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Directions for Self-Peer-Administrator (SPA) Lesson Plan Rubric

There are 3 parts to this evaluation:

1. Evaluating the lesson plan.

Each section will be marked with a “P” to indicate that the component was Present or an “a” to indicate that it was Absent.

2. Feedback on those components.

You do not have to comment on each component, just the ones that impressed you either positively or negatively.

You may write your comments at the end of each section.

3. Feedback on the Lesson Delivery.

You do not have to comment on every part. You may put your comments under an individual component, or one comment for the section.

You may write your comments at the end of each section.

I would suggest doing parts 1 and 2 prior to the observation, and part 3 either during or after the observation.

Self-Peer-Administrator (SPA) Lesson Plan Rubric
Person completing review: Self-Peer-Administrator (circle one) ______
(Name) (Date)
Section 1 Getting students set to learn / Content:
Present &
Appropriate / Content:
Absent or
Inappropriate / LP Components Feedback / Lesson Delivery Feedback
1-3. Student Name, TVI Date of lesson / □ present / □ absent
4. IEP Goal / □ present / □ absent
5. ECC Area that this IEP goal addresses / □ present / □ absent
Iowa CORE (optional) / □ present / □ absent
Totals: / # present__/5 / # absent____/5
Section 2
Review & Engage / Content:
Present &
Appropriate / Content:
Absent or
Inappropriate / LP Components Feedback / Lesson Delivery Feedback
1.  Objectives/Purpose - to include specific skills to be learned during this lesson / □ present / □ absent
2.  What did you do last lesson that will tie into this lesson? / □ present / □ absent
3.  Student has opportunity to reflect on previous learning and tie it into new learning / □ present / □ absent
4.  An open ended question was used / □ present / □ absent
Totals: / # present__/4 / # absent____/4
Section 3
I DO / Content:
Present &
Appropriate / Content:
Absent or
Inappropriate / LP Components Feedback / Lesson Delivery Feedback
1.Teacher verbalizes his/her thought process / □ present / □ absent
2. Teacher involves the student in the learning process / □ present / □ absent
Totals: / # present__/2 / # absent____/2
Section 4
Checking for Understanding- Verification of learning / Content:
Present &
Appropriate / Content:
Absent or
Inappropriate / LP Components Feedback / Lesson Delivery Feedback
1. Questioning or Demonstration / □ present / □ absent
2. Teacher makes use of both examples and non-examples as appropriate.
(Minimum of two examples). / □ present / □ absent
3. Teacher uses a variety of questioning strategies in order to determine whether or not the student understands the content and to reflect on the pace of the lesson / □ present / □ absent
Totals: / # present__/3 / # absent____/ 3
Section 5
Guided Practice
WE DO / Content:
Present &
Appropriate / Content:
Absent or
Inappropriate / LP Components Feedback / Lesson Delivery Feedback
1. Student practices new learning under direct supervision of the teacher / □ present / □ absent
2. Teacher leads the student through the steps necessary to perform the skill / □ present / □ absent
3. Teacher uses very specific praise and prompting as needed / □ present / □ absent
Totals: / # present__/ 3 / # absent____/3
Section 6
Independent Practice
YOU DO / Content:
Present &
Appropriate / Content:
Absent or
Inappropriate / LP Components Feedback / Lesson Delivery Feedback
1. Student demonstrates understanding of materials before independent practice occurs. / □ present / □ absent
2. Teacher releases student to practice on their own based on learning that took place in previous steps. / □ present / □ absent
3. Student receives specific feedback as appropriate to task. / □ present / □ absent
Totals: / # present__/3 / # absent____/3
Section 7
Formative Assessment
& Reflection / Content:
Present &
Appropriate / Content:
Absent or
Inappropriate / LP Components Feedback / Lesson Delivery Feedback
1. Formative assessment is “built in” to the lesson / □ present / □ absent
2. Formative Assessment Provides feedback that will allow the teacher to adjust teaching / □ present / □ absent
3. Teacher allows time for student to reflect. / □ present / □ absent
4. Reflection shows critical thinking on the part of the student appropriate to student / □ present / □ absent
Totals: / # present__/4 / # absent____/4
Section 8
Follow-up Questions / Content:
Present &
Appropriate / Content:
Absent or
Inappropriate / LP Components Feedback / Lesson Delivery Feedback
1. Student response to lesson. / □ present / □ absent
2. Impact of instructional design / □ present / □ absent
3. Changes? / □ present / □ absent
4. Next steps? / □ present / □ absent
Totals: / # present ___/4 / # absent____/4
Overall Totals: / # present
___/28 / # absent____/28