Adopted by…………………….MAT on (date)………………..
To be reviewed :July 2014
1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………5
3. Equal Opportunities……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………6
4. Job Descriptions and Responsibilities…………………………………………………………………………………………6
5. Access to Records……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….6
6. Appraisal and Pay recommendations………………………………………………………………………………………….6
7. Discretionary Pay Awards…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..6
8. Safeguarding………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………7
9. Annual Determination of Pay……………………………………………………………………………………………………..7
10. Recruitment……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..7
10.1 Teaching Staff……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………7
11. Pay and Conditions (Teaching Staff)………………………………………………………………………………………….8
11.1 Part-time Teachers……………………………………………………………………………………………………………8
11.2 Supply/ short notice Teachers…………………………………………………………………………………………..9
12. Appeals……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..9
13. Head Teacher/Principal Pay………………………………………………………………………………………………………9
14. Head Teacher/Principal Performance……………………………………………………………………………....….13
15. Other Leadership Group Posts…………………………………………………………………………………………..….13
16. Acting Allowances………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...14
17. Leading Practitioners…………………………………………………………………………………………………………....14
17.1 Pay Progression for Leading Practitioners…………………………………………………………….………15
18. Teachers on the Main and Upper Pay Ranges……………………………………………………………….….….16
18.1 Newly Appointed Teachers………………………………………………………………………………….….…….16
18.2 Pay Structure…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…….16
18.3 Pay Progression based on Performance…………………………………………………………………….….17
18.4 Pay on Appointment for Teachers Band 1-3 (MPR and UPR)…………………………………….…..18
19. Applications to be Paid on the UPR (Band 3 Expert/Highly Accomplished Teacher)…….…...….19
19.1 Round 13 Applications…………………………………………………………………………………....………..…...19
19.2 All other Applications……………………………………………………………………………………...…………….19
20. Process…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....……………20
21. Pay Progression for Teachers on the UPR (Band 3 Expert/Highly Accomplished Teacher)…..21
22. Assimilation to new Payscales…………………………………………………………………………………...………….21
23. Safeguarding on UPR……………………………………………………………………………………………...…………….21
24. Overseas Trained Teachers………………………………………………………………………………………..………….22
25. Specialist Learning Advisors…………………………………………………………………………………....…………….22
26. Unqualified Teachers……………………………………………………………………………………………..………………22
27. Allowances………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...………….23
27.1 Teaching and Learning Responsibility Payments (TLR’s)…………………………………….…………23
27.2 Special Educational Needs (SEN) TLR2 payments……………………………………………….…………24
27.3 Acting allowances for Teaching Staff………………………………………………………………….…………25
27.4 Out of School Learning Activities……………………………………………………………………….………….25
27.5 Recruitment and Retention Incentive Benefits...... 25
27.6 Salary Sacrifice Schemes………………………………………………………………………………….….………...26
28. Monitoring the Impact of the Policy………………………………………………………………………….…………..26
Appendix 1. Staffing structure……………………………………………………………………………………………………27
Appendix 2. Appeals Procedure…………………………………………………………………………………………………28
Appendix 3 Application form to move onto the UPR (Band 3 Expert Teacher)………………...….…31
Appendix 4. Teachers’ Standards…………………………………………………………………………………………..…..32
Appendix 5. Ofsted descriptors for quality of teaching in the school……………………………..…..…….35
Appendix 6. Pay progression recommendation outcome form -QTS………………………………….….….37
Appendix 7 Pay progression recommendation outcome form – Specialist Learning Advisor/Unqualified Teacher……………………………………………………………………………………………….…....39
Appendix 8 Further sources of information………………………………………………………………………………..41
Appendix 9 Example of directed time for a class teacher (NUT Guide)………………………………..……..42
- Introduction
This policy has been agreed by the REAch2 board and adopted by the MAT and LGB to provide a clear framework for the management of pay and grading issues for all staff employed in REAch2.
This policy is compliant with the STPCD 2013.
REAch2 is committed to taking decisions in accordance with the ‘key principles of public life’ : objectivity, openness and accountability.
The trust recognises the requirement that all pay progression decisions for teaching staff must be linked to the annual appraisal of their performance. The procedures set out in this document seek to ensure that this is achieved in a fair, equitable and transparent way.
The trust recognises its responsibilities under relevant legislation including the Equality Act 2010, the Employment Relations Act 1999, the Part-time workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000, the Fixed-Term Employees (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2002,The Employment Rights Act 1996, The Employment Act 2002, The Employment Act 2002 (Dispute Resolution) Regulations, and will ensure that all pay related decisions are taken equitably and fairly, in compliance with statutory requirements.
This policy has been agreed by the REAch2 board as well as the LGB/MAT/following consultation with staff and the recognised trade unions. Any subsequent changes will also be subject to further consultation before amendment by REAch2. For staff up to the level of Head teacher, each LGB will have full authority to take decisions on behalf of the MAT on pay matters as defined in this policy. For Head teachers, the MAT will have authority to take decisions on pay matters as defined in this policy.
XXXXXXXXAcademy (insert name of individual Academy) staffing structure will be published as an appendix to this policy (Appendix 1) Any subsequent changes to the staffing structure will be subject to appropriate consultation.
- Aims
In adopting this pay policy the aim is to:
- Achieve excellent and aspirational outcomes for all pupils;
- Support the school’s overall aims and priorities as stated in the school improvement plan;
- Ensure staff are well motivated as well as being valued and rewarded appropriately for their work and contribution to the school;
- Support the recruitment and retention of a high quality teacher workforce and support teachers’ career development;
- Demonstrate the fairness of decisions on pay, ensuring they are just and transparent and can be justified as being based on evidence, and that this is applied consistently across REAch2;
- Support the trust’s Appraisal policy and the principles that underpin it.
Pay decisions (with the exception of those relating to the Head Teacher as outlined above) at this academy are made by the LGB on delegated authority from the MAT.
The trust will, in addition, consider any advice issued by the Department for Education, relevant national bodies, recognised trade unions and relevant statutory legislation.
- Equal Opportunities
The Trust seeks to provide equal employment opportunities for all staff and will comply with all relevant employment and equalities legislation and regulations at all times.
All vacant posts, including those that are temporary or acting will be advertised to all staff on staff notice-boards, REAch2 virtual staff notice-board on the trust web-page, in order for all staff to have an opportunity to apply for postsacross the trust as internal applicantsrelevant to their training and experience.
- Job Descriptions and responsibilities
The Head teacher will ensure that all staff are provided with a job description, and in accordance with the agreed staffing structure. This will outline the role and responsibilities of the post and will include the pay range and any additional payments and allowances. The job description will detail the reason for additional allowances and their duration –whether permanent or fixed term.
Job descriptions may be reviewed from time to time (other than as part of the formal appraisal process) in consultation with the individual employee concerned. This will be with a view to making reasonable adjustments in line with academy/trust needs. If a significant change in role is necessary, a new job description will be issued and agreement reached with the member of staff
If there are significant changes to a significant number of job descriptions consideration will be given to reviewing the whole staffing structure, with appropriate consultation with staff and traces unions.
- Access to records
The Head teacher/Principal will ensure reasonable access for individual members of staff to their own employment records.
- Appraisal and Pay recommendations
Individual REAch2 academies will follow the REAch2 appraisal policy in conjunction with this document for appraising teachers’ performance and making and determining the agreement or disagreement with those recommendations regarding pay. In addition to the transparent and fair appraisal procedure outlined in that policy, the trust believes that there is a responsibility for individual appraisees and appraisers to work together and for the appraisee to gather any evidence they deem to be appropriate in meeting the agreed criteria.
The Head teacher will moderate objectives, performance assessment and pay recommendations to ensure consistency and fairness in their school. The Executive Principalof each individual MAT will moderate the above for each of the academies within their MAT and REAch2 Trust Board will moderate it across the trust in order to quality assure consistency and fairness
- Discretionary Pay Awards
Discretionary pay awards will only be made in accordance with the criteria set out in this policy.
- Safeguarding
Where a pay determination leads (or may lead) to the start of a period of safeguarding, the LGB/MAT will comply with the relevant provisions of the STPCD 2013. They will give the required notification as early as possible, and, no later than one month after the determination of pay has been made. More details on safeguarding can be found in relevant sections below.
- Annual determination of pay
The salaries of all teaching staff including the Head teacher/Principal, Head of School, Deputy Head/s and Assistant Head/s (delete as appropriate dependant on the staffing structure of your school) will be reviewed annually by 31 October for teachers and 30 November for the Head teacher, to take effect from 1 September.
Each teacher’s appraisal report will contain a pay recommendation based on the evidence discussed at the appraisal review meeting, and the previously agreed criteria for progression. (please see section 10 of the Appraisal policy.
The Head teacher/Principal is responsible for submitting these recommendations to the LGB Finance Committee for approval. For recommendations regarding the Head teacher’s pay progression, the Executive Principal of the MAT is responsible for submitting the recommendation to the MAT Board Finance Committee.
Decisions on annual pay progression recommendations will be communicated to all relevant staff by the Head teacher in writing in accordance with the STPCD 2013. This will set out the reasons why decisions have been taken. The Decision on the Head teacher’s/Principal’s pay will be communicated in writing by 30 November in accordance with the STPCD 2013. The instruction to amend pay from the relevant date (1 September) will be issued immediately after the time limit for lodging an appeal has expired (10 days), or immediately after an appeal has concluded.
All teachers are entitled to receive an annual pay statement by 31 October for teachers and 30 November for the Head teacher, which will include:
- Details of salary
- Details of any financial benefits to which the member of staff is entitled
- Any safeguarding arrangements if they apply
A review may occur at a time other than during the annual cycle where there has been a significant change to an individual teacher’s role and responsibilities that may have an impact on their pay. In these circumstances, a revised written pay statement will be issued to the teacher and will include details of any safeguarding arrangements, if they apply.
10. Recruitment
10.1 Teaching staff
TheFinance Committee of the LGB on delegated authority from the MAT will determine the pay range for each vacancy before it is advertised. The starting salary within the advertised range will be decided on appointment of the successful candidate.The Governing Body undertakes that it will not restrict the pay range advertised for or starting salary and pay progression prospects available for classroom teacher posts, other than the minimum of the Main Pay Range and the maximum of the Upper Pay Range.
The Governing Body will apply the principle of pay portability in making pay determinations for all new appointees
All posts will be advertised either internally or externally (though always clearly displayed on staff notice boards/REAch2 web page.) locally or nationally as appropriate. This will be decided by the Head teacher and LGB.
Each advertisement will include details of the minimum and maximum pay-scale points of the post. In addition, the advertisement will include details of the following (previously determined by the relevant committee of the LGB/MAT :
- The nature and requirements of the role
- Experience required to undertake the specific duties of the post
- Any specialist knowledge required for the post
- The wider REAch2 context
The expected level of skill and experience will be clearly set out in the advertisement, as well as details of any additional payments or allowances applicable to the post.
Temporary posts will be advertised as such, with details of the duration and the reasons for that duration.
Teachers both from within REAch2, and from outside the Trust, moving from one post to another within the Main Pay Scale and Upper Pay Scale will be appointed on their previous point as a minimum.
Teaching Staff
11. Pay and conditions
All teachers in REAch2 are employed in accordance with the statutory provisions set out in the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD) which is updated each September as well as the Conditions of Service for School Teachers in England and Wales (the Burgundy Book).
The following pay arrangements have been agreed by the REAch2 Board using the flexibilities contained within the STPCD 2013.
TheFinance committee of theLGB will apply any local area allowances to teachers’ pay within their individual academies.
11.1 Part Time Teachers
The Head teacher and the Finance Committee of theLGB will ensure that all part time employees are treated no less favourably than a full time comparator.
Teachers employed on an on-going basis at this school, but who work less than a full working day or week are deemed to be part-time. The LGB will give them a written statement detailing their working time obligations and the mechanism that is used to determine their pay, subject to the provisions of the statutory pay arrangements.
Part-time teachers will be entitled to be paid for their contractual hours pro rata to a full-time teacher and will also be entitled to PPA time, other non-contact time and directed time allocated on a pro rata basis.
11.2 Supply/short notice teachers
Teachers employed on a day-to-day or other short notice basis will be paid in accordance with the provisions of the STPCD on a daily basis calculated on the assumption that a full working year consists of 195 days; periods of employment of less than a day being calculated pro rata (by dividing their annual salary by 1265 to give an hourly rate).
12. Appeals(Appendix 2)
A teacher (including the Head teacher) wishing to appeal in relation to their pay will follow the process outlined below:
A teacher/Head teacher may appeal against any determination in relation to his/her pay or any other decision taken by the relevant body that affects his/her pay.
At all stages of the appeal, a teacher/Head teacher may be accompanied by and represented by a work colleague or trade union or professional association representative.
Any member of staff appealing has the right to see all relevant papers.
The following list, though not exhaustive, includes the usual reasons for appealing against a pay decision.
- Incorrect application of any of the provisions contained in the STPCD;
- Failure to have proper regard for statutory guidance;
- Failure to take proper account of relevant evidence;
- Taking account of irrelevant or inaccurate evidence;
- Evidence of unlawful discrimination or bias against the teacher.
The decision of the appeal panel will be given in writing and will include a note of what evidence was considered and the reasons for the decision.
The decision of the appeal panel is final.
For the full Appeals procedure, please see Appendix 2
13. Head teacher/Principal Pay
For appointments on or after 1 September 2013, the MAT will determine the pay range to be advertised and they will agree the pay on appointment as follows:
The MAT will assign a seven point Individual School Range (ISR) from the DfE Pay spine for Leadership spine below:
Leadership Group Pay Spine 2013Annual Salary
Spine Point / England & Wales (excluding the London area) / Inner London Area / Outer London Area / Fringe Area
£ / £ / £ / £
L1 / 37,836 / 44,986 / 40,838 / 38,878
L2 / 38,784 / 45,938 / 41,787 / 39,828
L3 / 39,752 / 46,910 / 42,752 / 40,795
L4 / 40,743 / 47,898 / 43,748 / 41,790
L5 / 41,757 / 48,917 / 44,762 / 42,806
L6 / 42,803 / 49,961 / 45,805 / 43,851
L7 / 43,957 / 51,117 / 46,961 / 45,006
L8 / 44,971 / 52,128 / 47,974 / 46,013
L9 / 46,094 / 53,248 / 49,096 / 47,140
L10 / 47,277 / 54,433 / 50,282 / 48,323
L11 / 48,505 / 55,656 / 51,503 / 49,547
L12 / 49,622 / 56,779 / 52,628 / 50,671
L13 / 50,863 / 58,020 / 53,869 / 51,912
L14 / 52,131 / 59,287 / 55,129 / 53,177
L15 / 53,429 / 60,580 / 56,428 / 54,470
L16 / 54,849 / 62,006 / 57,850 / 55,896
L17 / 56,109 / 63,267 / 59,112 / 57,162
L18 / 57,520 / 64,677 / 60,525 / 58,565
L19 / 58,946 / 66,103 / 61,952 / 59,992
L20 / 60,408 / 67,564 / 63,412 / 61,548
L21 / 61,901 / 69,059 / 64,907 / 62,955
L22 / 63,440 / 70,596 / 66,440 / 64,488
L23 / 65,011 / 72,162 / 68,012 / 66,054
L24 / 66,623 / 73,780 / 69,624 / 67,673
L25 / 68,279 / 75,433 / 71,281 / 69,323
L26 / 69,968 / 77,122 / 72,970 / 71,018
L27 / 71,701 / 78,853 / 74,702 / 72,746
L28 / 73,480 / 80,634 / 76,483 / 74,523
L29 / 75,300 / 82,457 / 78,301 / 76,349
L30 / 77,174 / 84,330 / 80,175 / 78,217
L31 / 79,081 / 86,238 / 82,087 / 80,130
L32 / 81,047 / 88,201 / 84,048 / 82,096
L33 / 83,061 / 90,216 / 86,066 / 84,110
L34 / 85,114 / 92,270 / 88,119 / 86,163
L35 / 87,229 / 94,386 / 90,231 / 88,279
L36 / 89,390 / 96,543 / 92,388 / 90,436
L37 / 91,612 / 98,771 / 94,616 / 92,658
L38 / 93,878 / 101,032 / 96,881 / 94,925
L39 / 96,166 / 103,319 / 99,167 / 97,209
L40 / 98,566 / 105,726 / 101,571 / 99,616
L41 / 101,029 / 108,190 / 104,034 / 102,076
L42 / 103,560 / 110,714 / 106,558 / 104,609
L43 / 106,148 / 113,303 / 109,151 / 107,199
The seven point Individual School Range (ISR) will be based on the school group size as determined by the STPCD.
GROUP / Range of spine points / England & Wales (excluding the London area) / Inner London Area / Outer London Area / Fringe Area
£ / £ / £ / £
1 / L6-L18 / 42,803-57,520 / 49,961-64,677 / 45,805-60,525 / 43,851-58,565
2 / L8-L21 / 44,971-61,901 / 52,128-69,059 / 47,974-64,907 / 46,013-62,955
3 / L11-L24 / 48,505-66,623 / 55,656-73,780 / 51,503-69,624 / 49,547-67,673
4 / L14-L27 / 53,131-71,701 / 59,287-78,853 / 55,129-74,702 / 53,177-72,746
5 / L18-L31 / 57,520-79,081 / 64,677-86,238 / 60,525-82,087 / 58,565-80,130
6 / L21-L35 / 61,901-87,229 / 69,059-94,386 / 64,907-90,231 / 62,955-88,279
7 / L24-39 / 66,623-96,166 / 73,780-103,319 / 69,624-99,167 / 67,673-97,209
8 / L28-L43 / 73,480-106,148 / 80,634-113,303 / 76,483-109,151 / 74,523-107,199
The DfE pay ranges for Head teachers are set out in the table above.
The MAT will have regard to the provisions on determining the pay of a Head teacher, and will also take into account any other permanent payments made to staff within the academy to ensure that appropriate differentials are created and maintained between posts of differing responsibility and accountability.
The relevant body will take into account the full role and responsibilities of the Head teacher/Principal.
Where there is a significant change to the school number, the MAT will calculate the Head teacher group size at the start of the academic year and determine the appropriate ISR for the year. The group size for the school will be determined in accordance with the provisions of the STPCD.
On appointment the Head teacher/principal must be placed on one of the bottom four points of the Pay Range in accordance with the STPCD.
If the Head teacher/principal takes on permanent accountability for one or more additional schools, the MAT will set an ISR in accordance with the STPCD.
The Finance Committee of the MAT may determine that a discretionary payment will be made to the Head teacher/principal in accordance with the STPCD for reasons not already taken account of in determining the ISR. These may include:
- The school is a school causing concern
- Without such additional payment the relevant body considers that the school would have substantial difficulty filling a vacant Head teacher post
- Without such additional payment the relevant body considers that the school would have substantial difficulty retaining the existing Head teacher
- The Head teacher/principal is appointed as a temporary Head teacher of one or more additional schools
The total of all discretionary payments must not exceed 25% of the Head teacher’s current point on the Leadership Group Pay Spine.
In wholly exceptional circumstances the Finance Committee of the MAT (with advice from the REAch2 board) may consider a payment in excess of 25%. They would seek external independent advice if this were to be considered.
14. Head teacher’s/Principal’s PerformanceManagement
At the start of each academic year, the LGBwill appoint 2-3 governors who will agree performance objectives/targets with the Head teacher/principal. The governors will appoint an appropriate external advisor who will provide independent advice, this would normally be the Executive Principal of the MAT. The performance objectives/targets must be in line with priorities identified in the School Development Plan.