Optional Math Enrichment Activity Menu

  • Make a map of your route from home to school or another location in walking distance from your home. Estimate how many steps it will be. Walk the route and record the actual steps. What was the difference between your estimate and the actual number of steps? Explain how you solved this problem.
  • Estimate the mileage of your route from home to school or another location. What is the actual mileage of your route? What was the difference between your estimate and the actual mileage? Explain how you solved this problem.
  • Estimate how many minutes it takes you to get to school. Estimate how many seconds. Record how fast it actually takes you to get to school in minutes. Record how fast it is in seconds. What is the difference between your estimates and your actual times?
  • How many miles do you live from school? From the grocery store? From the park? From the beach?
  • Help make the grocery list. Estimate how much the bill will be. What was your strategy in making your estimate?
  • Ask your parent to give you a budget for grocery items. Make a list of what you’d buy. When you go shopping, look at how much your items actually cost. Were you over, under, or right on your budget?
  • Go shopping with your parent. How close was your estimate to the actual amount of the bill? What was the most expensive item on the list? What was the least expensive?
  • What time do you go to bed? What time do you get up? How many hours do you sleep in one night? How many minutes? How many seconds?
  • How many hours do you sleep in a week? How many minutes? How many seconds?
  • Keep a daily calendar of things you do. Record the times for each. Record in analog and digital clock times.
  • How many days old are you? your parents? your siblings? your grandparents?
  • Write down the age of each person in your family. Who is the oldest? Who is the youngest? What is the difference between the two ages? Add up all the ages of your family? What is the total?
  • Measure each family member’s height. First, measure in inches, then centimeters. How tall is your family altogether? What object is comparable to this total?
  • Measure each family member’s foot. First, measure in inches, then measure in centimeters. How many inches and centimeters are there in total? What object is comparable to this total?
  • Pick out a toy you would like to buy. How much does it cost? How many dollars? How many cents?
  • Empty out your parents’ pockets or wallet each day. Count how much money they have. Record the daily totals. How much money was there over a week’s time?
  • Explain ways you can save for this toy. How long will it take you to purchase it?
  • Pretend you are going to recycle cans for this toy. How many cans would need to save to purchase it? Show your work that helped you solve this problem.
  • Write some story problems to share with the class. Be sure to include your answers.
  • Using a deck of playing cards, play top-it with a family member. Play addition top-it. If you can, play multiplication top-it.
  • With a deck of cards, play “21”.
  • Pick a number each day. Write as many equations as you can to equal that number. You can use coin values, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  • McGraw Hill has a great workbook series. Choose one that is challenging to you and complete the pages on your own! You can find them at Staples, Barnes and Noble, or a teacher supply store, like Lakeshore Learning.
  • With a parent, go to Ms. Harris’ blog on the Torrey Hills Website. Find a fun math game to play on the computer.
  • Think of another fun Math Enrichment Activity and share it with me!

Optional Language Arts Enrichment Activity Menu

  • Research Reports- Research and write about a country, state, animal, famous person, hobby, or sport.
  • Books Reports- After reading a book, complete one of the following activities:
  • Summarize the story- include a beginning, middle, and end.
  • Write about your favorite part of the story.
  • Describe the setting.
  • Write about the main character and other characters in the story.
  • Write about the problem and solution.
  • Continue the story. What might happen next?
  • Create an alternate ending to the story.
  • Build a diorama.
  • Create a puppet play. Make the characters from socks, paper bags, craft sticks, etc. Your characters should reenact the story. Perform the play for the class.
  • Write a poem.
  • Write a story.
  • Write a “To Do” list.
  • Keep a daily journal at home.
  • Create a cartoon strip.
  • Write out an invitation to an event. Include who, what, where, when, and why.
  • Write an informative news article.
  • Summarize a TV show or movie.
  • Write a play.
  • Write a prediction before you read a story. After you read the story, write a comparison of how your prediction was the same or different from the story.
  • Write one of your favorite family recipes.
  • Write letters to family members or friends. Use proper friendly letter format. Address the envelopes correctly.
  • Write a letter to an adult to persuade them to let you do something.
  • Write a letter to Mrs. Sorenson, and tell her what you like about going to school at Torrey Hills. Make suggestions about what you would change. Tell her how you can make Torrey Hills a better school.
  • Write a letter to the President of the United States. Tell him what you like about America. Make suggestions about what you would change. Tell him how you can make America a better place to live.
  • Write a letter to the Governor of California. Tell him what you like about California. Make suggestions about what you would change. Tell him how you can make California a better place to live.
  • Write about the Character Counts themes: respect, caring, trustworthiness, honesty, citizenship, and responsibility.
  • Think of another extension and share it with me!
  • Extra Challenge: Type your activities on the computer!