TALK ONE: Why creeds?

TALK TWO: I Believe in God the Father

TALK THREE: I Believe in Jesus Christ

TALK FOUR: I Believe in the Holy Spirit

TALK FIVE: I Believe in the Communion of SaintsT

TALK SIX: I Believe in the Forgiveness of Sins

TALK SEVEN: I Believe in the Resurrection

TALK EIGHT: I Believe in the Life Everlasting

TALK NINE: Do you believe?


Reciting the Aposte’s Creed

TALK ONE: Why creeds?

Scripture: II Timothy 3: 10-17

Opening Prayer: Everlasting God, Spirit of Truth, reveal to us the faith passed on to us by our spiritual parents and ground us in it, so that we may know it,live by it, and share it, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

INTRODUCTION: Some people say, “It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you are sincere.” This is the condition of our present culture in which people claim that there are many so-called truths and there is no such thing as absolute truth. This is NOT what the Christian movement maintains. Jesus said He came to declare the truth. Eventhough many like Pilate ask “ What is truth?” Jesus maintains that He is the Truth, that we can know the Truth, and the Truth shall set us free.

I Foundations of Faith

  • Orthodoxy, or right beliefs, leading to

Orthopraxy, which is right living

It is important to have the right beliefs, this is called DOCTRINE, which leads us out of deception on the right path

II History of Creeds.

Early controversies of the church overJesus being both fully God and fully human led to the Council of Nicea in 325, Which lead to the Nicene creed.

The Apostles Creed is traditionally the beliefs of the earliest faithful Christians and the basic simple confession of our faith.

Creeds defend us from heresy, which is false teaching and error. Creeds keep us from going astray. It is important to know both what the creeds say and what they don’t say. There are some matters on which we can agree to disagree, but the creeds show us what is essential to believe.

CONCLUSION:Share your personal experience with beliefs and creeds

CLOSING PRAYER Lord, teach me about trusting in You and knowing You. Make the beliefs of my spiritual parents come alive to me, through Christ our Lord. Amen

DISCUSSION: Why should we pay attention to creeds?

TALK TWO: I Believe in God the Father

SCRIPTUREIsaiah 64: 8-9

PRAYER Everlasting God, Spirit of Truth, reveal to us the faith passed on to us by our spiritual parents and ground us in it, so that we may know it,live by it, and share it, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Introduction: “ I believe the God the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth.” This is the first reference in the creed to a member of the Trinity, the One Jesus called His Heavenly Father, the One who is Almighty, the One who is the Creator and spoke the universe into being.

I The Father: God is a father to the fatherless, with a Father’s heart wanting to love and care for His children, to bring His lost children home to Him. The Holy Spirit helps us to approach God as our Abba, our Daddy/

II The Almighty One: No one is more powerful or greater than God

III The Creator: God spoke the Word and created the universe out of nothing.

Conclusion: Share how your faith includes belief in God the Father

Closing Prayer Abba, Father of Jesus and Father of me, help me to know Your love for me, through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Discussion: What is your relationship with God the Father

TALK THREE: I Believe in Jesus Christ

Scripture Col. 1: `15-20

Prayer Everlasting God, Spirit of Truth, reveal to us the faith passed on to us by our spiritual parents and ground us in it, so that we may know it,live by it, and share it, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Intro: The Creeds put a lot of emphasis on Jesus Christ, the 2nd person of the Trinity and say the most about Him

I Here are the declarations about Jesus Christ

  • God’s only Son
  • Our Lord
  • Conceived by Holy Spirit
  • Born of the Virgin Mary
  • Suffered under Pontius Pilate
  • Crucified, died, and was buried
  • Rose on the third day
  • Ascended to heaven
  • Seated at the right hand of the Father
  • Will come to judge the living and the dead

Conclusion: Share your journey of faith with Jesus Christ

Closing Prayer Lord Jesus, may I see You more clearly, love You more dearly, and follow You more nearly, day by day. Amen.

Discussion: What difference does Jesus Christ make in your life?

TALK FOUR: I Believe in the Holy Spirit

Scripture John 14: 15-17

Opening Prayer Everlasting God, Spirit of Truth, reveal to us the faith passed on to us by our spiritual parents and ground us in it, so that we may know it,live by it, and share it, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Intro: The Holy Spirit, the 3rd person of the Trinity, is probably the least understood but the most needed

I The Holy Spirit

  • Comforter
  • Convicter
  • Anointer
  • Giver of gifts and graces
  • Baptizer
  • Spirit of Truth
  • Indwells believers

Conclusion: Share how the Holy Spirit empowers your Christian life

Closing Prayer: Come Holy Spirit and fill my life with Your presence, baptize me in Your Holy Presence and make me more than I could ever be on my own, through Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen.

Dicussion: How is the Holy Spirit working in your life?

TALK FIVE: I Believe in the Communion of Saints

Scripture Rev. 7: 9-12

Opening Prayer Everlasting God, Spirit of Truth, reveal to us the faith passed on to us by our spiritual parents and ground us in it, so that we may know it,live by it, and share it, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Introduction: The family of God

I Concepts of the communion of saints

  • Saints(set apart ones, holy ones, ones dedicated to God. People are either saints or aints.
  • The Body of Christ
  • The Kingdom of God
  • The Church in heaven and on earth

Conclusion: What is your experience of the communion of saints

Closing Prayer: Thank You, Jesus, for placing me in Your family. Help me to love them the way You love me. Amen.

Discussion: How do you engage in your Christian family?

TALK SIX: I Believe in the Forgiveness of Sins

Scripture I John 1: 5-10

Opening Prayer Everlasting God, Spirit of Truth, reveal to us the faith passed on to us by our spiritual parents and ground us in it, so that we may know it,live by it, and share it, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Intro: We are all in need of forgiveness, and giving and receiving forgiveness is a key part of the Christian life

I Basis of forgiveness: Jesus took the punishment for our sins so God declares us justified, aka not guilty of sin before Him, we are covered in His righteousness when we enter into the new covenant with Jesus

II Receiving forgiveness: Acknowledging our need to be saved, askng Jesus to forgive us and come into our lives, not to keep bringing up what God has forgiven

III Requirement of giving forgiveness- parable of the unforgiving servant, if we do not forgive we are turned over to the tormentors, forgiveness is something we do for ourselves/

Conclusion: What has been your experience of forgiveness?

Closing Prayer Forgive me for where I have sinned against You and others, Lord, and help me forgive those who sin against me, through Christ my Lord. Amen

Discussion: What has been your experience of forgiveness?

TALK SEVEN: I Believe in the Resurrection

Scripture John 11: 25-26

Opening Prayer Everlasting God, Spirit of Truth, reveal to us the faith passed on to us by our spiritual parents and ground us in it, so that we may know it,live by it, and share it, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Intro: Difference between resuscitation and resurrection

I Christ is the first fruits of the resurrection to life

II Properties of resurrection per Jesus Christ: entry into another dimension, never dying again, beyond the constraints of space and time

III Everyone will be resurrected, just to different destinies- Great White Throne judgment for those not in the Lambs Book of Life

Conclusion: What does resurrection mean to you?

Closing Prayer: Abba, thank You for Jesus dying and rising for me and ever living to help me in my time of need, through His Name I pray. Amen

Discussion: What does resurrection hope mean to you?

TALK EIGHT: I Believe in the Life Everlasting

Scripture John 17: 1-5

Opening Prayer Everlasting God, Spirit of Truth, reveal to us the faith passed on to us by our spiritual parents and ground us in it, so that we may know it,live by it, and share it, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Intro: Eternal life (zoe) is result of new birth

I Eternal live begins with salvation- being justified

II Eternal life grows in this life- being sanctified, made more like the Lord

III Eternal life reaches fullness in eternity, entering into the realm of God’s glory

Conclusion: How do you understand the life everlasting

Closing Prayer: Thank You, Lord, that by Your mercies I was born again to eternal life, may I always live to please You, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Discussion: What does it mean that believers are eternal beings?

TALK NINE: Do you believe?

Scripture Hebrews 12: 1-2

Opening Prayer Everlasting God, Spirit of Truth, reveal to us the faith passed on to us by our spiritual parents and ground us in it, so that we may know it,live by it, and share it, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Intro: What is the true meaning of believing?

I Not intellectual agreement or assent?

II Not denominational loyalty

III Not outward conformity

IV Belief is radical trust of your life to Jesus Christ

Conclusion: What is your story of coming to belief and growing in faith?

Closing Prayer Lord, I believe, I trust You, I seek to be close to You and live for You. I am Yours. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Closing recitation of the Apostles Creed and Prayer