Co-operation agreement for a joint doctorate between University … and K.U.Leuven – pag.1/5

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Co-operation agreement for a joint doctorate between University … and K.U.Leuven – pag.1/5

Co-operation Agreement for a Joint Doctorate

between theUniversity…and the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

with award of a Double Doctoral Diploma

The following parties

­The University…

represented by Prof. dr. …, Rector,

with registered office atstreet,number, postcode, city (country)


­Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,

represented by Prof. dr. …, Rector,

with registered office atOude Markt 13, B-3000 Leuven (Belgium)

hereinafter ‘the partnerinstitutions


­Mr./Mrs. [First name], [name],hereinafter ‘thedoctoral student’,

hereinafter, the afore-mentioned shall be referred to jointly as ‘the parties’,


­Account being taken of the decree of 4 April 2003 concerning the restructuring of higher education in Flanders, and in particular articles 86§1 and §4 and article 94§4, as amended;

­Account being taken of the decree of 30 April 2004concerning the flexibilisation of higher education in Flanders and containing urgent measures with regard to higher education, as amended;

­Account being taken of the resolution of the Flemish Government of 11 June 2004 for the stipulation of the form of degrees and the content of the accompanying degree supplement form issued by the institutions of higher education in Flanders, and in particular appendices 5 and 6;

­Account being taken of the [regulations of the country of the partner institution]

­Account being taken of the Regulations concerning the obtaining of the academic degree of doctor at the…[name partnerinstitution]…, approved by the… on…[date]…;

­[uKG1]Account being taken of the University Regulations concerning pre-doctoral studies and the pre-doctoralexamination; doctoral research and the doctorate; the doctoral programme and the doctoral school of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, approved by the Academic Council on 13 November 2006;

­[uKG2]Account being taken of the [Regulatory Framework of the doctoral school/faculty of K.U.Leuven][uKG3], approved by the executive committee of the group on …[date]…]

­Account being taken of the willingness of professors …[supervisorpartner institution]…and…[supervisor K.U.Leuven]…to accept the responsibilities of supervising the joint doctorate in execution of this agreement;

agreed the following:

Article 1. – Subject: joint supervision and awarding of a doctoral degree.

The partner institutions agree that they shall be jointly responsible for the supervision of the doctoral student’s doctoral research and that they shall be jointly responsible for organising the doctoral examination and the awarding of the doctoral degree.

The doctoral student’s personal information:

Name and first name: …

Date of birth: …

Place of birth: [town], [country]

Nationality: …

Article 2. – Supervision of the doctoral student.

The doctoral student’s supervisors shall be:

­At the …[name partner institution]…

  • Name:Prof. Dr. …
  • Faculty or Department: …
  • Position: …

­At K.U.Leuven:

  • Name:Prof. dr. …
  • Faculty or Department: …
  • Position: …

Concrete involvement of both partner insitutions in the joint doctorate will be evidenced by the joint publications of the doctoral student: the supervisors of both partner institutions will be coauthors of the publications or at least both partner inistitutions are referenced to by mentioning the affiliation.

Article 3. – Subject of the doctoral dissertation.

The subject of the doctoral dissertation shall be:…

Article 4. – Admission to the doctoral programme.

The doctoral studenthas received permission to enrol in the doctoral programme from the relevant partner institutions:

­From the University…on…[date]…

­From K.U.Leuven on…[uKG4][date]…

Article 5.– Enrolment and enrolment fees.

The doctoral student shall (re-)enrol at each partner institution every year. He/she shall pay the enrolment fees stipulated by K.U.Leuven for the doctoral programme to K.U.Leuvenand shall be exempt from paying enrolment fees to the …. [uKG5]

Article 6. – duration of the doctorate.

The time period of the doctoral research, including the writing of a doctoral dissertation, shall last, in principle, four years and shall start on…[date]…. In the event that it is necessary, the period may be extended by mutual consent, account being taken of the applicable regulations at each partner institution.

Article 7. – Residence and research periods.

The doctoral student shall spend research periods, either alternately or successively, at each of the partner institutions. The delineation of the research periods shall occur by mutual consent between the doctoral student and the supervisors. The supervisors shall ensure that the doctoral student spends at least 6 months conducting research at each of the partner institutions.

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Article 8. – Financial stipulations.

Contributing to the expenses of the doctoral student who is conducting research at each of the partner institutions, attending (inter)national conferences, the organisation of the doctoral defence and other costs that are specifically related to the doctoral programme, shall be discussed and agreed upon by the mutual consent of the supervisors at both the partner institutions.

Article 9. – Insurance.

The doctoral student shall comply with the obligation to take the necessary steps to be covered by health insurance. By enrolling as a doctoral student at both partner institutions every year, he/she shall be in compliance with his/her physical injuries and civil liability insuranceduring the execution of his/her activities related to doctoral research at the partner institutions concerned.

Article 10. – Doctoral dissertation.

The doctoral dissertation shall be written in …[language]….

Article 11. – Protection of research results and copyright laws.

The copyright established by the doctoral student in the course of conducting doctoral research is subject to the Regulations Concerning the Copyright of Doctoral Dissertations at K.U.Leuven. In the event that the …[name partner institution]…enforces comparable regulations, the doctoral student shall comply with both regulations, in as far as there is no contradiction between the two.

For the application of the following paragraph, ‘findings’ are considered to be potentially patentable inventions, products of cultivation, designs and models, topographies of semiconductor products, computer programmes and databases.

The property rights of findings resulting from research conducted by the doctoral student shall belong to: (select one of the following options[uKG6]):

1. both institutions in equal shares, by which both are legally permitted to exploit said findings in any way, without being required to request the prior consent of the other institution


2. both institutions in equal shares, by which the exploitation of the findings shall be subject to the agreement of both institutions


3. K.U.Leuven


4. the …[name partner institution]…

The institution which takes the initiative to submit a patent application, or any other form of protection for which formalities must be observed, shall inform the competent office of the other institution of this intention in sufficient time and at the very latest at the same time as the application is submitted.

Both institutions grant one another an irrevocable, worldwide, non-exclusive and free licence to use the research results obtained for any objectives related to research or education.

The applicable regulations at each institution concerning intellectual property rights remain in force.

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Article 12. – Examination committee for the doctoral examination.

The examination committee for the doctoral examination (doctoral dissertation and defence of the dissertation) shall be composed by mutual consent of the partner institutions and shall consist of members of both partner institutions, preferably in equal number. The promoters from each partner institution need to reside in this examination committee. begrijpen

Article 13.– Defence of the doctoral dissertation.

The public defence of the doctoral dissertation shall take place in …[language[uKG7]]…at the…[university]…, but shall be recognised by all institutions concerned.

If possible, a copy of the report of the examination committee shall be provided to the bodies at each of the partner institutions that are responsible for the administration related to the students concerned and their degrees.

Article 14.– Qualification.

In the event that the doctoral student passes the joint doctoral examination, each of the partner institutions shall award him/her their own separate doctoral diploma[uKG8] which shall confer upon him/her the following degrees:

-Doctor of … from the …[name partnerinstitution]…

-Doctor of …[uKG9] fromthe Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Article 15.– Doctoral regulations.

By signing this agreement, the doctoral student and the supervisors pledge to act in accordance with the doctoral regulations enforced at each of both of the partner institutions; both the central university stipulations as well as the additional stipulations of the doctoral school and/or relevant faculty. In the event of contradictory stipulations, it shall be decided by mutual consent which regulations shall apply.

Article 16. – Enforcement and period of validity of the agreement.

This agreement shall take effect on …[date]…and shall end at the end of the academic year in which the doctoral student defends the doctoral dissertationpublicly. The agreement may be terminated earlier in the event that the doctoral research makes insufficient progress.

Drawn up in three copies in Leuven, on…[date]…,

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Prof. dr. …,
Rector …[name partnerinstitution]… / Date:
Prof. dr. …,
Rector K.U.Leuven
Prof. dr. …
Chair of Doctoral School …[partner institution]… / Date:
Prof. dr. …
Chair of K.U.Leuven Doctoral School …[KG10]
Prof. dr. …,
Supervisor…[name partnerinstitution]… / Date:
Prof. dr. …,
Supervisor K.U.Leuven
Mr./Mrs. …,
Doctoral student

Co-operation agreement double doctoral degree University … and K.U.Leuven – pag.1/5

[uKG1]university doctoral regulations partner university

[uKG2]university doctoral regulations K.U.Leuven


Biomedical Sciences:

“Account being taken of the Regulatory Framework of the Doctoral School Biomedical Sciences of K.U.Leuven, approved by the executive committee of the Biomedical Sciences Group on 28 May 2009.”

Science, Engineering & Technology:

“Account being taken of the Regulatory Framework of the Arenberg Doctoral School of Science, Engineering & Technology of K.U.Leuven, approved by the executive committee of the Science, Engineering & Technology Group on April 6, 2011.”

Humanities & Social Sciences:

Refer to Faculty Regulations (in case of uncertainty:

[uKG4]The date upon which the doctoral student was given permission to enrol in the doctoral programme by the doctoral committee of the relevant faculty shall be filled in here.


In case one partner institution is responsible for the main part of the supervision and pays the doctoral student. Preferably, enrolment fees are equally distributed among both partner institutions as described in Option 2:

Option 2:

“The doctoral student re-enrols at each of the partner institutions every academic year. He/she shall pay the enrolment fees stipulated by K.U.Leuven for the doctoral programme to K.U.Leuven at the beginning of the doctoral programme, and is exempt from paying enrolment fees to the partner institution. At the defence, the doctoral student shall pay the enrolment fees stipulated by the partner institution for the doctoral programme to the partner institution, and shall be exempt from paying enrolment fees to K.U.Leuven.”

Option 3:

Very exceptionally, it is possible for the doctoral student to pay both partner institutions the enrolment fees they stipulate for the doctoral programme.


The choice of a particular option shall be made based on the relatedness of the doctoral research, i.e., with which institution does the research have the strongest connection (methodologically, in terms of supervision, in terms of actual presence,…)?

Option 1 of 2: if the doctoral research is related to both partner institutions in equal measure
Option 3: if the doctoral research is primarily related to K.U.Leuven.

Option 4: if the doctoral research is related primarily to the partner institution.

In cases of uncertainty, we recommend contacting the technology transfer office of one of the institutions (for K.U.Leuven this is LRD, of which the contact person is Bruno Lambrecht).


If the defence is in a language the supervisor at K.U.Leuven does not have a good command of, this sentence should be added:

“A preliminary defence of the doctoral dissertation shall take place in English at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.”

[uKG8]In cases where double diplomas are awarded (i.e., in cases where it is legally prohibited to award one joint doctoral diploma), each university awards its owndiploma but will state expressly that it is the result of a co-operation with the other university in the diploma supplement form, from which it shall be deducible that it is a joint doctorate.

[uKG9]The official degree that will appear on the diploma itself must be mentioned here: “Doctor of …”.

[KG10]For Science and Engineering: Research Director Science, Engineering Technology