Co-operative Development Program

In line with our co-operative principles of co-operation among co-operatives, we have always felt strongly about supporting emerging co-ops and promoting the co-op sector in Canada. Over the past 24 years, we have provided $ 2,230,947 to 162Canadian co-operatives through The Co-operators Foundation Co-operative Development Program; a program designed to help Canadian co-ops with business development initiatives. In 2016, $125,600 was granted to 10 co-operatives.

2016 Co-operative Development Program Recipients

BC EcoSeed Coop – BC ($19,000)

The B.C. Eco Seed Co-op is a producer co-operative committed to growing and providing seeds that are ecologically grown, open-pollinated, regionally adapted, held in the public domain and not genetically engineered.Funding will be used to strengthen the Co-op by developing a marketing plan and implementation strategy.

Calgary Aging in Place Co-operative – Calgary, AB ($15,000)

Calgary Aging in Place supports seniors to stay in their own homes and neighbourhoods through a variety of support services, includingan innovative home retrofit program for rental opportunities.Funding will be used for membership development, marketing, rezoning work and legal and financial supports.

Coast Car Co-operative – Sechelt, BC ($7,600)

Coast Car Co-op is a member-owned car sharing co-operative established to create options for individuals and businesses looking for alternatives to vehicle ownership while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.Funding will update communications and advertising materials, support member outreach, and conduct a feasibility analysis on expansion.

Coopérative de solidarité l’Autre-Toit – QC ($10,000)

Coop l'Autre-Toît currently runs 22 housing units for people experiencing homelessness, with a second phase of construction, providing housing for 24 new members, nearing completion.Funding will be used for a one-year full-time position dedicated entirely to the reception and integration of 24 new members in their first 12 months in housing.

Coopérative de solidarité Temps libre – QC ($15,000)

In its 8,500 sqft building, Temps libre provides open spaces conducive to interaction and incubation,fororganizations dedicated to transforming cities and neighbourhoods, community life, urban ecology and social innovation.Funding will be used to draft and implement a communication plan.

Cowichan Bio-Diesel Co-operative – Duncan, BC (Vancouver Island) ($20,000)

Cowichan Bio-Diesel is dedicated to the local production, use and promotion of biofuels in order to achieve an environmentally sustainable local economy.Funding will develop a new marketing strategy and plan and explore patents/trademarks for franchising “Green and Go”biofuel stations.

Elevations Co-operative – Toronto, ON ($5,000)

Elevations, launched by leaders of the East African community in the GTA, supports their community members develop small businesses and promote East African products and services within the community and to the general public.Funding will be used for new bookkeeping and accounting programing.

Peg City Car Co-operative – Winnipeg, MB ($9,000)

Peg City Car Co-op’s mission is to support its members to walk, bike or bus for most of their transportation needs by providing occasional access to a car when needed. Funding will be used to produce a membership video to achieve staff efficiencies and on-board new members more quickly.

The Karma Project Community Food Co-operative – Simcoe County, ON ($15,000)

The Karma Project manages five farmers’ markets, the local Good Food Box program, an Edible Classroom school program, fresh food donation drives, two community gardens, and two retail food stores.Funding will be used for updated strategic and business plans, member engagement, and marketing of new value added food products.

Western Manitoba Seniors Non-profit Housing Cooperative – Brandon, MB ($10,000)

Thisco-op offers safe, secure affordable senior housing, allowing seniors to live in a community setting that supports physical and mental health, social engagement and personal independence.Funding will support the technical and expansion team’s expenses, as they develop 60 new rental units.