Trallwn Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Trallwn

Headteacher – Prifathro: Mrs. A. Taylor

Glan-y-Wern Road – Heol Glan-y-Wern

Trallwn - Trallwn

Swansea - Abertawe


Tel: (01792) 792478 / Fax: (01792) 310641


28th February 2012

Dear parent,

Please find below a reminder of dates for your diary at this busy time:

World Book Day

On Friday March 2nd we will be celebrating World Book Day and we will be holding a range of fun activities to help develop a love of reading, and hosting many guests to come and read to the children. On the day, children are invited to dress up as a character from a book. Each child will be given a gift of a book from a selection of specially written books, or a book voucher.

St David’s Day

On Thursday March 1st, we will be holding our St David’s Day Eisteddfod 9:15am, where children will be performing dance, songs or music in addition to there being the judging of some of the Eisteddfod competitions. Children are invited to dress in traditional Welsh Costume or in Welsh football or rugby jerseys. Due to the size of the school hall, we apologise but would ask that where possible only 1 adult per family come to see the children take part. We look forward to seeing you there on the day.

Easter Bonnet Parade

On Friday 30th March at 9:15, our Reception class will be performing their class assembly and this will be followed by an infant Easter Bonnet Parade. All infant parents are invited to attend.

For children in the junior school we will be holding our Eggciting competition to design and decorate an egg. Examples from previous years have been ‘eggs factor’ David B’eggs’ham, etc. We will be judging all entries at 2:45 pm in the junior hall, and junior parents are invited to join us in viewing all entries.

Once again, can I thank you for your on-going support – without your help in finding costumes, painting eggs, making bonnets etc., we would not be able to organise these fun activities for the children. Thank You!


Amanda Taylor
