Speaker/Topic Proposal

Iowa Bankers Association

Iowa Mortgage Association

Iowa Trust Association

Thank you for your interest in speaking to the Iowa Bankers Association members or one of our affiliated associations. We have numerous speaking opportunities each year, but in order to accurately identify your area of expertise, we ask that you submit this proposal. Please call the Education Department at the Iowa Bankers Association at 800-532-1423 with any questions.

Name: Terrie Cloud

Title: Vice President / Product Manager

Company: Cardinal Software

Address: 6700 Pioneer Parkway

Phone: 704-588-4441


Title of Proposed Session: Mobile Banking: Trends, Opportunities and Mitigating Risk

Session Length: 45 Minutes with 15 Minute Q&A

Purpose of Session

Each day, more services are being offered through mobile channels, are you prepared to thwart the security risks? This webinar will investigate mobile banking in the financial industry. We’ll discuss opportunities for deploying this technology and using it maintain and even improve market share. In examining the potential security risks and associated threats, we’ll uncover best practices for mitigating them. Finally, we will explore tactics for managing mobile devices in the workplace with respect to security.

I.  Specific objectives (learning outcomes) of the session

The conference agenda includes:

·  Examining mobile banking trends in the financial industry

·  Incorporating mobile payments and payment security authentication

·  Integration considerations with mobile banking

·  Using mobile banking to maintain and gain market share

·  Security risks and threats with mobile banking

·  Deploying mobile banking using best practices

·  Managing and mitigating mobile devices in the workplace

I.  Industry or organizations changes or technology trends creating need for this session

The rapid development and deployment of mobile banking.

II.  Description of teaching methodology – i.e. lecture, group exercises, video, case studies, etc.

Lecture and open Q&A

III.  Define the audience for the course, including job titles, geography, etc.

All Banking Jobs from CEO to Branch Personnel to Marketing to IT to Compliance to Operations.

IV.  Biographical sketch of instructor and current job responsibilities:

Terrie Cloud is the vice president of Sales and product manager for Cardinal Software. Terrie works directly with financial institutions in designing solution sets and providing consulting services. He also oversees the sales and marketing groups. In addition, Terrie uses his more than 25 years of experience in the industry in an advisory role with Cardinal Software’s Sales, Marketing, Conversion, and Development teams. Terrie also manages the product roadmap for all products and services for Cardinal Software. Terrie has a vast amount of experience spanning more than two decades in managing, consulting, and developing technology in the areas of financial services, brokerage, and banking. Terrie has used his expertise in such areas as project management, technology planning and implementation, strategic planning, regulatory compliance, technology consulting, networking design and implementation, database design and development, telecommunications, application design and development, and training.

V.  Experience with presenting course.

Terrie Cloud is a regular speaker ay many banking organizations, bank national and state associations and is a faculty member of the Georgia Bankers Association Technology School of Banking.

VI.  References for presentation (include company name, telephone and contact name):

Bonnie Gonzalez

Manager of Webinars and Conferencing

Sheshunoff | A.S. Pratt

512.305.6623 dir

Please return to:

Darcy Burnett

Education Department

Iowa Bankers Association

8800 NW 86th Street

PO Box 6200

Johnston, IA 50131-6200

Fax: 515-280-4140
