KRHS Band Boosters General Meeting
April 5, 2017, 7:00 pm
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Kathy Fine.
Members Present: Melissa Odom, Jennifer Schumacher, Julie Kuzma, Diane Searles, Minid O’Connor, Robin Byus, Kathy Fine, Sherry Harlem, Jacquelin Pinilla, Claudia Ablaza, Mike Ablaza, Robin Honnick, Elisabeth Deavers, Patti Kim
Secretary’s Report: March minutes are approved.
Treasurer’s Report: March report is approved.
Fundraiser’s Report
•Chick-fil-A Results from 3/16/17 - $137.69
•Swing Dance Results - took in & deposited $2,285. We are still waiting for custodial costs but we should clear about $1,700. Our expenses include costs for flowers, food items as chips, and custodial help.
•Golf Outing - April 21, 2017. It’s not too late to put together a team or get sponsors for our event. Contact Rich Searles at
•Car Wash dates - May 20, June 17, July 22, and August 5 @ BP Gas. Mr. Paul Yates will head this summer project for us. 90% of student’s proceeds go into their student account and 10% into uniform account. Reminds will be sent out to all MB families.
President’s Report
•We voted for 2017-2018 Executive Board Members. KRHSBBA new officers are as follows:
•Mindi O’Connor - President
•Melissa Odom - Vice President
•Marti Cameron - Treasurer
•Robin Byus - Recorder
•Patti Kim - Secretary
•Jennifer Schumacher - Parliamentarian
•We discussed proposed changes to the Student Account policy. We will vote on the changes at the May booster meeting. Those changes include:
•$5.00 and under balance will remain the property of the KRHSBBA.
•A whole new section will be added to clarify how the account records are maintained. Section 1 on the first page.
•Section 1 C #3 has been added and states that it is the responsibility of the parent to Opt-Out if they do not want their child’s student account information posted publicly. The idea is to post and make accessible the student account info to all MB students. At May 18th Kick-Off meeting (also next booster meeting), we will vote to make these changes. New executive board members are invited to 5/4 executive board meeting at 4.
•Sherry Garlem - shared her book of Matt Yonkey from the “Yonkeyfest.” If anybody wants to order one, please see Sherry.
Director’s Report
•Assessment - both bands earned a SUPERIOR rating! Congratulations to Mrs. Deavers and our talented band students! VIRGINIA HONOR BAND! and BLUE RIBBON SCHOOL!
•All-State - Mrs. Deavers will be away from 4/6 - 4/8.
•Solo & Ensemble Festival on 4/29/17 @ AMS. Mrs. Mergen is making the schedule.
•May 4, 2017 Executive Board meeting — new members are invited to attend.
•Spring Concerts - May 8th (Symphonic and Jazz) and 9th. (WE)
•End of Year Picnic/Awards - Saturday, May 13, 2017, 3:00 - 5:00 pm, Northern Fauquier Park in Marshall.
•Spirit Night 5/15 at Chipotle, 5-8pm
•AMS Side by Side will be held on 5/17/17.
•Marching Band 2017-2018 Kick-Off on Thursday, May 18, 2017 at 5-8 pm. Parent Meeting starts at 7.
•Spring Trip to Hershey Park - May 21st, Sunday. Chaperones will go for free. $29.95 per person for family members. All monies are due by end of spring break.
•Graduation - Friday, May 26, 2017. WE will perform at the ceremony. Performing students need to arrive by 4:30 — more detail will follow.
•Memorial Day Parade - Monday, May 29, 2017. 5/23-25th after school rehearsal from 3-5.
•Date change for May Band Booster meeting - During May 18th Kick-Off meeting, we will hold a brief Band Boosters meeting and vote on changes made to Student Accounts policy.
•Other - Premier Jewelry fundraiser for the Kenney family.
•Senior Scholarship info will be coming.
•meeting adjourned at 8:35.