Business Plan


(Name of Your Company)

established on

(Month, Date & Year)


(Your Name)


(insert your mailing address, telephone numbers, fax, email address)

Business Plan


(NAME of Your Company)

a Sole-Proprietorship Business registered by (Your Name) in the State of (your State).

Vision Statement

(Your Company Name), founded in (insert year) as a home-based business, intends to profitably mass market a growing number of products and services to the general buying public. Due to low product prices, high retail profit margins, large target audiences, and the tax advantages available to me by running this as a home-based business, I intend to produce a substantial profit, over a period of time.

Mission Statement

(Insert Name of Business) will provide top-quality products and services at the best prices to my customers through personal sales, direct-marketing, paid and/or non-paid advertising, in-home product demonstrations, catalog sales, online promotion, fundraising support, etc.

In order to achieve my Vision, I have educated myself fully on the products and services I will provide, and on the target audiences to whom I will sell.

Target Prospects

The ideal target prospects for my company’s products/services fall into these broad categories:

Customer Profiles

The ideal customer possesses these qualities and/or needs

Competitive Environment

Competitors include

Our Marketing Advantage

In order to successfully sell against our competitors we will offer

Marketing Plan

(YourCompany’s Name)’s marketing strategy is to aggressively promote______products and services, on a local/statewide/regional/nationwide/global (state one or more) basis through retail customers, friends, relatives, business associates, and new prospects generated through direct mail, advertising and all other direct marketing approaches, capitalizing on the fact that we offer three distinct benefits:




Therefore, the daily modus operandi of the President & Chief Executive Officer of (Insert Name of Your Company) will be to promote the business starting with a prospecting or sales call as his/her first stop upon leaving his/her business location (ie., home) each day, continuing as possible throughout the day and ending each evening with a final prospecting or sales call. This will include:

Prospecting and making price comparisons at various merchant establishments rather than simply “shopping,”

Prospecting and promoting my company’s products and services whenever playing golf, fishing, or other social or sporting activities conducive to business discussions;

Promoting my company’s products/services at church, school and numerous other appropriate functions.

Sales Strategies

Because of the universal appeal of my company’s product, low prices, and unique sales advantages we will capitalize on with the following retail sales strategies:

Direct Sales:

Many of my retail customers will entrepreneurial potential will be converted to product distributors by simply showing them the tax advantages of owning their own business and how they can also save by buying products at wholesale for personal use and retail sale.

Gift Giving:

Once recipients of gift certificates contact me for redemption, I will offer them the opportunity to convert to Independent Marketing Associate or Distributor status in order to enjoy even lower product costs. Duplication of this process will lead to hundreds and then to thousands of new customers who might then convert to independent distributor status and duplicate the process over and over.


I will provide FREE membership in my organization to any bona fide not-for-profit organization in order to help them establish, promote and conduct a successful fundraising program. As a Member, the organization may order products at wholesale price and sell at retail; and if they choose to become an Independent Distributor, they may sponsor other Independent Distributors or organizations and enjoy commissions and bonus qualifications on the total volume of their sales organization.

One of the unique and effective programs for fundraising groups is to simply order gift certificates at 50% off retail, then sell them within their group at 25% off. Once the recipients contact them for redemption, they may also offer the recipients the opportunity to convert to Independent Distributor status in order to enjoy the much lower product cost. Duplication of this process will lead to hundreds and then thousands of new customers who would then convert to Independent Distributor status and duplicate the process over and over.

Experts say that between 10-million and 15-million Americans are involved in network marketing today. Most are with companies that sell good quality, but generally overpriced products. My company’s low prices and substantial advantages mean that these millions of experienced networkers are prime candidates for my business opportunity.

Direct-Mail Advertising

In order to reach the millions of experienced networkers outlined above, as well as tens of millions other people interested in reducing their taxes legally morally and ethically, I will aggressively conduct a Direct Mail marketing program as a part of my marketing efforts.

Classified Advertising:

In order to reach the millions of potential retail buyers as well as potential Independent Distributors, we will explore the use of various forms of classified advertising to seek out prospects.


Since the most effective and most highly credible form of advertising is word-of-mouth advertising from satisfied customers, we will compensate our current customers to provide us references to new prospective customers.

Media Exposure:

Since it is possible to make the success of our company and the products we sell to appear “newsworthy” and to be of “human interest,” we will attempt to interest local broadcast and print media in providing “free advertising” for our company and our products.

In-Home Sales Meetings:

Recognizing that the products and services provided by (insert name of your Company) will be of benefit and of interest to the President’s own friends, family, contacts, former customers/clients, acquaintances, neighbors, colleagues, fellow civic club members, former employers and employees, vendors, suppliers, etc, in-home presentation meetings are planned.


(Name of company) will establish a track record of cost-effective products, excellent support and exemplary service to our customers. Their expressions of satisfaction and encouragement will become numerous.

The products and services offered and marketed by (Name of company) will continue to expand and diversify over time, to eventually encompass a wide array of profitable business entities, operating under the umbrella name of (Name of company).

Following an initial period of start-up losses, (Name of Company) intends to become a highly profitable, tax paying business entity.