Rhodesnow LTD

LukiskiuGatve 5-402, Vilnius, LT 01108

VAT LT 100006688411 Registration Code 302726757


Why you must do this Practice?

Now that you are a student you have the opportunity to travel the world the more the time passes and your responsibilities increase the more difficult would be for you to just stand up one day and say am going to another country to live for a few months. Greece is not a simple destination regardless the politics nowadays in Greece which everything happens because of the freedom of Speech and the unconquered minds of Greeks to question everything. Greece is the country where all the western civilization started from. It is amazing to step in buildings and streets where the People who invented democracy, medicine, mathematics astrology and so on were stepping years ago. Greece is the source of culture, feel the vibe and wonder around the different worlds.

The most important thing during these few months you will spend in Greece is the not just your work experience and neither the money but it is a once in a lifetime experience it’s the beginning of a long journey for you in a new world. Greece is not just the beaches, the perfect weather and the good food but Greece is also about you making new friends seeing the world and understanding better things that others who don’t travel don’t understand. You have the opportunity today, take it don’t leave it for tomorrow that this opportunity might not exist, don’t leave for tomorrow what you can do today. Be sure that we will always be there to help you with all your problems if you have any and help you adopt faster. This practice is about everything you could imagine on having on a warm island for few months during summer.

Rhodesnow Company and ExcelServices

Rhodesnow is operating as HR consultancy office for a wide number of Companies and Hotels from Rhodes island recruiting students from universities for work &practice. As a company we are already in the third year we are the biggest recruitment agency in our area, managing to place in 2014- 450 student and looking for 750+ students for 2015 plus an additional considerable amount for Dubai. Currently we have three offices in Rhodes in Vilnius and Poznan Poland and soon we are opening new office in Kiev Ukraine.

Though this email I want to present you what we can actually offer to the students and also those that already graduated or those that they simply want to go abroad during summer just to travel and work.

We are looking for students, Erasmus students and graduates that want to spend the summer abroad and do international practice. Students can do their normal practice and also go for second or third time to work and live in Rhodes during summer. Students access positions according to their knowledge specialty and spoken languages. Hotels do not offer only jobs in the F&B sector but as you can see in the attachments they have positions from physiotherapy to translators, communication and computer network engineers.

How does the whole process work?

The first thing we expect from you to do is to send your application form and send 2 photos as well. Once you do that we will call you for an interview to identify your skills and needs.

Our Human resources team will examine your details and give you an answer if you are accepted in our program or not. If you receive a positive answer(that you can have the practice position you asked) then you sign the placement agreement.

Soon we will announce to you the exact Hotel or company you will be going. So once that is done you can buy your tickets and let us know when you are arriving.

What students get is:
- Free accommodation
- Free meals 3 times per day;
- Extra salary 300-500/month[usually 300 unless you speak many languages] +Erasmus+ 50 euros per month every month which is your deposit back in parts which means you stay 4 months you will receive the full deposit back

- 150 euros bonus at the end of your contract which is your tickets you paid reimbursed(Make sure you will apply early confirm your position to save money on tickets)

- They will work 8 hours per day/Strict, 6 days per week, and if they would want to work extra hours they have to sign a paper that we know it was their own decision, they will get paid for that extra hours, although we do not advise them to do so, as it is better to enjoy the island and their time.
- Students will have social insurance, and because we have 2 offices in Rhodes island, we inspect working and living conditions, so we‘ll always know that students are in good standards. If students have any problems they contact us and we visit them straight away.

We offer students a Rhodes island experience and not simply work in a hotel that they can find anywhere, Rhodes is a European destination in contrast with other north Greece or north Greek island places. We also offer from 2015 Placements in Corfu, Chios, Kos, Kefallonia and Dubai.

Upon Arrival we will greet them at the airport and escort them to their accommodation and Host Company. In the following working day we will drive them to the city to have them do their legal papers such as Tax number, citizen registration number and Social Insurance number and also medical exams. All these are covered with the 50 euros they pay in the beginning.

Expenses are:

You pay only 50 euros and it is the administration fee, Taxes for insurance number, Tax number, Citizenship number so you are all legal in Greece and transportation form the airport to your hotel. We do not charge you placement or Consultation fee our Program is Free.

For students that come for practice depending their experience, spoken languages and professionalism they get from 300 euros per month up to 500 depending the institution which will accept them. We just like to mention once more the funding from businesses is for everybody those that get Erasmus funding and those that do not. Once they finish their Placement and especially those that have achieved the maximum performance and recognition will be placed to businesses in Rhodes receiving normal high salaries.

We tend to cooperate closely with universities especially for the placement program so it is attractive to students. As such we always organize a presentation seminar for students in the colleges, Schools and Universities promoting the idea of traveling and working abroad.

This offer is suitable also for students and young people from other faculties that would like to simply work and travel abroad for their summer to gain some experience in an international environment.

What is the minimum time?

The minimum time you can come in Rhodes is 4 months, even if we offer you a job for less than 4 months that means you will not get your deposit back. The Ideal time to be in Greece is 4-6 months.

When is the application Deadline?

The applications Deadline is as soon as Rhodesnow completes the requested Number of 800 students for 2016.

Who Can Apply?

Our Program is perfectly suited for people studying in Secondary Professional Schools, Colleges and universities, Tourism and hospitality, Social Services, Pre School Teaching, Music, Theater, Sports,Administration, Languages, Chefs,Restuarant Management, Food Technology, Chefs, Gardeners, Cosmetologists, SPA, Masseurs, Public Relations, Guest Relations, sales and Marketing.

For EU students we also accept people studying different subjects but they would like to experience the Tourism industry.

Please Keep in Mind that most of the positions are in the food and beverage sector.


If you are not from EU you can still come, although, the fee for your Practice Visa which you need to pay to the greek embassy is 90 euros if you are coming through Erasmus and 225 eurosif you are not coming through Erasmus, your visa is valid up to 1 year.

Erasmus papers you should be able to obtain whether you receive the funding from EU or not.

The Practice Visa you need to obtain it before you come in Greece as soon as possible so you can book your tickets earlier which means cheaper tickets.

Non Eu Countries that can come through Erasmus are Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Moldova,Bosnia, Russia. Please make sure your university is part of Erasmus + Program.


You are submitting your cv to us and the application form you make sure your university is part of Erasmus Plus program( or Tempus or Erasmus mundus as it was used to be called before). We offer you a position adn we send you an invitation letter. Once that is done we complete your erasmus Traineeship Papers you go to the Greek Embassy and you are submitting the following:


1)Conviction Certificate

2)Medical Certificate

3)Confirmation of Studies

4)Invitation letter from the company

5)Erasmus Training agreement ‘completed or Greek English agreement completed

6)Stamped Paper form Rhodesnow requesting your visa

7)2 Passport photos

8)Application for visa in embassy

9)90 euros to the Greek Embassy if you are going through Erasmus or 225 if you are going for practice

10) Travel insurance for your duration of your stay in Greece

What Positions do we offer?

Rhodesnow offers a Variety of different positions according to your studies skills and languages.

Most jobs are in F&B but we also offer positions as Administrators Office Staff Cooks And Cook Assistants Sales peopl Divers Spa Administrators Public Relations Guest Relations Massseurs Cosmetologists Animators Sports instructors Public Relations Specialists Hostesses Receptionists

and many others...

The prosition you will be offered depends on your skills, previous experience, time you are able to perform your practice and spoken languages.

Dubai Program

If you want to apply for Dubai you should know the following, for practice the minimum period is 6 months and for work 2 years. For Work all your expenses are paid and for practice you will have to pay 400 euros plus your tickets to Dubai. If you are offered a job in Dubai once your contract is finished, 400 euros is returned into your bank acount.

Type of Companies we Cooperate

Most of the companies we cooperate are Highly Rated hotels with world Recognised Services that are being awarded annually for their Services.That can be a great place for you to start your Career.

Countries of Cooperation

UK, Ireland, Croatia, Russia, Ukraine, Serbia, Italy, Portugal, Malta, Luxemburg, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Norway, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Belarus, Hungary, France & Moldova.

Rhodesnow Erasmus Jobs, BuZzzz IT!


Please complete each section and ATTACH 2 Recent Full body Photos of you and with your cv send to . This information will be treated as strictly confidential and all or part may be contained in a computerized system. The requirements of the Data Protection Act will be fully complied with. If you are not applying for Internship or Erasmus Practice please ignore the Information Regarding Universities as they are not necessary for you to complete.

General Information

Position applied for: / Choose everything that suit you :
Animation[ ] F&B[ ] Receptionist[ ] Sales[ ]Maid [ ] Cook[ ] Kitchen Assistant [ ] [ ] Guest Relations [ ]Hostess Any [ ]
Preferred Location: / [ ] Rhodes [ ]Crete [ ]Chios [ ]Corfu [ ]Kefalonia [ ]Kos
[ ] Cyprus [ ] Chalkidiki [ ]Cyprus [ ]Dubai
Write Clearly dates you can be in Rhodes from- till for example 15 May -31 September
[Earliest and Latest:: Remember one day earlier/later can give you advantage over other candidates] / Choose Period:
[ ]1-15th May Till 10-15thOctober and later [Definitely a job]
[ ] 20thMay-1st June Till -30th September and Later [Definitely a job]
Other: Less than 4 months it doesn’t guarantee you a job
From : till:
“TIP: best dates 10 May-10th October – If you can do that you definitely have a job” We cannot accept you for less than 3 months we are very sorry for that! The ideal is 4-5 months.
Minimum Salary expected: / 300/month
Travelling with [Friend you are travelling with]
Maximum working hours per day?
[For internships 6 days per week 8 hours per day] / Working Hours for All internships are 6 days per week 8 hours per day. Extra days and extra hours you need to arrange with your manager.
Type of employment: / Student Practice [ ] Erasmus Practice [ ]

Personal Details

Title: / Mr [ ] Mrs [ ] Miss [ ] Ms [ ] Other (please specify)
First Name:
Date of Birth
Father Full Name:
Mothers Full Name :
Mothers Maiden Surname:
Passport or ID number:
Passport Issue Date:
Residence Permit Expiration and Number:
Passport Expiry Date:
Current Address:
Skype name:
Facebook Page:
Home Tel No:
Mobile No:
Reason For practice: / [ ] Work Experience [ ] Life Experience [ ]Money [ ] Improve my CV
University :
Title of Studies:
Year of Studies:
Expected Year of Graduation:
Name and Telephone of Responsible Person for Students’ Practice in your university:
Place of Birth:
Do you hold a current driving license? / Yes [ ] No [ ]
I understand that my first salary will be 200 euros less and I will receive this money back every month which secures that I will stay there all the time I am declaring in this form. / [ ] Yes I understand No[ ]
Are you required by law to have a VISA?
90 euros for Erasmus students / Yes and I can pay it[ ] Yes and I can’t afford to pay it[ ] No [ ]
The cost of VISA coming throughis90 euros, check with your university if they are Part of Erasmus and they can provide you with the Erasmus Traineeship agreement.
Ticket Money:
I understand that at the end of my training I will receive a bonus of 150 euros which is my tickets. / I Understand thanks for paying my tickets [ ]
I don’t understand, I don’t want this bonus [ ]
To ensure efficient processing of this information please attach a copy of work permits & password details.

Please list any languages you can speak and to what level of proficiency. Please be precise.

Language / Mother tongue / Fluent / Intermediate / Basic

Employment (Please give details of your employment record – show most recent employment first. For any given period of employment please put dates and addresses of the department of employment where you registered. Please attach a CV, if your employment history is detailed)

From / To / Name and address of employer / Job Title / Salary / Reason for leaving
Would you like to work for yourself?
Are you a business minded individual?
Further information
These roles require compliance with relevant food safety and hygiene laws. This information is, therefore, sought to ascertain whether your medical history affects your ability to carry out this role and, if so, whether any adjustments can be made to the role to accommodate these medical issues.
Do you know anything about Rhodes and history? / Yes [ ] No [ ]
Which other places would you like to go around the world?
Have you been before abroad for work?
Name of Agency you used
What are the main reasons you are going to do your internship abroad?
e.g salary, weather, food, exotic place etc…
Are you an open minded person?
In general are you miserable or happy person?
Are you a flexible person?
Are you a polite person?
Are you determined to succeed in your job?
With 5 words describe your character:
Where did you hear about us?
E,g Google, Facebook, university, Name of Person
Name: / Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms
Job Title
Company name:
Type of reference: / Employer / School / College


Declaration: I declare that the above information is true and correct and accept that any mis-statement of information may mean the cancellation of any appointment, which is subject to the receipt of satisfactory references. I understand that completion of this form does not constitute an offer of employment.


Thank you for filling Up the Application Form! See you in Rhodes!

Rhodesnow Erasmus Jobs, BuZzzzzz IT!

Lukiskiu G 5-402, LT-01108, Vilnius, Lithuania, , Tel Lithuania: 865557506/852735339 / Greece:00306975782739