observer.
In order to support the scope of work, the following procedures will be followed for ASIOACG meetings:
Frequency of Meetings
The ASIOACG shall normally meet on a annual basis and be co-hosted with the INSPIRE annual conference. The combined meeting duration will normally be not more than 4 days based upon the agreed agenda.
Additionally working group meetings may be held as required.
Meeting Format
Meetings will be structured primarily to provide an opportunity for Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean ANSPS and airlines to informally discuss problems that directly affect ATM within the region.
In the interest of expediency, agenda items will normally be handled through oral discussions based on working papers prepared by originators of the agenda item. Such working papers should be prepared and distributed in advance of the meeting, in sufficient time to allow the representatives and other invited organizations to be able to provide considered input and responses at the meeting. In keeping with the informal nature of the meetings, the precise amount of time allotted to each discussion will be kept flexible.
Recommendations outside the authority of ASIOACG shall be recorded and forwarded to the appropriate ANSPs having jurisdiction in the matters concerned. Issues that have the potential to impact upon several States shall be forwarded to the relevant ICAO Regional Offices.