frontal bonesupraorbital foramen (notch)sternummanubrium, body
temporal bonezygomatic processjugular notch
external acoustic (auditory) meatusxiphoid process
mastoid process ribs costal cartilage
styloid processtrue (1-7)
mandibular fossa false (8-12)
parietal bonefloating (11-12)
occipital boneoccipital condyles
foramen magnum
sphenoid bonesella turcica
greater & lesser wings
optic foramen
ethmoid bonecribriform plate,crista gallicervicalvertebra C1-C7
perpendicular plateatlas (C1)
superior nasal conchaaxis (C2)
middle nasal conchaodontoid process (dens)
olfactory foramina
inferior nasal concha bone
vomerthoracic vertebraT1-T12
zygomatic bonelumbar vertebraL1-L5
maxillary boneinfraorbital foramensacrum5 fused
palatine process
palatine bone coccyx3 or more fused
lacrimalbonethoracic, sacral curvatures
nasal bonecervical, lumbar curvatures
mandiblemandibular condyle & notch
& angle & ramus & body;
coronoid process & mental foramen OTHER FEATURES of VERTEBRA:
OTHER FEATURES: vertebral arch
temporomandibular joint body
orbitvertebral canal (foramen)
zygomatic arch – temporal & zygomatic processesspinous process (bifid on cervical)
frontal, sphenoidal, ethmoidal, maxillary sinuses transverse process
SUTURES: pedicle
squamous (squamosal) suturesuperior articular process
lambdoid (lambdoidal) suture inferior articular process
sagittal sutureintervertebral disc
coronal suture
anterior fontanel
anterolateral fontanel
posterolateral fontanel
posterior fontanel
frontal bone
parietal bone
hyoid bone (Doesn’t articulate with other temporal bone
bones)occipital bone
clavicle iliumiliac crest
scapulaglenoid fossa (cavity) anterior superior iliac spine
acromion posterior superior iliacspine
coracoid processgreater sciatic notch
spine of scapula
superior & inferior angle ischiumischial tuberosity
ischial spine
lesser sciatic notch
pubissymphysis pubis
humerushead (pubic symphysis)
deltoid tuberosity OTHER FEATURES:
greater tubercle os coxae (coxal bone– ilium,ischium & pubis)
lesser tubercle acetabulum
capitulum (articulates with radius) obturator foramen
trochlea (articulates with ulna) sacroiliac joint
olecranon fossa
coronoid fossa
medial & lateral epicondyles
radial tuberosity
styloid process femur head
ulnar notchneck
ulnaolecranon process fovea capitis
trochlear notch greater trochanter
coronoid process lesser trochanter
styloid process linea aspera
carpal bones8 bones of wrist medial & lateral condyles
hamate bone`patella
capitate bonetibiatibial tuberosity
trapezoid bone Intercondylartubercles (eminence) trapezium bone anterior crest
triquetrum bonemedial malleolus
pisiform bone(some considerfibulahead
fused with triquetrum for 7 carpals) lateral malleolus
lunate bone
scaphoid bonetarsals7 bones
calcaneus bone
talus bone
metacarpal bones I – V orcuboid bone
first through fifthmedial cuneiform bone
intermediate cuneiform bone
phalanges proximal phalanxlateral cuneiform bone
middle phalanxnavicular bone
distal phalanxmetatarsal bones I – V or first – fifth
phalangesproximal phalanx
middle phalanx
distal phalanx
Note: Fingers and toes are digits: Thumb and big toe – first digit; pinky and little toe - fifth digit Identify phalanges with corresponding digits. Example - distal phalanx of the third digit