Answers as of 09/2014

Questions and Answers – ASPEN 10.1.7 (QIS Version 4.03) Training

/ ASE-Q /
Question / Answer /
1.  We already pulled a shell but the surveyors computers will be automatically updated over the weekend. Can they still use the shell we pulled this week (pre-10.1.7) for a survey occurring next week (with 10.1.7)? If so, will we see the new changes? / Our testing showed that importing (4.02 shells) into 10.1.7 (4.03 shells) machines is not an issue. However, you will not see all of the changes that will be part of 4.03 shells (and presented in our recorded training session).
For example, if you have a 4.02 shell on a 10.1.7 machine, you will not see data changes such as the new Kitchen pathway (i.e., the addition of CE 14 and CE 15).
However, you will see changes such as the MDS Viewer in the QIS tool, the new Control N function that adds the Stage 2 Resident ID to notes fields, and the new 5 minute save of Stage 2 documentation.
2.  Will the secondary surveyors be able to see everyone’s surveyor notes? / No. Only the TC can see every team member’s notes once the team synchronizes their Stage 1 and 2 data to the TC.
3.  When the TC accesses the surveyor notes will the TC’s note be listed first? / No. The surveyor’s names are listed in alphabetical order by last name. However, when the TC accesses the surveyor notes, the TC’s note field is automatically activated so the TC can begin typing immediately (i.e., he/she doesn’t have to scroll to find his/her note).
4.  Are you still working on the ability to copy and paste from the MDS Viewer? / Yes. The first step was to get the MDS Viewer into the QIS Tool. That was accomplished with the 10.1.7 release. CMS is aware that to make the MDS Viewer most functional and efficient for surveyors, they must have the ability to copy and paste from the MDS Viewer into an investigative notes field.
5.  For the revisit, where is the resident’s name that wasn’t investigated coming from?
When we add a resident to a tag from the pool how do we know if they are appropriate for the care area? / Residents are eligible to be sampled for the revisit for the 'not investigated' category if the resident is in the numerator of a QCLI for that care area and the resident wasn't investigated.
If there are no eligible residents to select from, the surveyor will have to determine who to sample (e.g., from a list from the facility, onsite observations) before selecting the resident from the pool.
6.  How do we get an updated version of the QIS Checklist, Classroom Training Materials and Revisit Training Materials? / You can download the QIS Checklist from the S&C website via the link below:
You can download the classroom training materials from CU’s website via the link below: