MD Program Evaluation Sub-Committee
(Curriculum Committee)
College of Medicine
University of Saskatchewan
MD Program Evaluation Sub-Committee
(Curriculum Committee)
September 18, 2012
A meeting of the MD Program Evaluation Sub-Committee was held on Tuesday September 18, 2012 at 1:30pm in the Room B525
PRESENT:Krista Trinder (Chair), Betsy Brydon, Jennifer Chlan-Fourney, Ayisha Kurji, Marcel D’Eon, Mark Drapak and Dayna Luedtke
REGRETS:Rae Bourner and Danica Kindrachuk
1. Agenda & Minutes Approved.2. New Committee Members
We would like to welcome two new committee members: Dr. Ayisha Kurji and Dr.Jennifer Chlan-Fourney. Ayisha works in Pediatrics and Jennifer works in Anatomy & Cell Biology.
3. Changes to committee mandate/objectives
Dr. Linassi asked Krista to revise our committee’s mandate during the summer to reflect accreditation standards (on the wiki). Krista has highlighted any major changes. All in attendance agreed with the changes.
4. Goals & Objectives Report for the Class of 2012
Marcel and Krista have been giving students surveys asking them to self-assess on our College’s goals and objectives. The survey has 62 items on it, the students are given the survey on the first day of clerkship and at the end of clerkship. Students were over-assessing themselves at the beginning of clerkship.
This year they had them rate themselves at the end of clerkship and retrospectively to the beginning of clerkship. This made bigger changes since students no longer were over assessing themselves. The one area that needs improvement is communication with certain types of patients.
5. LMCC Report
We are comparing how our College graduates stands up to other graduates in Canada. Typically we have been at or below average. Our failure rate has steadily got worse except for 2010.
6. Instructor Evaluation – Update
Mark and Krista have been working with Dr. Sheila Harding to create a framework to have students evaluate their course instructors. The evaluations will be sent to the students once a month and the instructors have to teach a minimum of 3 hours in order to receive an evaluation. The framework will be going to faculty council for approval the week of September 24, 2012.
Next meeting – October 9, 12:30-2:00 in Room TBA / Action Items: