Placing an Employee on Paid Parental Leave of Absence

Last Updated: 10/15/08

What to Do / Who / How to Do It
1 / Initiate the leave request—either verbally or in writing.
Questions should be forwarded to or 765-494-1310. / Employee with the assistance and coaching of her/his supervisor, as needed / Contact the Business Office, Time Administrator, or Human Resource Services (HRS) office to initiate Paid Parental Leave (PPL) and/or Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave.
2 / Use the PPL Checklist to verify whether an employee meets the preliminary eligibility standards outlined in the Paid Parental Leave and Family Medical Leave Act Leave (FMLA) policies. If the employee qualifies, send a notification e-mail to the FMLA Administrator.
Questions should be forwarded to or 765-494-1310. / Business Office, Time Administrator, or HRS / Provide the employee with a copy of the PPL Checklist, and use the checklist for step-by-step instructions to verify the employee’s eligibility for PPL and/or FMLA.
  • NOTE: An employee’s absences and attendances recorded over the prior 12 months may be reviewed with the display working times report (ZHRTM_DISPLAY) transaction.
Notify the FMLA administrator via e-mail if the employee has initiated a leave request and is eligible for PPL or FMLA.
Additional Resources:
  • PPL Knowledge Base
  • OnePurdue Leaves Reference Grid
  • FMLA Procedures forSupervisors, Business Offices, and Human Resource Services
  • Employee Checklist (FMLA)

3 / Submit the request for PPL and/or FMLA on the appropriate forms to the Business Office, Time Administrator, or HRS.
Questions should be forwarded to or 765-494-1310. / Employee with the assistance of the Business Office, Time Administrator, or HRS, as needed / Employees qualifying for PPL (only) will submit the following forms to request PPL leave 30 days in advance, whenever possible:
1.Form 33ABSENCE
2.Flex Schedule Form (Only if the employee requests flex time)
Employees qualifying for both PPL and FMLA will submit the following forms to request leave 30 days in advance, whenever possible:
  1. FMLARequest and Notice
  1. FMLA Medical Certification Form
  1. HRS Form 33FMLA– Monthly paid employees use this form to record absences.

4 / Approve or deny the employee request for leave as documented on the University forms referenced above.
Questions should be forwarded to or 765-494-1310. / Supervisor,
Department Head, Business Office / When the PPL request is for continuous leave, the supervisor must grant the leave. If the leave request is for intermittent or reduced schedule leave, the supervisor can grant or deny the request. Click here for definition of continuous or intermittent leave. Supervisors may choose to contact their Business Office or Employee Relations for assistance.
In the case of concurrent employment, all departmental signatures are required on the request forms. Each department signature represents a percentage of CUL.
5 / Complete the Leave Action Form (continuous leave only).
Questions should be forwarded to or 765-494-6832. / Business Office, Time Administrators / On the Leave Action Form, complete the information for the employee, including PERNR, name of the employee, leave begin date, expected return to work date, and business office contact information, along with the appropriate business office signature.
Choose “FMLA” or “LOA Paid”—whichever is appropriate, and select “Paid Parental Leave” from the drop-down box.
Send the completed Leave Action Form to HRSSharedServiceCenter for processing.
Should leave actions change during continuous leave, the Business Office must submit a new Leave Action Form, as only one leave action and one leave reason is permitted per form.
  • NOTE: Business Offices are responsible for making any Info Type 27 cost distribution changes.
When the Leave Action Form is processed by the SSC, it will be sent to Central Files.
6 / Make copies of the approved leave request. Route the original document to HRS- Employee Relations or the appropriate campus HRS office for processing for final leave approval. This leave request notifies Payroll to establish the employee’s PPL quota balance in PT50 (Quota Overview).
Questions should be forwarded to or 765-494-1310. / Business Office, Time Administrators, or HRS / The employee receives a copy of the approved leave request, and the department maintains the second copy for its records.
Route the original document to HRS- Employee Relations or the appropriate campus.
  • Note: To verify that the quota balance has been established, use T-CODE, PT50 (Quota Overview).

7 / Verify and enter leave usage. Follow the Biweekly Time Entry (Current Pay Period)or Monthly Time Entry Business Process (link soon to come). Enter leave usage for the staff member into OnePurdue CATS from one of the documents listed below:
Questions should be forwarded to or 765-494-0056.
The employee’s time usage is recorded on HRS Form 33FMLA or HRS Form 33ABSENCE—whichever is appropriate.
The employee’s time usage is recorded on the employee’s time card.
Tracking Holiday Pay for PPL and FMLA:
Entering time when a biweekly employee is on Short Term Disability and utilizing PPL to keep the employee’s salary at 100%:
Questions can be directed to the Disability Benefits Coordinator in HRS at 494-1691.
Entering time when parental leave quota is not available in the system: / Employee/
Time Administrator / Utilize T-Code PT50 to verify Paid Parental Leave quota has been established or utilize PA20 – Info Type 2006 – select all – overview. PA20 will show you the dates of the established Paid Parental Leave quota.
If the date of the Parental Leave is BEFORE the date in the system fill out the quota correction form and fax to Payroll Time at 765-494-1728. Send an email to indicating a quota correction form has been sent.
Use transaction CAT2 and select the appropriate profile. This will usually be TABW, TABWCOST, or TAMO.
See the BPP on TimeEntry > Human Resources > Time Management > HR_TM_Time_Entry.
Holidays are NOT included in PPL; however, holidays are included for FMLA leave. When recording time in CATS, you will not record a PPL absence code on the day of the holiday. When recording time in CATS for FMLA leave, you will enter the absence code FMH (FMLA Using Paid Holiday) on the day of the
holiday. For exempt staff on PPL not including FMLA leave, you do not have to enter the holiday absence code.
Enter ABUP (Approved Unpaid Time Off) for hours that qualify for Short Term Disability. This is 65% of the employee’s regularly scheduled work day. This is usually 5.2 hours for an 8-hour day. Enter the appropriate PPL Code for the remaining hours of the day. This is usually 2.8 hours for an 8-hour day.
If a staff member’s PPL quota is not available in the system when time entry is made for a payroll deadline, use the OL (Other Leave) absence code. When PPL quota is available, you will need to replace absence codes from OL with the appropriate PPL absence code. Please remember you can only go back two pay periods to make corrections. Corrections past two Pay Periods need to be sent to Payroll for processing. A copy of the absence form with the appropriate signatures, along with a memo stating what needs to be changed in CATS, will need to be forwarded to Payroll.
  • NOTE: If you have to use the absence code OL due to the quota not being established please notify Payroll by .

8 / Cost distribution for employees on grants: / Business Office / Only 10 days of leave may be reported against the grant per occurrence. All other time must be reported on departmental funds. Click here for additional information.
9 / Request a return-to-work (RTW) statement from the health care provider.
Questions should be forwarded to or 765-494-1310. / Employee / Inform the supervisor of the intent to return to work from FMLA leave.
Contact the health care provider’s office, and request a RTW statement.
The RTW statement must indicate when the employee may return to
work, whether the employee has any restrictions, and the duration of those restrictions.
10 / Present the RTW statement to the supervisor.
Questions should be forwarded to or 765-494-1310. / Employee / Present the RTW slip to the supervisor prior to, or on the day of, returning to work. Provide a copy to Human Resource Services, FMLA Administrator.
The employee may not be allowed to work until the information is received, and the employee may be sent home if the employee cannot obtain the RTW slip from the health care provider.
11 / Complete a Leave Action Form.
Questions should be forwarded to or
765-494-6832. / Time Administrator in the Business Office or HRS / Complete a Leave Action Form to allow the employee to return to work.
12 / Send the completed Leave Action Form to HRSSharedServiceCenter.
Questions should be forwarded to or 765-494-6832. / Time Administrator in the Business Office or HRS / Send the Leave Action Form to HRSSharedServiceCenter for processing.
13 / Maintain all documentation for the employee’s PPL and/or FMLA leave.
Questions should be forwarded to or 765-494-1310.
/ Business Office and HRS / Maintain FMLA documentation for three years, separate from the employee’s personnel or departmental file.