NOTE: Alternate courses from Pages 10/11 may be signaled if planned course appears impossible.
RUSSELL ISLAND: 16 miles. START: 10:00 a.m. TIME LIMIT: 7 hours. DNF: 8 hours. COURSE: Start between Sidney Wharf yellow flag and green spar in a northerly direction. Dock Island to port, Canoe Rock to port, Russell Island to port, Dock Island to starboard, green spar to starboard, finish between Sidney Wharf yellow flag and red spar.
MANDARTE ISLAND: 11 miles. START: 10:00 a.m. TIME LIMIT: 6 hours. DNF: 7 hours. COURSE: Start in a northerly direction between Sidney Wharf yellow flag and green spar. Kerr Island mark to starboard, Mandarte Island to port or starboard, Sidney Island to port, green spar to starboard, finish between Sidney Wharf yellow flag and red spar.
CANOE BAY SAILING CLUB REGATTA: See notice of race prior to regatta.
CANOE ROCK: 14½ miles. START: 10:00 a.m. TIME LIMIT: 6 hours. DNF: 7 hours.
Start in a northerly direction between Sidney wharf yellow flag and #5, Dock Island to port, Canoe Rock to starboard, Dock Island to starboard, 4S, 6S.
SIDNEY ISLAND: 14 miles. START: 10:00 a.m. TIME LIMIT: 7 hours.DNF: 8 hours. COURSE: Start between Sidney Wharf yellow flag and red spar in a southerly direction. Sidney Island and Sallas Rocks to port, green spar to starboard, finish between Sidney Wharf yellow flag and red spar.
SIDNEY-HOBART RACE: Vancouver Island Invitational. 20 miles.
START:10:00 a.m. TIME LIMIT: 8 hours. DNF: 8 hours. COURSE: Start in a northerly direction between green spar and yellow flag on Sidney wharf, Dock Island to port, Canoe Rock to starboard, north to turning point, UN Deep Ridge (known as Hobart mark) 3/4 miles magnetic east of Channel Islands. Canoe Rock to port, Dock Island to starboard. green spar to starboard, finish between red spar and yellow flag on Sidney wharf. Rounding instructions: round UN marker in either direction.
SHORT COURSE: Note time rounding UN mark when lined up with Beaver Point and phone time to 656-1891.
ZERO ROCK: 18 miles. START: 10:00 a.m. Time Limit: 7½ hours. DNF: 8½ hours. COURSE: Start between Sidney Wharf yellow flag and red spar in a southerly direction, round Zero Rock, to starboard, finished between Sidney Wharf yellow flag and red spar. Any course may be taken.
SHORT COURSE: Will aply if race DNF. Take time when 180 degrees magnetic around Zero Rock, record boats ahead and astern, and phone info to 656-1891.
INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARY RACE: 24 miles. START: 10:00 a.m. TIME LIMIT:10 hours. DNF: 10 hours. COURSE: Start in a southerly direction between the red spar and the yellow flag on the Sidney Wharf. D'Arcy Shoals buoy to starboard. Round Zero Rock to port. D'Arcy Island to starboard, Sidney Island and Gooch Island to port, Imrie Island to port, green spar to starboard, finish between red spar and yellow flag on Sidney Wharf. If no starter on dock at finish line, take your own time, record boats ahead and astern, and phone info to 656-1891.
SHORT COURSE: 17.5 miles will apply if total race DNF. Take time when you
cross a east-west line though light at Rum Island, and phone time to 656-1891.
ARACHNE REEF: 11½ miles. START: 10:00 a.m. TIME LIMIT: 6½ hours. DNF: 7½ hours. COURSE: Start in a northerly direction between Sidney Wharf yellow flag and green spar, Kerr Island mark to starboard, Forrest Island and 23Ft. Islet to port, Rubley Island to port, Arachne Reef to starboard, Rum Island to starboard, green spar to starboard, finish between Sidney Wharf yellow flag and red spar.
BONNIE & CLYDE: START 12:00 p.m. See courses and mark instructions pages 10/11.
COWICHAN BAY: Invitational to SNSYC only.
RACE TO COWICHAN BAY: START: 10:00 a.m. Start between yellow flag on Sidney Wharf and green spar in a northerly direction. Dock Island and Piers Island to port. Finish off Government Wharf. 14 miles. TIME LIMIT: 5 hours. DNF: 6 hours. A one-time, 10-minute motoring allowance is permitted. If used,
your motor must be started prior to reaching the south end of Dock Island,
with your foresails lowered.
RACE FROM COWICHAN BAY: START: 10:00 a.m. Start in vicinity ofGovernment Wharf. Piers Island and Dock Island to starboard. Finish between Sidney Wharf yellow flag and green spar. 14 miles. TIME LIMIT:5 hours. DNF: 6 hours. Instructions on VHF Channel 9 @ 9:00 a.m.
Start line northerly direction between Sidney Wharf yellow flag and green spar. Dock
and Piers Islands to port, around Salt Spring Island to port or starboard, Piers and Dock Islands to starboard. Finish south between Sidney Wharf and green spar. Hail sail number and take time. Short course will apply if race DNF. 24 hour limit. Take time when crossing magnetic north from Southey Point, record boats ahead and astern, and phone info to 656-1891.
RUM RACE (2010): January 1. START: 11:00 a.m. See course and mark instructions Pages 10/11. Prize giving at Rumrunner Pub.