Teacher’s Name: Jerry Christensen Building: High School Grade: High School Subject/Course: Particular Topics in Welding

Content / Skills / Essential Questions / Assessment
August / Safety in the metal shop / To know how to work safely in both in the general metal shop and the welding area. / What are some safety issues involved with welding. / Written Test
September / Hand tools used in metalworking.
Arc Welding
Wire Welding / To be able to use the hand and power tools used in metalworking safely and properly.
The different types of welding , brazing, and cutting are taught through out the semester. The use of the equipment, parts of the welder, safety, and / What tools are unique to the welding area?
How can heavy metal be joined together permanently?
How does wire welding differ from arc welding? / Tool ID test
Written test and test weld
Written test and test weld
October / Oxyacetylene Welding
Brazing / technique are taught for each type of welding process. Students spend much time practicing each process to improve their ability. This can be done either on practice metal or by building a metal project of their choice. Since the various processes will be used
at different times on different / How does the combination of two gases create enough heat to melt metal?
How is brazing different then the welding process? / Written test and test weld
Written test and test weld
November / Cutting Torch
Precision measuring instruments. / projects, they are talked about and practiced trough out the semester.
To be able to read the different types of micrometers, depth gauges, and vernier caliper.
. / How can heavy metal be cut quickly?
How can very accurate measurement be made in a machine shop? / Written test and test cut.
Written tests and measuring tests.
December / Metal Lathe / To know the parts and operation of a metal lathe / How can round objects be machined accurately in a machine shop? / Written tests and lathe project.

Teacher’s Name: Building: Grade: Subject/Course:

Content / Skills / Essential Questions / Assessment