
Internationalization choices: an ordered probit analysis at industry level

Journal name:

Empirical Economics

Author names:

Filomena Pietrovito - Alberto Pozzolo - Luca Salvatici

Corresponding author:

F. Pietrovito

Università degli Studi del Molise, Dipartimento di Economia, Gestione, Società e Istituzioni

II Edificio Polifunzionale

Via F. de Sanctis, snc

86100 Campobasso



Online Resource 3

Concordances between SIC and ISIC classification at 3-digits

SIC / Description / ISIC code(s)
101 / Iron Ores / 131
102 / Copper Ores / 132
103 / Lead and Zinc Ores / 132
104 / Gold and Silver Ores / 132
106 / Ferroalloy Ores, Exc Vanadium / 132
109 / Miscellaneous Metal Ores / 120 / 132
122 / Bituminous Coal and Lignite Mining / 101 / 102
123 / Anthracite Mining / 101
124 / Coal Mining Services / 101
131 / Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas / 101 / 111
138 / Oil and Gas Field Services / 112
141 / Dimension Stone / 141 / 142
142 / Crushed and Broken Stone / 141 / 142
144 / Sand and Gravel / 141
145 / Clay, Ceramic, & Refractory Minerals / 141 / 142
147 / Chemical and Fertilizer Minerals / 142
149 / Miscellaneous Nonmetallic Minerals / 103 / 141 / 142
201 / Meat Products / 151 / 154
202 / Dairy Products / 152 / 154
203 / Preserved Fruits and Vegetables / 151 / 153 / 154
204 / Grain Mill Products / 151 / 153 / 154
205 / Bakery Products / 154
206 / Sugar and Confectionery Products / 154
207 / Fats and Oils / 151
208 / Beverages / 11 / 151 / 154 / 155
209 / Misc. Foods and Kindred Products / 151 / 152 / 154
211 / Cigarettes / 160
212 / Cigars / 160
213 / Chewing and Smoking Tobacco / 160
214 / Tobacco Stemming and Redrying / 160

Online Resource 3


221 / Broadwoven Fabric Mills, Cotton / 171
222 / Broadwoven Fabric Mills, Manmade / 171
223 / Broadwoven Fabric Mills, Wool / 171 / 172
224 / Narrow Fabric Mills / 172
225 / Knitting Mills / 172 / 173 / 181
226 / Textile Finishing, Exc Wool / 171 / 172
227 / Carpets and Rugs / 172
228 / Yarn and Thread Mills / 171
229 / Misc. Textile Goods / 171 / 172 / 372
231 / Men’s and Boys’ Suits and Coats / 181
232 / Men’s and Boys’ Furnishings / 181
233 / Women’s, Misses’, and Juniors’ Outerwear / 181 / 182
234 / Women’s and Children’s Undergarments / 181
235 / Hats, Caps and Millinery / 181
236 / Girl’s and Children’s Outwear / 181
238 / Misc. Apparel and Accessories / 181 / 252
239 / Misc. Fabricated Textile Products / 172 / 191 / 181 / 252 / 343 / 369
241 / Logging / 20 / 201
242 / Sawmills and Planing Mills / 201 / 202 / 361
243 / Millwork, Plywood and Structural Members / 201 / 202 / 361
244 / Wooden Containers / 202
245 / Wood Buildings and Mobile Homes / 202 / 342
249 / Misc. Wood Products / 201 / 202 / 252 / 289 / 361
251 / Household Furniture / 361
252 / Office Furniture / 361
253 / Public Building & Related Furniture / 361
254 / Partitions and Fixtures / 202 / 281 / 361
259 / Misc. Furniture and Fixtures / 172 / 202 / 252 / 289 / 331 / 359 / 361
261 / Pulp Mills / 210
262 / Mills, Exc Building Paper / 210 / 269
263 / Paperboard Mills / 210

Online Resource 3


265 / Paperboard Containers and Boxes / 210
267 / Misc. Converted Paper Products / 172 / 210 / 252 / 289 / 369
271 / Newspapers / 221
272 / Periodicals / 221
273 / Books / 221 / 222
274 / Miscellaneous Publishing / 221 / 369
275 / Commercial Printing / 210 / 222
276 / Manifold Business Forms / 222
277 / Greeting Cards / 221 / 222
278 / Blankbooks and Bookbinding / 222
279 / Printing Trade Services / 222
281 / Industrial Inorganic Chemicals / 233 / 241 / 242 / 272
282 / Plastics Materials and Synthetic / 241 / 243
283 / Drugs / 242
284 / Soaps, Cleaners and Toilet Goods / 242
285 / Paints and Allied Products / 242
286 / Industrial Organic Chemicals / 155 / 233 / 241 / 242
287 / Agricultural Chemicals / 241 / 242
289 / Misc. Chemical Products / 241 / 242 / 269 / 369
291 / Petroleum Refining / 232
295 / Asphalt Paving and Roofing Materials / 269
299 / Misc. Petroleum and Coal Products / 101 / 102 / 202 / 232 / 242
301 / Tires and Inner Tubes / 251
302 / Rubber and Plastic Footwear / 192
305 / Hose & Belting & Gaskets & Packing / 172 / 191 / 202 / 251 / 252 / 269 / 289 / 291
306 / Fabricated Rubber Products, Nec / 192 / 251 / 292 / 314 / 351 / 369 / 372
308 / Misc. Plastics Products, Nec / 192 / 241 / 252 / 314 / 342 / 343 / 351
311 / Leather Tanning and Finishing / 191
313 / Footware Cut Stock / 192 / 289
314 / Footwear, Exc Rubber / 192
315 / Leather Gloves and Mittens / 181

Online Resource 3


316 / Luggage / 191
317 / Handbags and Personal Leather Goods / 191
319 / Leather Goods, Nec / 181 / 191 / 192 / 369
321 / Flat Glass / 261
322 / Glass and Glassware, Pressed or Blown / 261 / 332
323 / Products of Purchased Glass / 261
324 / Cement, Hydraulic / 269
325 / Structural Clay Products / 269
326 / Pottery and Related Products / 269
327 / Concrete, Gypsum and Plaster Products / 269
328 / Cut Stone and Stone Products / 269
331 / Blast Furnace and Basic Steel Products / 231 / 271 / 272 / 289 / 359
332 / Iron and Steel Foundries / 271 / 273
333 / Primary Nonferrous Metals / 272
334 / Secondary Nonferrous Metals / 272 / 371
335 / Nonferrous Rolling and Drawing / 272 / 313
336 / Nonferrous Foundries (Castings) / 273
339 / Misc. Primary Metal Products / 271 / 272 / 289
341 / Metal Cans and Shipping Containers / 289
342 / Cutlery, Hand Tools and Hardware / 289 / 291 / 292 / 331 / 343 / 361 / 369
343 / Plumbing and Heating, Exc Electric / 281 / 289 / 291 / 293
344 / Fabricated Structural Metal Products / 271 / 281 / 289 / 291 / 292 / 293 / 300 / 342 / 351
345 / Screw Machine Products, Bolts, etc. / 289
346 / Metal Forgings and Stampings / 289 / 343
347 / Metal Services, Nec / 289
348 / Ordnance and Accessories, Nec / 172 / 292 / 242
349 / Misc. Fabricated Metal Products / 251 / 271 / 272 / 289 / 291 / 319 / 333 / 359 / 361 / 369
351 / Engines and Turbines / 291 / 311 / 341 / 343
352 / Farm and Garden Machinery / 281 / 289 / 291 / 292 / 359
353 / Construction and Related Machinery / 289 / 291 / 292 / 342 / 352 / 359
354 / Metalworking Machinery / 289 / 292 / 311 / 331

Online Resource 3 (continued)

355 / Special Industry Machinery / 281 / 291 / 292 / 319 / 331 / 332
356 / General Industrial Machinery / 172 / 291 / 293 / 331
357 / Computer and Office Equipment / 300 / 323 / 333
358 / Refrigeration and Service Machinery / 291 / 292 / 293 / 359
359 / Industrial Machinery, Nec / 289 / 291 / 343 / 353 / 369
361 / Electric Distribution Equipment / 311 / 312
362 / Electrical Industrial Apparatus / 269 / 311 / 312 / 319 / 321
363 / Household Appliances / 292 / 293 / 369
364 / Electric Lighting and Wiring Equipment / 172 / 312 / 315 / 319
365 / Household Audio & Video Equipment / 221 / 223 / 323
366 / Communications Equipment / 311 / 322 / 323 / 331 / 353
367 / Electronic Components and Accessories / 311 / 312 / 313 / 319 / 321 / 323
369 / Misc. Electrical Equipment & Supplies / 242 / 292 / 293 / 313 / 314 / 315 / 319 / 322 / 353
371 / Motor Vehicles and Equipment / 292 / 319 / 341 / 342 / 343
372 / Aircraft and Parts / 291 / 353
373 / Ship and Boat Building and Repairing / 351
374 / Railroad Equipment / 291 / 341 / 352
375 / Motorcycles, Bicycles and Parts / 359
376 / Guided Missiles, Space Vehicles, Parts / 292 / 353
379 / Misc. Transportation Equipment / 292 / 341 / 342 / 343 / 359
381 / Search and Navigation Equipment / 331
382 / Measuring and Controlling Devices / 291 / 311 / 319 / 331 / 332 / 333 / 361
384 / Medical Instruments & Supplies / 172 / 181 / 191 / 242 / 252 / 269 / 289 / 292 / 331 / 359 / 369
385 / Ophthalmic Goods / 331 / 332
386 / Photographic Equipment and Supplies / 242 / 300 / 323 / 331 / 332
387 / Watches, Clocks, Watchcases & Parts / 333
391 / Jewelry, Silverware and Plated Ware / 289 / 333 / 369
393 / Musical Instruments / 369
394 / Toys and Sporting Goods / 369
395 / Pens, Pencils, Office, & Art Supplies / 172 / 210 / 242 / 291 / 331 / 361 / 369
396 / Costume Jewelry and Notions / 191 / 289 / 292 / 333 / 369
399 / Misc. Manufacturing / 171 / 181 / 182 / 202 / 221 / 222 / 252 / 289 / 291 / 292 / 293 / 315 / 319 / 331 / 332 / 361 / 369