SpaCCS 2017 Registration Form


The 10th International Conference on Security, Privacy and Anonymity in Computation, Communication and Storage (SpaCCS 2017)

Guangzhou, China, December 12-15, 2017


Associated with the following symposiums/workshops:

The 9th IEEE International Symposium on UbiSafe Computing (UbiSafe 2017)

The 9th IEEE International Workshop on Security in e-Science and e-Research (ISSR 2017)

The 8th International Workshop on Trust, Security and Privacy for Big Data (TrustData 2017)

The 7th International Symposium on Trust, Security and Privacy for Emerging Applications (TSP 2017)

The 6th International Symposium on Security and Privacy on Internet of Things (SPIoT 2017)

The 5th International Workshop on Network Optimization and Performance Evaluation (NOPE 2017)

The 3rd International Symposium on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud, and Big Data Systems and Applications (DependSys 2017)

The 3rd International Symposium on Sensor-Cloud Systems (SCS 2017)

The Second Annual Big Data Security, Privacy and Trust Workshop (BigDataSPT 2017)

The 2nd International Workshop on Cloud Storage Service and Computing (WCSSC 2017)

The First International Symposium on Multimedia Security and Digital Forensics (MSDF 2017)

The 2017 International Symposium on Big Data and Machine Learning in Information Security, Privacy and Anonymity (SPBD 2017)

* Payment of a registration fee covers the cost to attend the main conference and all symposium/workshop sessions, breakfasts, coffee breaks, conference reception and banquet, and all lunches and dinners during the conference. In addition, each registrant will receive a copy of the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science proceedings (in WebPub). Notice that this registration fee does not cover transportation fee, accommodation fee, and after conference tour fee.

All questions and inquiries concerning registration and payment should be addressed to:
Ms. Pin Liu: / Please complete this form and email a scanned copy to:
Ms. Pin Liu:
Tel: 13755071484


This information will be used for the list of participants and correspondence. / Title 1.Dr. 2. Mr. 3. Ms. 4. Prof. / Name
Mailing Address
City, Zip, Country
Phone / Fax / Email
ACCEPTED PAPER INFORMATION / □ SpaCCS 2017 □ UbiSafe 2017 □ ISSR 2017 □TrustData 2017
□ TSP 2017 □ SPIoT 2017 □ NOPE 2017 □ DependSys 2017
□ SCS 2017 □ BigDataSPT 2017 □ WCSSC 2017 □MSDF 2017
□ SPBD 2017
Paper ID: Authors:
Title of the paper:
REGISTRATION FEE / Early registration
by October 25, 2017 / Late/on-site registration after November 5, 2017
Main Conference Paper Registration /

Student Registration

/ □ RMB 3600 Yuan / □ RMB 4300 Yuan

Standard Registration

/ □ RMB 4000 Yuan / □ RMB 4600 Yuan

Pages Overlength Charge

/ Up to 6 additional pages may be purchased at a rate of RMB ¥330 per page.
Symposium / Workshop Paper Registration /

Student Registration

/ □ RMB 3600 Yuan / □ RMB 4300 Yuan
Standard Registration / □ RMB 4000 Yuan / □ RMB 4600 Yuan
Pages Overlength Charge / Up to 6 additional pages may be purchased at a rate of RMB ¥330 per page.
Registration / Standard Registration / RMB 2300 Yuan / RMB 2600 Yuan
支付方式 / □ 银行汇款 □ 内部转账

Payment Information(支付方式)

·  银行汇款(主要针对中国大陆的与会人口注册)


帐 号:3602114819100000192


注 意:

(1)  对于“论文作者注册”,请务必标注“SpaCCS17, UbiSafe17, or ISSR17, or TrustData17, or TSP17, or SPIoT17, or NOPE17, or DependSys17, or SCS17,or BigDataSPT17, or WCSSC17, or MSDF17, or SPBD17”字样、论文编号、注册人姓名、以及学生证号码(如果是以学生身份注册的话);对于“没有论文的与会者注册”,请务必要标注“SpaCCS17”字样、注册人所在单位、注册人姓名、以及学生证号码(如果是以学生身份注册的话)。

(2)  为方便确认您的银行汇款,请务必将银行给您的回单扫描发送至:。

Signature: Date:


Cancellation Policy

All requests for refunds must be received before November 5, 2017. No refunds will be allowed after this date. There will be a RMB¥ 660 service charge for all refunds. Please send a cancellation request to the registration chair, Ms. Pin Liu at , using the same email address with which you sent the scanned copy of your registration form.


At least one author of each accepted paper must register using the author registration rate to ensure that the paper will be included in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science conference proceedings. The author registration must be received by the special author registration deadline of November 5, 2017. If the registration fee is not received by this date, the paper will not be included in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science conference proceedings.