Parochial Church Council and Finance Board Minutes plus notes & Letters from the Boughton Family

In Respect of the Hilltop Hall

1946 (U3/126/24/1)Second General Meeting of New House Road Representative People 08.03.46

Chairman Rev. G. A. Finch

Chairman discussed the letter for quite a while, & asked the meeting whether they would have the hut purchased by the PCC or by themselves & it was unanimously decided to have the PCC purchase the hut.

1946 (U3/126/8/7)PCC Meeting 10.12.46 (New House Road)

Mr Coveney reported that New House Road residents had a balance in hand of £50 in fund, and he desired this money to be transferred to Church Council funds. After some discussion on the point the chairman proposed the money should be handed to the reconstruction fund together with a letter stating the objects for which, the money was raised.

Authors Note:Mr Coveney was a resident of Iffin Lane

1947 (U3/126/8/7)Parochial Church Finance Committee meeting held in the Rectory 25 March 1947.

(Chairman Rev. A J Stevens)

New House Road

Arising from a suggestion that a detailed statement of the New House Road Fund should be included, the Secretary urged the Committee to consider their position of responsibility in this respect, as he was very much of the opinion that the raising of money by the New House Road residents is, as yet, a purely local effort confined to the residents themselves and not part and parcel of the Parochial Church Council funds as constituted. Regarding the £50 from New House Rd, shown in the accounts of the reconstruction appeal, the Secretary pointed out that this sum is a balance of funds which we are holding for the time being until the original terms of reference for raising this money had been proved and sanctioned by the PCC to be in accordance with the general policy. Then the Secretary held to the belief that the Finance Committee could not recommend the acceptance of the New House Rd, fund in its entirety, to the PCC.

Mr Lillywhite proposed & Mr Chittenden seconded that the activities of the New House Rd, people and monies raised by them to be recognised by the PCC, they must be a branch of the council and constituted as such and that steps be taken at the first opportunity to put this constitution into effect.

The following amendment was proposed by Mr White & seconded by Mr Rimell: -

“that the Rector and the Churchwarden together with the Secretary meet the New House Rd, Committee to clarify the position by reference to a minute book and report back to the Finance Committee”

The voting was 6 to 2 in favour of the amendment.

1947 (U3/126/8/7)Parochial Church Council meeting held in the Vestry on Thursday 27th March 1947.


It was reported that the £50 surplus fund raised by the New House Rd, residents had been passed to the Reconstruction Fund, in accordance with previous minutes, but no letter was sent stating the objects for which the money had been raised.

1947 (U3/126/8/7)Parochial Church Council meeting held in the Vestry on Monday 29th September 1947 at 7.30 pm.

Archbishops Appeal

The Secretary reported that the Finance Committee after considerable thought recommends that the Archbishops Appeal quota be paid in part or in whole by a re-allocation of our present funds. The funds concerned are: -

The Reconstruction Fund of £259 and New Hall Fund of £292

It is generally accepted that if we retain these funds for their original purpose we shall not be able to use them for building purposes for another 10 or more years, during which time new acts of Parliament may very seriously prejudice the actual money. Your committee therefore recommend that the reconstruction Fund and the New Hall Fund be closed and the money re-located as to: -

  1. Archbishops appeal
  2. Our commitments in New Hose Road

New House Road

The Finance Committee takes pleasure in reporting that the people in New House Road have, by their own efforts raised a sum of £80 towards the cost of the interior furnishings of their prospective building. The Committee also reports that the provision of this building is of paramount importance to the life and work of the Church in New House Road and it recommends that immediately a suitable hut is obtainable that same be purchased either from our own money or by way of a loan from the Archbishops Fund whichever is considered by the Committee at the time to be most advantageous as a decision regarding the purchase of a hut may have to be given within a limited time your Committee would prefer to be given Executive power to act immediately of behalf the Council.


It was proposed by Mr Chittenden, seconded by Mr Rimell and agreed “that the Reconstruction Appeal fund be closed and the money re-allocated as the PCC approve” Proposed by Mr Palmer, seconded by Mr Lillywhite”that the money in Reconstruction Appeal Fund be paid to the Archbishops Appeal Fund and the money in the New Hall Fund be used for the purchase and erection of a hut in New House Road the balance if any to be paid to the Archbishops Appeal Fund” This was carried.

It was also agreed that this should be advertised in the Parish Magazine.

Gift of Field by Mr Lillywhite

The Rector informed the PCC of the generous gift by Mr Lillywhite of the field next to the new Churchyard which was to be used as site for the next Rectory and also as an extension of the Churchyard. The Rector proposed that this gift be gratefully accepted, carried unanimously with sincerer thanks to Mr Lillywhite.

Mr Lillywhite also gave his free permission for the Vestry to be enlarged.

Authors Note:The Rectory was built but subsequently sold on as was the extension to the churchyard, which now has two domestic houses on it. The churchyard is now full.

New House Road - General

The Secretary reported that at the moment there was no minute in our records authorising this PCC to recognise the New House Road Church & Social Committee as a sub-committee of the PCC. We have received reports from time to time of their work and their desire to have their own branch of Sunday school and Mission Hall, and we have accepted the fact that we shall help them in every way possible. To put the Secretary’s records in order it is recommended that the following resolution to be carried: -

“ that it is unanimously agreed and understood that the activities and principles of the New House Road Church Hall and Social Committee shall be in accord with the principles of the Thanington Parochial Church Council and that this Council agrees that New House Road Committee shall be deemed to be a sub-committee of this Council”

Moved by R.H. Sayers, seconded by Mrs Slavers

1948 (U3/126/8/7)Minutes of a special meeting of the Finance Committee held in the Rectory on June 28th 1948 at 8 pm.

New House Road

The Vicar explained that the meeting had been called primarily to consider the question of a hut for New House Road. A list of available huts had been received which included one hut suitable for New House Road purposes at £75. The advice of Mr Campbell Ashenden had been taken which revealed that £1,000 at least would be required to erect a hut on proper foundations & to include the normal services. The Finance Committee considered the whole project very thoroughly & eventually decided that the expenditure of such a sum of money could not be recommended for a temporary building. The Finance Committee also had in mind the probable development charges under the Town & Country Planning Act. Mr Coveny on behalf of the New Hose Road residents thanked the Finance Committee for its consideration of this problem & and withdrew from the meeting.

1949 (U3/126/8/7)Minutes of a meeting of the Finance Committee held in the Vestry on April 11th 1949 at 7 pm.

New House Road

The Secretary read a letter from the New House Road Committee submitting the following resolution for consideration of the finance Committee.

  1. That plans for the Hall in New House Road be obtained and submitted to the appropriate authorities.
  2. That a licence be obtained for the building of the hall on the following conditions: -

(a)Work to be done by voluntary labour.

(b)Work to be done by contract.

The secretary reported that sub agreement correspondence revealed a suggestion that New House Road Committee and Finance Committee should bear the expense of the plans and their submission jointly. It was reported that buildings of a similar character in Canterbury had cost £1,400 and another £2,000. It was also reported that the Diocesans Board would not make a grant if the work was carried out by voluntary labour. Mr Palmer proposed that as this committee was just exiting it’s term office, it would not be just to bind the new committee by any long term decisions made at their meeting. This was seconded and agreed. All these various points were made known to Mr Boughton and Mr Coveney, representing the New House Road Committee then they withdrew.

Authors Note:Interesting that the Diocesan Board of Finance would not make a grant if voluntary labour was used.

1949 (U3/126/8/7)Parochial Church Council meeting held in the Vestry on Friday May 6th 1949 at 8 pm.

New House Road

The council agreed to co-opt Mr Coveny & one other person as the two representatives from New House Road.

1949 (U3/126/8/7)Parochial Church Council meeting held in the Vestry on Tuesday 20th September 1949 at 8 pm.

New House Road

A letter was read from Mr. W. J. Boughton the secretary of the New House Road Committee in regard to the funds raised by that Committee and at present held in trust by the Council. The letter asked the two following questions: -

  1. How soon could the money raised, be made over to the Committees keeping.
  1. Would it be possible for the Committee to purchase the site in New House Road from the Church, and at what price?

The Council considered the question and authorised the following replies: -

  1. The money was raised by the New House Road Committee for the provision of interior furnishings of a Mission Church and Hall to be built on a site owned by the PCC in connection with the Diocesan Board of Finance, and conveyed under the Church Building Measures. The PCC having accepted the safe keeping of the money under these circumstances, must therefore act as Trustees of the money and discharge it for the purposes for which it was raised.
  1. The PCC have not decided to abandon the object of building a Mission Church on the site and the land must therefore remain the property of the PCC

1949 (U3/126/8/7)Parochial Church Council meeting held in the Vestry on Wednesday October 7th 1949 at 7/15 pm.

New House Road

The Secretary read a letter from the New House Road Committee expressing dissatisfaction with the Councils recent letter and requesting to meet the PCC to discuss the return of the money now held on their behalf by the PCC. In the event of a refusal to this request the New House Road Committee suggested taking legal advice.

On the proposition of Mr. Palmer seconded by Mr. Kite it was agreed to inform the New House Road Committee that the Council had nothing further to its letter.

1950 (U3/126/8/7)Finance Committee meeting held at Cockering Farm

Friday March 10th 1950 at 8 pm.

It was reported that the residents of the New House Road area were enquiring as to the possibility of receiving a refund of the £150 they had raised for equipment for the Church and Social Hut, as at present it was impossible to a (missing text) Hut. After earnest consideration Mr. Palmer proposed that the Secretary should obtain legal advice regarding the possibility of refunding the money. This was seconded by Mr. Ashenden and agreed.

1950 (U3/126/8/7)Parochial Church Council meeting held in the Church Hall, Hollow Lane on Friday March 31st 1950 at 8 pm.

New House Road

The Rector reported that a meeting of the recently disbanded New House Road Committee was being arranged for April 18th. The Secretary reviewed the whole matter and suggested that a meeting be called for all residents in the New House Road area so that the position could be fully explained. Mr. Lillywhite proposed that the residents be informed that in the Councils opinion the plan to erect a Church and Social Hut still existed; therefore the money raised for the interior furnishings could not be refunded but would be used for this specific purpose when the hut was eventually erected. This was seconded by Mr. Palmer and agreed.

1950 (U3/126/8/7)Parochial Church Council meeting held in the Vestry on Monday April 17th 1950 at 8 pm.

New House Road

It was agreed to co-opt two representatives from New House Road on to the Council, subject to a committee being formed in New House Road.

1949 (U3/126/8/7)Minutes of a meeting of the Finance Committee held in the Rectory on Monday May 22nd 1950 at 8 pm.

Matters arising – New House Road

It was proposed by Mr. Chittenden and seconded by Mr. Palmer that the question of financial of the New House Road funds be deferred and a full report submitted at the next meeting

New House Road Hall

Mr Palmer proposed and Mr. Ashenden seconded that a small sub committee be appointed to investigate the financial position and to report to the next PCC meeting.

The sub committee appointed as follows: -

Representing the PCC – Messrs Chittenden, Palmer, Ashenden and Kite.

Representing New House Road – Mrs. Boughton and Mr. Shand

Meetings to be held at Mrs. Boughtons House.

Mr Ashenden to prepare plans based on a sketch submitted by Mr. Shand and to prepare a specification and estimate based on the assumption that all labour will be provided free of charge by the residents of New House Road.

1950 (U3/126/8/7)Parochial Church Council meeting held in the Vestry on June 26th 1950 at 7.30 pm.

New House Road

Mr. Shand outlined the general position and spoke of encouraging financial situation.

£165 for the interior furnishings raised by New House Road and held by PCC

£295 Held by the PCC minute 1947 Sept. 29th.

Transfer bulk of this money to New House Road Fund.

£100 Loan free of interest for 4 years.

It was proposed by Mr. Chittenden and seconded by Mrs Stevens that the scheme in general be approved that a grant be applied for from the Board of Finance and the necessary plans be submitted to the appropriate local Gov. Authority and an application be made for the requisite Building Licence.

1950 (U3/126/8/7)Minutes of a meeting of the Finance Committee held in the Rectory on September 18th 1950

New House Road

The Chairman reported that plans for the new proposals at New House Road had been prepared by Mr. Ashenden and submitted to Diocesan Board of Finance for their meeting on October 10th 1950.

It was proposed by Mr. Kite, seconded Mr. Major that application be made to the Diocesan Board of Finance Building Committee for grant towards the cash involved. This was carried.

1950 (U3/126/8/7)Parochial Church Council meeting held in the Vestry on September 25th 1950 at 7.30 pm.

New House Road

Consideration of the project to be deferred until next PCC meeting in December.

1950 (U3/126/8/7)Minutes of a meeting of the Finance Committee held in the Rectory on Monday December 4th 1950

New House Road

The Chairman reported that the Diocesan Board have passed plans for the Hall and that Mr. Ashenden has approached the Bridge Blean authorities for the Licence to build. Proposed by Mr. Lillywhite and seconded by Mr. Kite.

1950 (U3/126/8/7)Parochial Church Council meeting held in the Vestry on December 11th 1950 at 8 pm.

New House Road

It was reported that Mr. Campbell Ashenden had been granted licence. Mr. Shand enquired who would be responsible for payments of bills in connection with the building. Mr. Palmer asked for consent of the PCC that powers be given to the Finance Committee to examine and pay.

1951 (U3/126/8/7)Minutes of a meeting of the Finance Committee held in the Rectory on Wednesday January 31st 1951

New House Road Hall

The Rector reported that the Canterbury Diocesan Board of Finance had intimated that it would be prepared to make a grant towards the erection of this Hall. Payment would be made on the completion of the building operations. The grant would be for the sun of £25.

Mr. Sayers presented a statement showing the money in hand for the erection of the hall (as attached)

Proposed by Mr. Sayers and seconded by Mr. Palmer that all accounts for materials used in the construction of New House Road Hall be certified by Mr. Boughton and submitted to the finance Committee for payment. The Secretary was requested to confirm arrangements in writing to Mr. Boughton.

3% Defence Bonds Holding £100

Proposed by Mr. Sayers and seconded by Mr. Kite that necessary notice to terminate this holding be given to Lloyds Bank Canterbury. The Secretary was requested to serve the 6 month notice duly signed by the Rector and Churchwardens.

1951 (U3/126/8/7)Minutes of a meeting of the Finance Committee held in the Rectory on March 12th 1951 at 8 pm