NAME ______

Lesson5-6Comma: PrepositionalPhrases

Prompt: Longintroductoryprepositionalphrases areusuallymarked off by commas:"After thehomecoming game,studentsattendedadance."

Directions: Oneor more commashave beenomitted fromeach ofthefollowing sentences.Insert commasbetweenthewords where you desireacomma tobe.

1. Nearthebreaking wavesseagullsscratchedinthesand.

2. Nexttothelifeguardtowersurfersweregathering.

3. Abovethebreakwaterbrownpelicans weresoaringinthe wind.

4. Throughoutthemorningthepounding surfcouldbeheard.

5. Atthetopofawaveonesurfercaughttheride ofhis life.

6. Withinthetubeofthewavesurfboardandsurferwereone.

7. Acrossthesandy beachthetideebbedand flowedin constant rhythm.

8. Uponthefoamandglassboardssurfersventuredintothe pounding surf.

9. Withinthevalley ofthewavethesurferpreparedtoride.

10. Ontheshore the galleryofspectators watched.

11. Beneaththesurfer's feetthewaxedboardcutthewaves.

12. Likeadolphinthe boardpropelledthesurfer forward.

13. Downthe faceofthewavethesurfer cutapath.

14. Atopthesandy beachafire pitwarmedtherestingsurfers.

15. Belowthelifeguard towertheshadowsplayedonthesand.

16. Alongthestretchofthebeachsurfers bobbedinthewater.

17. Withoutawetsuitasurfer wouldbecoldinthewater.

18. Towardtheendoftheday surfersreluctantlywenthome.

19. Foreachday inthesurfsurfersstore memoriesforthe winter.

20. Untilthe arrivalof thesummersunsurferswilldreamof the endless summer.

Lesson5-41Capitalization: Calendar Days, Seasons, Holidays

Prompt: Capitalize thenamesof days,months,andholidays: "Monday,January, Veteran's Day." Theseasonsoftheyear areusuallynotcapitalized: "spring,summer,fall, andwinter."

Directions: Thesentencesbeloweither showerrors incapitalization orare correct as shown.Highlighttheword or words youfeel shouldbecorrectly capitalized but arenotcapitalized, or select"(correctas is)"atthe endof eachsentence.

1. Yes,independencedayis injuly.(correctas is)

2. Wearegoingonvacationthisfall.(correctasis)

3. DidyouknowthatJune 5this world environmentday?(correctas is)

4. Wecelebratefather's dayinJune.(correctas is)

5. Eachyear westart school after labor day.(correctas is)

6. InJanuarywecelebratemartinluther king day.(correctas is)

7. DuringthemonthofFebruary,valentines dayis celebratedwithcandyand flowers. (correctasis)

8. On arbor day wewillplanta treeinthequad.(correctas is)

9. Byan act ofCongress, we havea holidayonthanksgivingday. (correctas is)

10. Doyou prefer spring,summer,fall, or winter?(correctas is)

11. Our meetingwill be nexttuesday.(correctasis)

12. Theappointment will bemadeformother's dayinmay.(correctas is)

13. Weflytheflageveryflagdayinjune.(correctasis)

14. Ourfamilyschedules holidays forWinter Solstice and Spring Solstice eachyear. (correct as is)

15. As children, we enjoyed dressing upincostumesonhalloween. (correctas is)

16. Are youfreeMonday,Tuesday, orWednesday?(correctas is)

17. The eighthmonthis august.(correctas is)

18. Does your school haveaholidayonColumbus day?(correctas is)

19. Wecelebratethebirthdayofourfirst presidenteachfebruaryon washington's birthday,a nationalholiday.(correctas is)

20. A greatholidayfor collegefootballis newyear's day.(correctas is)

CORRECT EACH OF THE FOLLOWING RUN ON SENTENCES IN TWO DIFFERENT WAYS. The first time use a ,conjunctionORsemicolon (;) OR semicolon (;) with a conjunctive adverb (however, therefore, moreover, nevertheless consequently, then, thus). Thesecond time, use a subordinate conjunction. (after, although, as, because, before, for, if, provided, since, so than, that, then unless until when where, while) NUMBER YOUR ANSWERS 1.a. 1.b., 2.a. 2.b. etc.


1. Mom and Dad groaned the repair bill for the dryer was $130.

2. Fred dashed behind the barrel Janet scrambled up a tree.

3. A black spider smiles to itself a careless fly zooms toward its web.

4. Mr. Birosak from Tunaville packed his suitcase he forgot his hairpiece on the bed.

5. Akeem raced sixteen blocks home he was late for dinner.

6. A young duck floated in the moat the crocodiles played water polo.

7. Little Walter blew his harmonica the band blasted music behind him.

8. A pair of eggs sizzled in the frying pan the smell reached the camper's nose.

9. The bucket leaks water drips out.

10. Frances arrowed her bow the wolf stood frozen in the night.