Sawnee Elementary
/Step 1: Review 16-17 School Imp. Plan Reflection
Step 2: Executive Summary
Step 3: School Improvement Plan
___ CCPRI Goal
___ Academic/Instructional Goal
___ Climate Goal
/ Step 4: Continuous, Job-Embedded Prof. Learning Plan
Step 5 (End of the Year): 17-18 School Imp. Plan Reflection
Step 6: Data Team Reflection
2018 Executive Summary
Continuous Improvement Goals / Learner Profile
(Check all that apply) / Support from FCS Depts.*
(List all that apply)
Through the use of data teams we will continually monitor current data to inform instructional practices resulting in increased achievement in Mathematics. / X / Pursue Continuous Learning
Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities
Utilize Creative & Critical Thinking
Engage & Contribute
Interact Effectively / Support from Teaching and Learning and Special Education on the use of instructional strategies
Academic / Instructional Goal
Through the use of PLC/ data teams we will continually monitor current data to inform instructional practices resulting in increased achievement in English/Language Arts. / X / Pursue Continuous Learning
Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities
Utilize Creative & Critical Thinking
Engage & Contribute
Interact Effectively / Support from Teaching and Learning and Special Education on the use of instructional strategies
Climate Goal
Sawnee will improve student behavior to allow for increased teaching and learning. / X
X / Pursue Continuous Learning
Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities
Utilize Creative & Critical Thinking
Engage & Contribute
Interact Effectively / Support from Student Support Services, School Safety, and Teaching and Learning.
* FCS Departments: Educational Leadership, Facilities, Finance, Food & Nutrition Services, Human Resources, Operations, Public Information & Communications, Special Education, Student Support Services, Superintendent, Teaching & Learning, Technology & Information Services, and Transportation
2018 School Improvement Plan
Through the use of data teams we will continually monitor current data to inform instructional practices resulting in increased achievement in Mathematics.
The percentage of students achieving Proficient and/or Distinguished levels on the Mathematics Georgia Milestones will increase from 61.9% (2016-2017) to 65% as measured by the 2017-2018 Georgia Milestones.
Actions, Strategies and Interventions
(Includes Prof. Learning Plan) / Impact on Student and Adult Behavior
(“If…then...” Statements) / Timeline / Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
Focus on building a strong foundation of mathematical number sense in grades K-5.
Provide structured time for data teams to analyze and reflect on grade specific data; targeting the lower 25% in Bi-Weekly IST meetings in each grade level.
Instructional Extension Program will include a mathematics focus for grades 3-5.
3rd, 4th, and 5th grade teachers beginning to implement learning pathways to engage students in personalized learning. (PLC/Data Team Meetings occur Bi-Weekly)
1st grade teachers set grade-wide goal to increase leveled, differentiated instruction in during small group instruction. (PLC/Data Team Meetings occur Bi-Weekly)
Provide professional development to support teacher growth in the area of mathematics. / If we implement deliberate practices that focus on personalized learning and differentiation, then students will demonstrate increased achievement and movement to higher levels.
If we provide and implement an effective structure for teachers to analyze data, then we will improve math instruction resulting in increased achievement.
If teachers are provided with appropriate learning opportunities for mathematics instruction, then we will improve math instruction resulting in increased achievement. / 2017-2018 school year / Support and resources for providing professional development and continued learning.
Continued Data Team support for teacher leaders. Focus on analyzing data, assessments, UBD, and Learning Targets.
Continue consultations with Dr. Lack regarding effective practices and advanced content models.
Instructional Extension plan which focuses on identifying level 2 students and providing focused intervention instruction- Admin team IE Teacher Leader.
District and school level support to provide PD and resource training.
MDIS, Do the Math, Pearson Envision Math
Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year:
Sawnee staff will continue it’s focus on meeting on a bi-weekly basis to discuss student data. All departments will monitor assessment results and meet in IST meetings to discuss student progress. Additionally, Sawnee staff will meet in PLC/Data Teams to receive professional learning, monitor results, and review progress towards their PLG/PLP.
Academic / Instructional Goal:
Through the use of PLC/ data teams we will continually monitor current data to inform instructional practices resulting in increased achievement in English/Language Arts.
The percentage of students achieving Proficient and/or Distinguished levels on the English/Language Arts Georgia Milestones will increase from 56% (2016-2017) to 59% as measured by the 2017-2018 Georgia Milestones.
Actions, Strategies and Interventions
(Includes Prof. Learning Plan) / Impact on Student and Adult Behavior
(“If…then...” Statements) / Timeline / Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
Focus on building a strong literacy foundation for students in grade K-5
Regular assessment to determine reading levels of students (F&P)
Focus on small group, leveled reading instruction in all classes
Use of research-based programs for students who experience academic struggle in the area of reading.
Instructional Extension Program will include a reading focus for grades 3-5.
Provide structured time for data teams to analyze and reflect on grade specific data; targeting the lower 25% in Bi-Weekly IST meetings in each grade level.
Provide professional development to support teacher growth in the area of mathematics.
Three year (draft) Literacy Plan based upon Sawnee Literacy Survey has been developed and will be implemented.
KK, 2nd, 3rd, and 5th grade teachers set grade-wide goal to increase leveled, differentiated instruction in during small group instruction. (PLC/Data Team Meetings occur Bi-Weekly) / If we implement deliberate practices that focus on instructing students at their individual reading levels, with daily opportunities to connect with text, grapple with high level vocabulary, and respond to literature, then students will have daily opportunities for growth in the area of reading.
If we provide opportunities to learn, plan, reflect, and assess, then teachers will create a balanced literacy plan that will promote high levels of rigorous reading. / 2017-2018 school year / -Support and resources for reading instruction (District and school level support)
-Book study on Literacy Unleashed by Admin. Team and Instructional Coaches
-Completion of a school wide Literacy Survey
-Development of a 3-year Literacy Plan (draft) based upon school wide literacy survey data
-Regular IST meetings to discuss student progress. (Admin. and QWF)
-Clear F&P assessment plan to monitor student progress (Teachers, Admin, QWF)
-Continued training in LLI, Guided Reading, county research based intervention (District and school level support)
-Instructional Extension plan focusing on moving students from 2-3s on GaDOE (IE Team)
Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year:
Sawnee staff will continue it’s focus on meeting on a bi-weekly basis to discuss student data. All departments will monitor assessment results and meet in IST meetings to discuss student progress. Additionally, Sawnee staff will meet in PLCs/Data Teams to receive professional learning, monitor results, and review progress towards their PLG/PLP and the school-wide literacy plan.
Climate Goal:
Sawnee will improve student behavior to allow for increased teaching and learning.
The average student response on the Georgia Student Health Survey on Question 8 (Students in my class behave so that teachers can teach) will increase from 2.47(sometimes) to 3.00(often). This scale is out of a possible 4 points.
Actions, Strategies and Interventions
(Includes Prof. Learning Plan) / Impact on Student and Adult Behavior
(“If…then...” Statements) / Timeline / Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
Class meetings- Class meetings with a focus on The Leader in Me Habits are held for 20-30 minutes weekly.
School-wide 3 Bs-Led by the Specials Team, Sawnee students recognize Be responsible, Be Respectful, Be Safe of guides for their behavior. Classes earn points in their specials classes reflecting positive behavior
Guidance specials allows for students to receive instruction on social interactions, Leader in Me lessons, and career counseling for 90 minutes every three weeks.
Specific class placement- Intentional class placements are made to form balanced classrooms of students with varying needs.
Streamlined support schedule allows for all students to be deeply served in areas they have qualified for academically, which in turn will support behavioral, social and emotional needs.
Administrative support is consistent among all members of the admin team, using disciplinary guidelines established at the beginning of the school year.
Provide resources to teachers to guide lessons, and specific behavior plans for students.
Share team meeting allow for stakeholders (coaches, counselors, administrators and social workers) to identify and monitor students and families in need of additional support.
Leader in Me Lighthouse Committee Teams support a variety of needs which promote the overall culture and climate of the school. / If students and teachers are provided with support and resources to improve student behavior, then teaching and learning will increase.
If students benefit from improvements in classroom behaviors, then student perception of student behavior and teachers time to instruct will increase. / Multi-year process including 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 / -Weekly Leader in Me Lesson Plans-Lighthouse “Class Meeting” team, teachers
-Class Meeting Schedule- Admin. & Teachers
-Specials Classes implement 3 Bs into classroom lessons with rewards- Specials Teachers
-Guidance Classes-Guidance Counselors
-Specific Class Placement- Admin Team
-Streamlined Support Schedule- Admin Team and Support Staff
-Administrative Behavioral Support- Admin Team
-Specific behavior lessons and resources: Admin Team, Special Education Facilitator, Social Worker ( &, itslearning).
-Share Team-Admin, teachers, support staff, social worker, guidance
-Leader in Me Lighthouse Teams- All staff belongs to a team which supports the overall culture and climate of the school.
Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year:
Sawnee staff will meet on a monthly basis through Share Team, IST/SST, Lighthouse Team meetings, PLC/Data Team to discuss student concerns. Additionally, Sawnee staff will meet in PLCs/Data Teams to receive professional learning, monitor results, and review progress towards their PLG/PLP and the school wide culture.
Continuous, Job-Embedded Professional Learning Plan
Professional Learning Goal(s):
Provide clear and consistent professional learning to support Sawnee’s three goals, increase achievement in Mathematics and English Language Arts and improve student behavior.
Timeline: Dates and Times
(Add/modify as needed; however, there is no need to total contact hours.) / Professional Learning Actions, Strategies and Interventions / Impact on Student and Adult Behavior
(“If…then...” Statements) / Connection to Continuous Improvement Goal(s):
August 23, 2017
August 25, 2017
August 25, 2017
August 30, 2017
August- June
September 8, 2017
September 7, 2017
September 8, 2017
September 12, 2017
November 7 & 9, 2017
November 9, 2017
November 30 -December 1, 4, 5
January 5, 2018
January 25, 2018
January, 10, 2018
March, 2018
March 28, 2018 / Dr. Lack presented Number Talks
Betsy Paul presented Pearson and Do the Math
Quick Reads, Read Naturally Gate, LLI with Karen Ogline and Brook Pittet
Dr. Lack presented MDIS
NEO- support, PD for new teachers
School City with Kim Lochbaum
SIOP with Michelle Slaton
School City with Kim Lochbaum
Text Based Questions presented by NEO Team
Balanced Literacy and Guided Reading with Karen Ogline
Admin team Power Planning Data Dig (UBD)
Power Planning and Data Dig with Admin Team
Review of ACLD, Content Weight, Ideas for Writing Preparation and Instruction
ACCESS Test Training
EOG Test Training
Lighthouse Team Coaching Day / If teachers are provided with appropriate learning opportunities for mathematics instruction, then we will improve math instruction resulting in increased achievement.
If teachers are provided with appropriate learning opportunities for ELA instruction, then we will improve math instruction resulting in increased achievement.
If teachers are provided with appropriate learning opportunities for behavioral support, then we will improve student behavior resulting in increased student perception..
2017-18 School Improvement Plan Reflection
Please provide a short reflection summary for each goal listed below. (Did you meet your goals? Why or why not? What were your strengths / weaknesses? Did you monitor your goals throughout the year? If so, then how? Did you revise your goals throughout the year? If so, then why? What can be improved?)
Academic / Instructional Goal
Climate Goal
Data Teams Reflection
Impact on Instruction/Achievement:
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