ClassifiedPositionRequest Form

Instructions: Complete one form for each classified position requested

NewPosition(notinlast year’sbudget)

ReplacementPosition(inlast year’sbudget)

ConversionPosition(from granttogeneral fundsnotinlast year’s budget)

FormerlyEliminatedPosition(notinlast year’sbudget)

Title of PositionRequested:Public Safety Officer I

Program/Department/Area:Department of Public Safety

Number of Hours per Week:40

Number of Months per Year:12

Brief Abstract:(Howdoes positionimpactpresent areastatus, affectworkloadreduction, impact studentsorprovidesupport/services?)

Upgrading the part time position to fulltime position would reduce overtime hours worked by other officers. This would also allow for there to be additional coverage on shifts to staff Officers to assist with providing foot patrol and vehicle patrol security functions of the campus.

Rationale and ApplicabilitytoCollegeStrategic Goals:(Substantiaterecommendationswithdataand theguidelineslistedintheBudgetDecisionCriteriadocumentandCollegeStrategicGoals.Does this needfulfill acompliance/mandatedposition, i.e. State,Federal, regulatoryboards, contracts?Does this needaddressgrantpartnershipcommitmentsand/orcritical communityneeds?)

I believe this meets a critical need for the community. With the growing population of students, faculty and staff over the past several years, Public Safety needs to increase the presence of uniformed Officers on campus. I feel this can best be accomplished by upgrading the part time positions to fulltime positions and incorporating the added hours into the patrol schedule to provide additional security for the campus which will also present a higher visibility of Officers on campus in uniform for the community to see and feel more secure.

ImpactonCollege/District if position is not filled:(Includehowhaving the positionornothavingthepositionimpactsFTES, services tostudents.)

Impact to college will reflect in the department’s budget as the part time positions are difficult to fill which causes overtime and puts a strain on the department’s budget and manpower. By approving the position changes this will allow us to provide better services to the students safety and security as the additional hours the Officers will be working will allow for more patrol services, crime prevention, providing training opportunities, and interaction with the students on a daily basis.


Salary$ 36,374.88



TotalAmount: $51,625.87

Revised by: Program Review Committee (June2, 2013)Page 1)