Minutes of the Meeting of Ashby Woulds Town Council held on Monday, 11th January 2016in the Council Chamber, Moira Replan at 7.00 pm

Present: Cllrs P Thomas(in the Chair),W Chapman, S McKendrick,L Ordish, J Perry,

E Shephard, T Temple, C Wood

Officers: Mrs A Robinson - Town Clerk

Also Present: Cty Cllr S Sheahan, 3 Members of Public.


Cllr T Allan, Police.






The Clerk read out the recent crime report. Crime in the parish is low. 2 assaults, 1 theft. Some issues with motorbike misuse at Spring Cottage and vehicles racing around Daybell Island and Millennium Avenue. Number of incidents of rogue traders operating in Moira and Albert Village.

152MINUTES (Appendix A)

Resolved: Minutes of the Meeting held on 14th December 2015beapproved and signed as a true record.

Cllr Wood suggested the town council should obtain a quote for grasscutting At Chestnut Close. Concerns raised as to the implications of this.

Resolved: Clerk obtain a quote from grounds contractor.

Cllr Wood reported on tree maintenance completed at Norris Hill.

153CLERK’S REPORT (Appendix B)

The Clerk’s report on the position of various matters was considered. Copy attached to the official copy of the Minutes.

Formal consent from LCC for bench to be installed on corner of Rawdon Road and Ashby Road presented for signature. Permit required from LCC before works can commence.

Resolved: Consent document signed by the Mayor.


The Clerk reported on correspondence received since the last meeting. A number of policies are out for consultation. Details forwarded to members with links to relevant documents.

Enquiry from National Forest Charitable Trust as to the town council’s plans for future play area provision.No future plans for play areas other than replacement of equipment at the village hall. It was noted with the loss of Sarah’s Wood Play Area there was no longer any provision for disabled children and the town council would like to see that is still provided in some way.

Resolved: Clerk respond accordingly.

Email received from Mr Poole requesting an update on Measham Road. It was agreed Mr Poole should direct the enquiry to the developer and the district council.


Cllr McKendrick updated the meeting on communication matters. Facebook page set up but regular content required to be effective. Newsletter published and distributed before Christmas. Newsletter Policy due for review and future arrangements to be considered by the communications committee. Next meeting confirmed as Wednesday 3rd February at 5.30pm.


Next meeting of sub-committeeThursday 14thJanuary at 11am. Review of recommendations in the final report to be completed and actions to be agreed.An update will be presented at the next council meeting. Litter Pick working party to meet to progress plans to hold litter pick on 16th April.


It was noted there are likely to be some actions arising from the Placecheck sub-committee for the transport working party to consider.


158.1 The Clerk circulated the Agenda for the Budget meeting to be held on Monday 18th January 2016 at 7pm.

158.2Resolved: That the payments list (January) – (Appendix D) and additional payments list be approved. Copyattached to the official copy of the minutes.

Cllr Wood queried the cost of bark chippings. The clerk advised this is an annual cost to meet safety requirements but consideration could be given to alternative playground surfaces.

Resolved: Clerk to present report on costs for the last 5 years.


159.1Cllrs submitted their grounds inspection reports.

159.2The Clerk requested instructions regarding the grounds maintenance contact. Current contract ends on 31st March 2016 but included the right for a one year extension subject to satisfactory performance. It was agreed to extend the current contract by one year.

Resolved: One year extension granted from 1st April 2016.

159.3 Cllr Temple reported on repair still required to post and rail fencing at Holly Close Recreation ground.

159.4The Mayor reported on an enquiry from Blackfordby Scouts regarding possible use of the Youth Club. Cllr Chapman advised he would speak to the youth club regarding availability. Cllr Ordish enquired as to the current position regardingplans for a new scout hut on the village hall grounds. It was noted plans have been prepared but the group are struggling to secure funds and get people to help and support them.



15/01189/VCU – 33 Ashby Road, Moira

Variation of condition 2 attached to 15/00364/FUL to amend the rear boundaries.

Decision: Objections on highways grounds. Request clarification of condition 2.


15/01099/FUL – 69 Occupation Road, Albert Village

Erection of a first floor rear extension.


15/00717/VCI – Land adjacent to 81 Shortheath Road, Moira

Variation of conditions 3, 6 and 11 of planning permission APP/G2435/A/11/2163658

Considered by planning committee 5th January 2016. Application approved.

1 member of public leaves the meeting at 7.53pm.


Cllr McKendrick updated the meeting on district matters. Licence application for the former Ashby Woulds Pub had been rejected as consultation procedures had not been properly followed. It was noted the town council support the application if the additional services proposed are provided.

Planning application for land off Butt Lane Blackfordby has been re submitted. Although not in the parish the development would impact on Moira.

The Clerk reported on a request for a bottle bank. It was suggested the new co-operative store could be a suitable location.

Resolved: Clerk to refer enquiry to the district council.


Cty Cllr Sheahan updated the meeting on current matters. Arriva are not keen to be involved in discussions to review the bus service but Midland Classic and Macpherson’s have confirmed will attend a meeting. Cty Cllr Sheahan will liaise with Mr Kirk to set up a meeting.

Site meeting held with LCC to investigate flooding and particularly concerns raised by the furnace. Environment Agency due out to inspect. Natural England also contacted. Shafts reported as stable have water slushing around them. Nearby properties have had water cascading down the rear gardens. Whole site showing signs of concerns. Residents want to ensure the site is safe.

Cllr Perry reported the double mini roundabouts require repainting urgently.

The Clerk reported a request from Moira Replan for the keep clear signs at the entrance to the car park to be repainted.

Cllr Temple reported on speeding motorists along Ashby Road and Willesley Lane. More and more people are using the cycle centre. Cllr Ordish reported it is a family facility and the speed limit must be reduced. Cllr Shephard added that it is not a problem restricted to daytime but alsoat night. Cty Cllr Sheahan advised of the work undertaken in the past to reduce the speed limit but the police will not accept a reduction and so it is down to enforcement of the existing limit.


The Mayor reported on the recent burial board meeting. Fees and charges have been increased in line with other authorities. The town council’s contribution for 2016/2017 will be £7350.00.


In accordance with established practice, the date of the next meeting will be Monday, 8thFebruary 2016.

There will be an additional Full Council Meeting on Monday 18th January 2016 consisting of 1 item only on the Agenda – Budget and Precept 2016/2017.

The meeting ended at 8.20pm.