Type : Alliance Security Force PA
Armour Value Head :2 Armour Value Torso: 3 Armour Value Arms/Legs : 2
SPECS: UNIT WT. :100 kg UNIT HT. : 2.00 m
UNIT PERFORMANCE : Power Armour ratio :4 (ST./Meleedmg./Load etc.) Movement Factor :3 Xmove.
Power Source :MicroGravitytgenerator MGg 60 Power Duration : 960 hrs .
NBC Gear : N,B,C NBC Resistance points : 200
COMMUNICATIONS : 9999 ch. 2 way MRR RNG : 75 km
UNIT CONTROLS : Direct neural implant
SENSOR PACKAGE :Full environmental sensors,NBC sensors,motion-,electromagnetic impuls detectors w/ 100 m rng , ground vibration sensors,
SPECIAL FEATURES : “stealth pads” on boots that adds +1 to stealth checks,advanced fibre optic camouflage system “ See through function”
Night Vision : NV,White Lights,Thermal;IR Passive and active (200 m rng)
WEAPON SYSTEMS : no integral
Armour Damage Points : 205
History : The Alliance PA is a masterpiece of modern technology . It originated in the periphery of the space exploration industry as an exploration suit for hostile environments .Its potential was quickly realized by the Alliance co. leaders - that it would be an ideal product for the evergrowing “war on terror”business . The space exploration features were dropped , and substituted with armour inlays and NBC capacity . Advanced sensor arrays was added to increase combat efficiency , and heat shielding to avoid thermal detection .(Only partially effective .) The fiberoptic camouflage is sensitive , and will loose its effect where the armour is damaged by shrapnel and projectiles .The stealth features will take effect ca . 20 seconds after being activated . The stealth pads will be destroyed if they are deployed on forced marches or on a unsuitable surface . The direct neural implant is a very advanced type that interfaces the cerebral cortex with the suits controls .(No penalties .)