Exceptional Equestrians of the Missouri Valley, Inc.
3rdAnnual Benefit Horse Show
Saturday, August 1st2015
$10 per rider, per class
Classes(please check the classes you would like to enter):
____8:00am-8:15am: Short Stirrup Unassisted Walk-Trot Equitation
(open to riders 12 & under who are able to walk and trot independently. Up to 8 riders per class. Riders will be judged on their ability to independently ride at the walk and trot.)
____8:30-8:45am: Long Stirrup Unassisted Walk-Trot Equitation
(open to riders 13 & older who are able to walk and trot independently. Up to 8 riders per class. Riders will be judged on their ability to independently ride at the walk and trot.)
____9:00-9:15am: Short Stirrup Assisted Walk-Trot Equitation
(open to riders 12 & under who require a leader and/or sidewalkers.)
____9:30-9:45am: Long Stirrup Assisted Walk-Trot Equitation
(open to riders 13 & older who require a leader and/or sidewalkers)
____10:00-10:15am: Showmanship
(Unmounted class. Open to participants of all ages. Judging on handler’s ability to control their horse from the ground)
_____10:30-10:45am: Short Stirrup Barrel Racing
(open to independent or assisted riders 12 & under. Riders will be judged on their ability to steer their horse around 3 barrels. Any gait permitted. Fastest time wins.)
_____10:45-11:15pm: Long Stirrup Barrel Racing
(open to independent or assisted riders 13 & over. Riders will be judged on their ability to steer their horse around 3 barrels. Any gait permitted. Fastest time wins.)
_____11:30-12:00: Unassisted Dressage
(open to riders of all ages who are able to walk and trot independently. Riders will be judged on their ability to ride an introductory dressage test.)
_____12:15-12:45: Equitation Over Fences
(open to riders of all ages who are able to independently jump. Riders will be judged on their equitation over a course ofjumps. Any gait permitted.)
Rider Name:______Age:______
Horse Name: *______
Phone Number:______
Entry Fees Due:
$10 Per Class
Payment: Check #______CASH $______
Make Checks Payable to Exceptional Equestrians
This entry constitutes an agreement of the following:
Under Missouri Law, a participant in equine activities assumes the risk of any injury, harm, damage, or death and any legal responsibility that may occur to participant resulting from the inherent risks associated with equine activities.Under Missouri law, an equine professionals are not liable for an injury to or the death of a participant in equine activities resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Missouri.
I understand the inherent danger of Equine Activities and helmet wear is required for all riders.
Parent/Legal Guardian:______Date______
*Please note, all outside horses must have proof of negative coggins. Please call our office for trailering instructions.
Exceptional Equestrians
636-390-2141 (office) 636-239-7011 (fax)
785 Yellow Finch Lane
Washington, MO63090