28th January 2016
In attendance – Chairman Cllr Matthew Mason; Glyn Olive, Paddy Donnellan, Cllrs Mrs Marlene Wilson, Mrs Mary Walker, Mrs Sharon Beamish, Cllr Martin Foster & Cllr Kevin Moorhouse, Cllr Mrs Ruth Sharples
2 members of public in attendance – No public forum required.
Meeting opened 7.30pm
106.Welcome from Mayor Chairman Cllr Matthew Mason.
107. No apologies at this point – concerns were raised regarding the absence of Cllr Mrs Amiee Flitcroft, Clerk to check records and send Cllr Flitcroft a reminder that apologies must be given prior to the meeting time, Clerk checked emails & answer phone at 7pm no messages received.
108.Declarations of interest – none declared at this time.
109.Notes – it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED unanimously that the notes previously circulated are a true and correct record of the meeting held 19th November 2015 and notes of budget meeting held 19th November. Minutes were signed and dated by Chairman Cllr Matthew Mason.
110.Police Report – PCSO Ali Evans reported 3 x shoplifters at coop; 5x violence reports subsequently withdrawn; 10 domestic incidents; 10x neighbour disputes , 8 at same location; 20 suspicious circumstances, no crimes associated with any of the calls; 7 wildlife all Hare coursing; 4 x Road traffic collisions damage only; 3 x transport hazard, cows/bulls in the road; 5 x traffic offence 2 dangerous driving & 3 drink drivers, 1 vehicle nuisance off road bike on Dogdyke Rd. Cllr Foster requested that the councils concern with regard to the hare coursing needs to be passed back to the police, County Cllr Colin Mair had met recently with the PCC Alan Hardwick and voiced the concerns of the areas, due to the public announcement that op Galileo had been closed down the general feeling was that Lincolnshire was a free county; PCC Alan Hardwick confirmed that there is heavy police involvement working on the hare coursing issues cars are being confiscated and crushed, everyone is asked to report any suspicious vehicles by ring in the reg numbers to 101.
111.District Cllr Foster reported Car parking, Coningsby Silver St should be reverting back to a free Car Park in the near future no dates have been announced as yet; Broad band, Coningsby is almost fully covered by the high powered fibre optic service, most of the district should be receiving good signal. Cllrs grants are being questioned and there is no guarantee that these will be available in the next financial year, still a small amount of funds available.
County Cllr Colin Mair – Tumby Lawn House has an application in for change of use to Equine Therapy – Highways have objected to the application on the grounds of access, this access has been used for many years , Highways are using dual standards when it suits them claimed Cllr Mair. Home Care has settled down at this time Allied Health Care is in place and things are working well. Savings are being met this year by taking 49 million from reserves. Buss subsidies are being cut – please speak up if this is going to affect you. LCC are looking at their lighting stock with a view to reducing the service.
Car Parking – Council have been asked by ELDC to send in their views on the removal of Car Parking charges in the Coningsby Silver Street park these were discussed; councillors had mixed views, but the outcome was a 8 / 1 vote in favour of the charges to be removed completely. RESOLVED this decision will be passed to ELDC officers.
112.Council Surgeries – these were being held monthly at the Methodist Church and were well received but Councillors feel that the frequency should be reduced to quarterly and be held Council Office on a Saturday morning. Proposal Cllr G Olive , Seconded Cllr K Moorhouse; to hold the advertised event on 2nd April with Craig Leyland attending at the Methodist Church and the next one at the Council office on July 3rd this will be advertised in the Wapentake and on notice boards vote taken all in favour RESOLVED
113.Coningsby Award Book & Maps dated 1850 – currently these are stored in the council office, suggestion from Cllr Mrs Marlene Wilson that they be taken to the Lincolnshire Archives to be stored on an on loan basis, not given to the archive to preserve them as good as they are and prevent any further potential damage. Proposal Cllr M Foster, seconded Cllr K Moorhouse that all documentation in the book and on maps be made available on this Councils website for all to access; vote taken all voted in favour RESOLVED
114.Neighbourhood Plan – Once again this has gone cold, council concerns that the group have almost disappeared was endorsed by Cllr Mair who has chaired this group, he went on to inform the council that a questionnaire is almost ready for distribution and this could be done soon, he will get copies to Council for approval and any input can be added before sending out. The government keep moving the goal posts and with frightening stories like Horncastle spending £47k to be told their plan is not adequate the worry is that Coningsby & Tattershall will not be able to produce a workable document in time. Cllr Foster personal view was that after the efforts of 2011 and again 2014/15 the efforts of those involved will show little or no return for their time; at this stage locally we could not meet the deadline set by the government to ELDC for their plan to be in; the item will be placed on agenda for February after councillors have seen the draft questionnaire.
115.Footpath School Lane to Allan Barker – Cllr Mrs Ruth Sharples asked that Council look at this with a view to getting some surface dressing placed, the path is almost un- useable during the wet weather due to large puddles and mud. Council requested the clerk seek information from the Parish Paths Officer at LCC to see what the situation is; the council would be willing to part fund some works to improve this subject to costs.
116.Resignation of Cllr Phil Brown – sadly Phil has decided not to continue serving on the council at this time, ELDC have been informed and notices are in place advertising the vacancy; two applicants have come forward so far with letters to the clerk, the cut-off date for an election being called is 4th February 2016, after this those having shown an interest will be invited to attend a meeting of council. That is of course assuming an election hasn’t been called by 10 or more parishioners. Council requests the Clerk writes to Phil Brown and thank him for serving on the council.
117.Reports – Cllr Moorhouse has been working on the upgrade of the BMX track with a representative from the RAF two quotes and designs have been sought, RAF are looking at areas for fund raising and Cllr Moorhouse asked that Council do the same, the thoughts are that funding would need to be sought for more than the BMX as a stand-alone project with some other activity equipment being installed at the same time, Clerk will look at Big Lottery Inspired Communities Fund. Cllrs thanked Cllr Moorhouse and asked that he continued the work on this.
CCTV – Cllr Mrs Sharon Beamish , unfortunately the Awards for All bid has been declined so other sources are being looked into fund raising events will be held to raise funds and a couple of other bids are already in, a meeting will be held in the near future.
Coningsby Community Hall – accounts were available to view, the hall committee are looking for new members; the constitution is to be amended to allow this to happen.
Queens Birthday party – next meeting to be held in Lions Den at 7pm 4th February to find out if any progress has been made.
118. Sale of land at School Lane – documents with council, Proposal to release the £4,500 to LCC for the lifting of the covenant also the signing of the sale of land to Matrix Medical, Cllr M Foster seconded Cllr P Donnellan, Chairman & Clerk signed the docs, these are to be returned to Sills & Betteridge for final checks to be done; Matrix medical have been in touch with the fencing contractor – vote taken all in favour RESOLVED
119. Finances - Proposal to pay accounts in retrospect for December 2015 and January 2016 as listed, seconded all voted in favour RESOLVED.
BT Phone & Broad band / DD / 113.05D& R Simmons LTD trees / DD / 570.60
EON Allan Barker pavilion / DD / 130.48
Salaries / BACS / 2041.1
J Ward grass village / BACS / 63.00
C Roberts cutting -collecting large tree, 45 small trees / BACS / 325.00
Elligia recycling - play area bins / BACS / 16.85
C Roberts collecting hedging and Xmas tree work / BACS / 65.00
S. Kulwicki - office - / BACS / 76.00
Charles Hill - Equipment service and parts / BACS / 117.90
Refreshments carol service- 12 large hawthorn plants / BACS / 50.00
M Gillett - putting up Christmas trees / 304145 / 168.00
Goodwins / 304146 / 175.01
UKWSL - services for January 2016 / 304147 / 41.64
Goodwins - lost cheque May 2015 re issued / 304148 / 129.94
HMRC via post office / 304149 / 431.40
Coningsby Book shop - office supplies / 304150 / 6.95
LALC councillor training Cllr Beamish / 304151 / 23.50
Flowers by Maxine / 304152 / 26.00
LALC training event Clerk / 304153 / 7.50
Mr Stennett / 304154 / 7.72
Breast Cancer research UK donation for tree / 304155 / 50.00
EON Allan Barker pavilion / DD / 229.74EON unmetered supply War Memorial / DD / 9.06
EON unmetered supply Allan Barker / DD / 18.28
Salaries / BACS / 1,934.91
J Ward grass village / BACS / 20.00
C Roberts cutting -removal/ disposal of trees / BACS / 200.00
Elligia recycling - play area bins / BACS / 30.05
K.Roberts - Stamps / BACS / 54.00
M Gillett - taking down 45 in total Christmas trees / 304156 / 160.00
HMRC via post office / 157 / 346.60
Goodwins / 158 / 72.06
UKWSL - services for February 2016 / 159 / 41.64
Cooleys fuel / 160 / 55.40
Friskney's Professional Grass Care / 161 / 274.46
Lincspest Ltd - Mole Removal / 162 / 132.00
K. Roberts - Stamps / 163 / 54.00
Community Hall Hire - (Jan Meeting) / 164 / 18.00
(i)Application number: S/035/02254/15 – The hub, 22. School Lane – Application to display signage x7. After discussion, Council RESOLVED unanimously to object to the number of signs, information to be forwarded to ELDC.
(ii) Application number: S/035/00103/16 – 35. Dogdyke Road – Councillors discussed, observations were made on overlooking windows, positioning in relation to adjacent properties and no garage. Comments will be passed to ELDC.
121. Date set for burial board meeting Saturday 6th February 10am at Cemetery. Proposal to purchase two burial board books required for recording details @ £40 each seconded RESOLVEDall in favour.
122. Clerks report – Bank mandate is all in order all Cllrs details updated. Footpath along the rear of properties on Dogdyke Road has been accepted and will be added to the definitive footpath map and recorded as a Public Right of Way.