COMP 3220 Human-Computer Interaction ProjectReport
Project Title:
Student(s) Name(s):
Student(s) ID No.:
Advisors: Dr. Alexander Nikov
Ms. Rachel Yen Chong
1Identify Current State and Scope
Example Interface Design Constraints for Check-EasePC i5 or better (and clones). More and more, these will be laptop computers.
Modems with baud rates as low as 14400.
Color monitors. Minimum resolution is 800 x 600.
Color and monochrome displays.
Microsoft Windows XP compliance or better.
2Develop User Profiles
User Profile FormApplication:
Potential Users:
Hardware Experience:
Software and Interface Experience:
Experience with Similar Applications:
Task Experience:
Frequency of Use:
Key Interface Design Requirements that Profile Suggests:
A persona is the profile of a fictional user that represents the intended audience(s) for this product. A persona should share characteristics with real people, but should not directly describe any real person. Taken together, the personas you define should represents wide a variety of characteristics as possible. For this concept tube effective, your team will use these personas throughout the design and evaluation process to provide a point of reference.
Your team will define a minimum of two personas. The detailed descriptions will appear in appendices. This section summarizes your team's personas and their characteristics. For example, a product for sixth graders could present personas for
- User A, an 11-year-old power-user
- Teacher, who is relatively competent in the use of computers.
Create the detailed description for each of the personas. Uniquely identify each persona, either with a descriptive label or with a name. If you wish, invent a picture of each persona. For each persona, describe their relevant personal characteristics and their general goals with respect to this product. Be sure that the characteristics that distinguish personas from one another are clear. If the personas are particularly long (e.g., a page or more each), then the detailed descriptions can be moved into an appendix.
3Gather Data
4Document the Current Tasks
Create a list of names of tasks as follows:
Absolutely must include:
Should include:
Could include:
Select 3-6 most important tasks from them.
4.1Describe each task
For each user task, document the following information:
- The actual task performed
- Tasks that precede, follow, or interrupt the task (task flow)
- Which users perform task
- Task products and where they go
- Common task performance problems, errors
- Users' complaints about how the task is performed today and their ideas about how task performance could be improved
- Characteristics of the work environment where the task is performed (for example, small, cluttered, dirty workspace that would make mouse use difficult)
- Add 1-3 screenshots for each task
4.2Document the Current Tasks
Task Detail TableTask # / Task / Frequency / Display Requirements / Input Requirements / Comments
5Document Problems and Opportunities
Problems and Opportunities List for Current Task of Paying BillsCan't find calculator, must add/subtract in head or with paper and pencil.
Current balance might not be up to date, have to stop and calculate.
Error prone relies on correct calculations.
Tedious to calculate and recalculate the running balance.
Handwriting is bad, people may read wrong amounts on checks.
Redundancy - write check and then repeat all the information in check register.
Would be nice to have tracking of what has been spent for different categories (such as food, medical, and so on).
More work to get an updated balance.
6Develop use case scenarios
7Describe Future Tasks
Select 1-5 future tasks if any
Similar to documenting current tasks (4)
8Low-fidelity prototype (on paper or on computer)
Develop low-fidelity prototype(s) of designs (5-10 screens) that you believe will satisfy the major requirements.
- Choose major user objects
- Identify objects from analysis documents in Assignment1
- Identify object attributes
- Identify user actions on task objects
- Select metaphors and representations
- Create a high level interface design (lo-fi prototype)
- Select/adapt a style
- Identify main windows and related user actions
- Identify home bases and launching pads
- Identify how user access main windows
- Assign user actions for main windows
- Evaluate and revise the high level design (lo-fi prototype)
8.1Navigation structure (tree)
Present on paper or by computer 5-10 screens with relevant titles and short description
9Team discussions and walkthrough.
Discuss the prototypes with your team and (ideally) potential users. You should be concerned here with how the general interface representation fits the users' view of their tasks. For the prototype designs that seem promising, use the tasks from Assignment 1 to perform a task-centred walkthrough of your prototype. Shortly list the usability problems allocated by the walkthrough using the scenarios.
10Computer (high-fidelity) prototype
Develop medium-fidelity prototype of lo-fi prototype. Conduct design reviews (walk through the user tasks and use scenarios). Revise prototype. Conduct usability test (e.g. heuristic evaluation cf. usability evaluation tools Interactive Heuristic Evaluation Toolkit). Describe short the usability problems allocated.
Mention books, articles, web sites, worksheets, project documents, or people who are sources of information about the application domain, etc. Give links to documents as appropriate. Alphabetize by last name of author.
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