Supplementary Table 1

Intervention descriptions for small-n studies

Study / Duration (number of sessions)
Length and frequency of sessions / Most to least prompting / Least to most prompting / Time delay + intrusive prompt / Delayed prompting / Other
Achmadi et al. (2012) / Steven 130 mins (26 sess)
Sam 110 (22 sess)
One to three 5 minute sessions on two days per week. / X / X / Prompt fading and differential reinforcement
Kagohara, van der Meer, et al. (2012)
Study 1 (no intervention in study 2) / Study 1
Sam 15 minutes (3 sessions)
Steven 70 minutes (14 sessions)
Two to four 5 minute sessions per week / X for closed questions / X for closed questions / Praise for correct responses for closed questions
Kagohara, van der Meer et al. (2010) / 140 minutes (28 sessions)
Multiple 5 min sessions two mornings per week. / X progressive / Differential reinforcement for touch that activated speech
Lorah (2012) / Joel 16 sessions; Axel 3 sessions; Aaron 7 sessions; Peter 13 sessions; Rick 23 sessions (did not master).
Joel, Axel and Aaron had two sessions of 15 trials per day
Peter & Rick had one session per day. / X constant
van der Meer, Didden et al. (2012) / Joe 170 minutes (17 sessions);
Sam 170 min (17 sessions);
Saskia 80 minutes (8 sessions);
Nicky 50 minutes (5 sessions);
Two to four 10 minute sessions five days per week. / X 10 sec delay increased to 20 sec for Sam, then 0 delay / Differential reinforcement
van der Meer, Kagohara et al. (2011) / Sam mastered on 9th trial
Jim on 6th trial
Zoe received 39 trials, no progress, then she refused to participate.
Two to four 5 minute sessions two days per week / X – first three trials zero delay, then 10 sec delay / Differential reinforcement
van der Meer, Kagohara, et al. (2012) / David 65 minutes (13 sessions); Tom 30 minutes (6 sessions);
Zac 70 minutes (14 sessions);
Eli 15 minutes (3 sessions)
Two to four 5 minute sessions, three to four days per week. / X – 10 sec delay;
For Tom also 0 delay later / Differential reinforcement
van der Meer, Sutherland et al. (2012) / Jason 3 sessions; Jack 16 sessions with iPod, 9 with iPad (did not master); Ian 3 sessions;
Hannah 8 sessions
Sessions three to five days per week, no duration given. / X 10 sec delay / Social reinforcers
Visual pronpts
Bereznak et al. (2012) / Pre-taught to use iPHone / X for iPhone use / X for iPhone use / modeling and verbal prompts.
Brooks (2012) / Taught task 1 using video prompts with iPod operated by instructor, then, taught to use iPod to self prompt, then used iPod to learn Task 2.
Sam 6 sessions to learn task; 23 with iPod (did not master); Matt 8 sessions to learn task; 11 to learn iPod; Phil 5 sessions to learn task, 9 with iPod; Jenny 9 sessions to learn task and 7 with iPod; Kayla 10 sessions (did not master task); Kevin 24 sessions (did not master task); Second task - Phil 10 sessions; Matt 9 sessions; Jenny did not master second task.
3 sessions per week (average). / X for task 1 (wash table) / X for task 2 (vacuuming) / X time delay for Task 1 after first two sessions
Kellems and Morningstar (in press ) / Pre-taught to use iPod. Details not provided. / iPod – modeling and acquisition
Mechling et al. (2010) / Pre-taught use of PDA. Details not provided. / X
Mechling and Seid (2011) / Pre-taught use of PDA. Details not provided. / X
Payne (2012)
Payne et al. (in press) / Dennis 13 sessions; Marta five sessions (did not master); Chuck 17 sessions (did not master); Matt did not receive intervention for iPad use. / X / X (2 seconds)
Kagohara (2011) / Sarah 26 sessions; Mary 16 sessions; Jim 7 sessions.
Sessions twice a week, duration not provided. / X / Watched video model on iPod before each session, this was faded
Kagohara et al. (2011) / Sarah 15 sessions with video available and 4 fading video; Mary 9 sessions with video available and 4 fading video; Jim 7 sessions with video available and 4 fading video. / Video modeling shown up to three times on iPod, this was faded
Walser, et al. (2012) / Holly take a photo 65 minutes (13 sessions), look at photos 20 minutes (4 sessions), watch video 35 minutes (7 sessions);
Jake take a photo 25 minutes (5 sessions) look at photos 25 minutes (5 sessions), watch video 35 minutes (7 sessions); Norman take a photo 35 minutes 7 sessions), look at photos 80 minutes (16 sessions), watch video 60 minutes (12 sessions).
Sessions of 4 to 5 minutes, three to four times per week. / Video modeling on a computer verbal prompts added during intervention