Bi – Monthly Meeting

Minutes of Meeting held on Tuesday 09th May 2017

Venue: Corse and Staunton Village Hall

Time: 8.00pm

Present: Councillors: Cllrs Allen ( Chairman ), Burford, Fardon, Fuller, Millar, Lesley Offer ( Clerk ), County Cllr Will Windsor-Clive, District Cllr Clayton Williams, Cllr Davis ( CPC ) and 6 parishioners

  1. Chairman’s welcome Cllr Allen welcomed all present.
  1. Receive apologies Apologies were received from Cllr Peach, Jane & Jim Rose, Jean Pember, Sue Jeffries, John Clayton & Irene Carroll.
  1. Election of Officers The Chairman read out Cllr Burford,s letter of resignation and all Cllrs expressed their gratitude for Jills’ hard work & enthusiasm and gave their best wishes for the future. Jill then stated that she was happy to continue to organise the Quiz. The Chairman then read out a letter of application from David Williams, whichdemonstrated very high suitability for the role of Cllr and he was unanimously voted onto Staunton Parish Council.Bas Allen and Jayne Millar were unanimously elected as Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively, as they offered to continue until such time as others came forward. Cllr Fardon said a big thank you to both for all their Parish activities, which was echoed by all.

Cllrs Fardon & Fuller agreed to continue in their various roles, which were also accepted.

  1. Minutes of the previous Parish Council Meeting

Held on 14th March 2017, Cllr Burford proposed and Cllr Fuller seconded, that the minutes be accepted as a true record: Carried.

  1. Matters arising

Donations: All Cllrs discussed and agreed to match Corse Parish Councils’ proposed donations as follows:- Playing fields £450, Village hall £250, St James Church £250, Brownies £100, Scats £100, Scouts £100. These total £1,250.00.

  1. Boundary Commission Review: Cllr Allen explained that the electoral review could result in a reduction of 9 Cllrs, totalling 39 Cllrs. There would be new Council Ward boundaries and ideas for possibly combining the current ones may be submitted to the Boundary Commission in London. It is Cllr Allen’s view that SPC and CPC should be brought together for many reasons, which he outlined. The other Cllrs were in agreement with this and for Cllr Allen to send a report confirming this Parish’s views.
  2. Land off Chartist Way Appeal against refusal of 27 houses( P1871/15/OUT): Cllr Allen told of a serious communication failure regarding Section 106, which involves Stephen Colegate from FODDC. We will try to reserve the 19k now allowed, if the appeal is allowed.
  3. Highways: Cllr Millar said that there is very little to report as there had been no reply to recent emails sent to the Highways Dept., Mr Cotten remarked that the raised roundabout had’nt improved motorists’ realisation that they should give way to those on their right.
  4. Road Safety: Cllr Millar said that she will approach‘ Highways’ again.
  5. Speed Indicator Device: Cllr Allen reported that the SID had been moved from the A417 to the Tirley road and picked up some horrendous speeds. However, parishioners had requested that it be put back near the school, as it generally slowed the traffic down.Cllr Millar announced that we are searching for funding to purchase another SID. Volunteers had recently been using a speed gun in Malvern Rd., from which the information combined with that of our SID, should give greater impact to the Road Safety Partnership.Cllr Fuller will ensure that the data is passed on.
  6. S & C Surgery Patient Participation Group:

Report for Staunton Parish Council of Staunton and Corse PPG Meeting

Dated 3rd May 2017

My apologies for not being in attendance this evening only I am in Warwick presenting a two day course for medical imaging staff. This is the only PPG meeting held since the last parish council meeting and a précis of the more important topics discussed is reported below.

Surgery’s website: The new website is now live; it is laid out to be much clearer and helpful to patients with direct links to booking appointments and requesting repeat prescriptions through the Patient Access system. There is also a PPG link that is operational and through this parishioners can find out what the PPG does and how they, as individuals, may be able to play a role in future developments at the surgery. The minutes of S&CPPG meetings are also available via this link.

Defibrillators: Information sheets detailing the use of defibrillators are being prepared as some concern had been expressed by individuals that many residents across the Parishes did not know how to use a defibrillator and that although courses were available, none seemed to be offered at present in our localities. Upleadon has organised one such course which was very well received with eighty plus attendees. It was suggested that Parish Councils should make the GPS (Latitude and Longitude) co-ordinates available for the addresses at which defibrillators are sited, so that when any one calls for assistance the air ambulance and other medical emergency teams could readily locate them, as it seems some emergency services have struggled to navigate to locations. Concern was also expressed regarding the maintenance of these items and although several suggestions as to how this was managed were voiced, there was no definitive answer. It was suggested that Parish Councils should be consulted to see whether there was a maintenance schedule in place at each location, so that Parishioners can feel safe in the knowledge that the device will work in the unhappy event that it is required.

Village Agents: At the March meeting we were introduced to Social Prescribing by one of our local prescribers, Sam Ferris. At this meeting we were introduced to Sarah Davis who is one of Gloucestershire’s Village Agents and works closely with Sam and her team. We should all be aware of the fact that Village Agents are provided throughout Gloucestershire managed by the Gloucestershire Rural Community Council and, unlike the Social Prescribing Team who require a GP referral, Sarah and her colleagues are there to provide us with support without the need for GP referral. Sarah and her colleagues will provide home visits and are therefore ideally placed to assess the needs of vulnerable and disabled individuals, whether they are suffering with mental illness, physical disabilities or the problems of the aged. A lively debate around the role of the Village Agent ensued, with lots of questions from the PPG members as to how the role will develop given decreasing Community budgets, how they will cope with the increasing aged population and increasing awareness of the effect of modern living on the mental wellbeing of individuals. Suffice to say that whatever the future has to offer, Sarah and her colleagues are passionate about helping vulnerable individuals and will do their utmost to provide a high standard of care and support in the communities that they serve. The practice has flyers available detailing the service and the Village and Community Agents Manager, Kate Darch, can be contacted on 01452 528491 () for further information. Malcolm Harley reported on the PPG Suggestion Box and raised the question of why there was no chiropody service at the practice. It was stated that there is no NHS funding for chiropody/podiatry services unless there is an accompanying long term medical condition; chiropody services have to be funded by the individual. We were reminded that a chiropodist visits Johnstone Close on a monthly basis and the fee for a consultation is £20. If individuals wish to seek a special consultation with a podiatrist or a chiropodist then NHS Choices can help you locate a practioner in your area. ( Last accessed 07/05/17.)

Caroline Charles gave a brief update on the new website together with the news that the practice has the services of a new pharmacist, TemiAdeshini. Temi will be providing medicine reviews on patients with five or more prescribed medicines. This consultation will also include reference to any ‘over the counter’ medicines that individuals regularly take, to ensure that there is greater awareness of possible drug interactions. It was pointed out that this will be managed via patients’ annual review and so individually we should not expect a meeting with Temi until that time.

Other news from Caroline included the information that the surgery;

  • Will now be offering an extended service to include dossette boxes and the delivery of medicines to house bound and vulnerable patients.
  • Has two current GP registrars (trainees) who are due to qualify in August and September and so will leave the practice then.
  • Will continue to take on GP registrars and a single GP registrar will be joining the practice after September.

Some members had attended other local patient participation group meetings and reported back on these. Two points of particular interest were mentioned;

  • Care With and After Cancer: The Gloucester PPG hosted a meeting primarily presented by members of Macmillan. Particular reference was made to diet and physical activity. It was suggested that we should make about two thirds of what we eat plant based foods and aim to maintain a healthy weight for our body type. They also stressed the need to get back to a good state of physical exercise. Macmillan offer help and advice online ( last accessed 08/05/2017) and via a free phone number (0808 808 0000) and there are several publications available from them.
  • GP Patient Advice: Some practices have been suggesting that patients bring along a written description of their health problem to their appointment. This might help if you have a complex problem, or find it difficult to talk about your problem knowing that your GP has the time pressure of other patients to see. If you do attempt this, please make sure that your written account is clear and legible and contains information on the medicines you are taking.

Finally, the PPG notice board and table located in the practice foyer is to be updated and we will place flyers containing health information updates there. Our next PPG meeting is scheduled for the 5th July 2017; if anyone has any issues they would like me to bring to the attention of the practice, then please let me know.

12. War Memorial: Cllr Millar said that we have just over £7,000 and that the stonemason has now begun work. He has a water source, and will hopefully clean and re-carve the stonework by the end of the month. The Hawkers ( land owners ) have been extremely helpful in facilitating all the preparatory work involved. The ramp incline was discussed, together with a bench on one side of the entrance and a noticeboard / sign pointing to the church, on the other side. These need to be positioned outside of the grass cutting area for the tractor operators’ safety.

13. Quiz: Cllr Burford announced that the next quiz on Wednesday 17th May is now fully booked and as with previous evenings, will be a major factor in raising money for future parish amenities.

14. Planning / Appeals / Enforcements:

05/12/16 / P1688/16/FUL / 2 Sunnyside, Malvern Rd.,
GL193NZ / 2 storeyext + single
Storey porch + internal alterations / Pending / Objection
10/04/17 / P0403/17/FUL / New grain building
Staunton Court
Ledbury RdStaunton
GL193QS / New grain building / Pending / 03/05/17 / No Objection
Support letter
19/04/17 / P0035/17/DISCON / The Hill, Mill Lane,
Staunton / Discharge of conditions relating to P1333/14/FUL / Pending / 10/05/17 / -

Five other planning applications for tree surgery have been submitted and received ‘no objection’ comments from Staunton Parish Council, as these have been required by Western Power for safety reasons.

No enforcements

15. Financial report / Payments /Receipts 14/03/17 – 09/05/17:

Balance brought forward 15/02/2017 £ 6753.26


23/03/17Chq no 000736£ 202.11GAPTC annual membership

10/04/17Chq no 000735 £ 21.67Clerks March Expenses

10/04/17Chq no 000734£ 150.97Clerks March Salary

10/04/17Chq no 000737£ 21.67Clerks April Expenses

10/04/17 Chq no 000738 £ 150.97 Clerks April Salary

Total £ 547.39



Statement of Account

Actual Balance in Lloyds TSB Account as at 23/03/17£ 6753.26

If the payments are approved £ 6205.87


28/04/2017 FODDC payment £4435.00 £10640.87

Actual balance 28/04/17 £10640.87 if payments are approved £10640.87

Approval of Accounts

Formal council approval of the above payments and acceptance of statements

Approved by: Cllr Fardon……………………… Date…09/05/17…………………………………..

Seconded by: Cllr Millar.……………………… Date…09/05/17…………………………………..

16. Annual return of accounts 2015 / 2016 :

A.Formal approval and acceptance of the Annual Governance statements, proposed by Cllr Fardon and seconded by Cllr Fuller

B. Formal approval and acceptance of the Accounting statements, proposed by Cllr Fardon and seconded by Cllr Fuller

17. Any other business:

a) Cllr Fardon reported recent thefts of building materials, staddle stones from Redmarley and keys stolen via a catflap, warning everyone to be vigilant.

b) The Headteacher of Staunton Academy, Mrs Jennie Dwight, is resigning and will take up her new post in Hardwicke in September. Mrs Dwight will be sorely missed and we all wish her well in the future.

c) Cllr Fuller is currently dealing with a problem with dogs barking in Ledbury Road Crescent.

The meeting closed a 9.30pm

Signed:- Date:-