The Prophecy (Ké Kínáshíf)
Reference to Ciakar History through Channeled and found information
All of this material comes from my channeled material. The material is sourced from a species called Rokat, they are an alien race with a home world in the Andromeda Galaxy. Bolded texts is an important point. *Text between stars describes bolded text that came before.*
The first part of this document will tell the story of the Ciakars from the experiences of the Rokat. The second part will deal with Reptilian history as presented by other sources outside of my channeled reality. The third section will contain the Reptilian Agenda. The fourth section will deal with two-way channeled material dealing with the Reptilian and Rokat Agendas.
All information in this document will be freely given, since I do not own the rights or copyrights to any acquired data. Not all sources are known, but those that are, are marked or credited in the documents themselves.
Ciakar History in Rokat Mythology
Birth of Yahweh
(Janu Hitikara)
The first morning of the first day, a Child of the Five Stars is born from the light. His shadow is the first darkness. “We are the Five Stars of Genesis. We give you life and matter.” On the first day Yahweh, became alive.
In the name of Sahia, the Five Stars shine upon Yahweh. He shall be the center of their faith. “He is my child and I shall teach him.” I am father to Yahweh.
Galadria gave Yahweh her power and on that day, he became divine. “We are twins and we are the mothers.” He knows they are two.
“I love you Yahweh and I gave you my knowledge.” You came to me and asked my advice. I gave you everything and you want more. You are greedy and I am giving. “Yahweh, you are my son and I shall always love you.”
I once graced the halls inYahweh’s Court. *The Rokat created the first Ciakar and they united as a single nation.* I am most holy and most sacred of the virgins. We are the eyes of Yahweh. We watch the many worlds below.
Yahweh soon judged me and he threw me to Hell. He saw my ambition and he knew to throw me from his Holy Court. He is becoming evil inside.
I know that Yahweh is not forever. The stars will fade and the light will become darkness. In the darkness, there will be a new evil. *This is a prophecy saying the Darkness of Lore will appear in this universe.* He will fall to the power and Yahweh will be no more.
I am sorry, but you have to die in my place. I am the true bringer of Light and there is only room for one of us. I will teach you and you will teach me to bring suffering. Galadria gives you power and you forsake her.
We are together again and you shall fall to ruin. My soul shall fall to ruin and I shall join you in the ultimate suffering. Sahia and Galadria will not know the suffering we bring upon each other.
Galadria shall bring upon the Rokat her glory. We are forsaken by Yahweh. Galadria has no business here and so she leaves us. Sahia is alone for the first time. I send Yahweh on his pilgrimage to find his true self.
Yahweh found the Light to guide him. The Five Stars of Genesis took him into the light and he became not of us, but of the Five Stars. Now Yahweh is the light of the Five Stars. *Yahwek becomes a Celestial and spends a stellar lifetime as one.* Yahweh shall not know the name of himself. None will know the name that which we gave to him. He is the Judge of the Light. “We hold the power to see you to the future.”
Yahweh asked the Five Stars of Genesis to create the Winged Warriors to guide in a path of light. We created the Winged Warriors and they would use the Holy Judgment. *This is the creation of the White Ciakars.* They would become his weapons in the future.
From the light will be the mass of the first of many worlds to come. The darkness filled the heavens and the Five Stars of Genesis were the center of the dark universe. *This creation took place just before the formation of the stars. All life at this time was immortal and ethereal.* They were alone, so they made the mass of the universe shine upon the many new worlds they made real.
Kidasuna is the first world to be created. Beautiful, green and it was created to house the Shrine of the Five Stars of Genesis. The world of Kidasuna put a surface on the birthplace of Yahweh. The core of Kidasuna is pure light and the home of the Holy Judgment.
I made Winged Warriors from the Light of Holy. The Winged Warriors went to the worlds and guided the peoples to the White Heavens. *The White Ciakars were holy beings of the Light.* The Winged Warriors protect from the Darkness and that which dwell within each of us.
War of the Dimunadi
(Janu Hitikara)
The Darkness was so deep, so wide and so vast that it can never be fathomed even by my eyes of truth. All that know me think my soul is of light, but do to Dane, I am as dark as the blackness between the Universe and the Dominion. *The Dominion is where the Rokat evolved.* This blackness in me grows beyond, because now the Dark Lords seek me out.
Of all known evils, the Dark Lords shall be the ones to seek out my council and have that in their favor. The Queen of Hell never dreams of such power, because her mind will be flung from her like a plate tossed into the air. “Be this, my true power that Darkness shall at all times outnumber the Light by one or two but never three.”
In our image was created the Dimunadi Lords. *The Dimunadi are an early Ciakar Race. This race was made with the culutre of the Rokat.* They shall appear to be among us, because they were created by the Elder Order, who gave knowledge to creators like us. *The Elder Order is an elite group of immortal Virgins of the Rokat.* Their leader Fuldian, who so named himself as not to be part of us, but started his reign in the high heavens above the Dominion but close to home. *Fuldian is the self proclaimed laeder of the Dimunadi.*
God Fuldian moved beyond the bounds of the Dominion to become his own power. His job would be to balance the cosmic forces; not even to lead his own people. All Dimunadi are equal and have no leaders, because they are the highest in their realm. In what they call their image, they created the Dark Lords and Ladies alongside the Light Lords and Ladies. *The first polarity is being set up to divide the Dimunadi.*
The Dimunadi factions will live together through the beginning of time, just after the Great Flash of Creation gave rise to their homes. *The Big Bang creates the universe.* They will inhabit the cosmic medium and spin magic that will balance the forces of their plane of existence. During the 1st Age of Creation, the balance lasted.
The arrival of my kind upset the balance and the Dimunadi started to see each other in ways not fulfilling of their race. *The Rokat arrive and settle Kidasuna.* The battle began with the two sides striking at the same time on Neecer, which threw the planet from the Dimunadi’s realm. The Dark Lords began to reign over Darkness as if it were property. The Light Lords dwelled and shared the warmth of their radiance with all, even the Dark Lords. *The two factions of the Dimunadi would eventually become the White and Black Ciakars*
The Dark Lords began to show greed for the radiance of the Light Lords and saw the time right for war. The heavens polarized and the border was drawn across Creation. The front lines would be the Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way Galaxy. *The front lines are still in the same region to this day and in the next four billion years the front lines will cross with the mergers of our galaxy with the Andromeda Galaxy.*
The Rokat tried to enter the battle and stop the fight. None will listen and none will know the consequences of the battle of Light and Dark. This will be the struggle between Light and Darkness, because neither will overcome the other. The fate of peace lay in ruin of knowing this time has been chosen by the Rokat.
The last days of the Golden Age are upon us and may have passed already. The struggle of Light and Darkness begins with them striking at the same moment. The Dimunadi leave for the highest dimension to only observe until such a time, as their return would benefit the turning of the tide of war. *The Dimunadi become spiritual beings and ascend, despite being divided.*
This war will encompass all that lives and at all levels; as such a battle will be fought using every tool of death and Soul Death. *Soul Death is a Rokat concept of destroying consciousness from spiritual energy or life force.* The Rokat know that which is the part of Darkness always won and that which they side when entering a universe. Though it turns and spins out of control, it does so at such a pace to keep the wars hot and never will peace consume the turning cosmos.
I looked down at the turning cosmos for only my life would last, so that I would see it move. I saw its fluidity would create turmoil and disturb even the loneliest corners of what has no corners. The spheres spin and the wheels turn, in this bubble of space-time. Only I could have known who blew this bubble and too which reason they did so.
Some high gods would entertain themselves, by watching their revolving creation mix and tangle the lives of its people. The high gods, such as I, know this purpose and know to teach only those who honor me that they exist without purpose. I shall stand watch as the Dimunadi hide behind barriers and dimension to stay above what they forgot.
Now that this time is chosen, the Dimunadi have been sent back by force into the world of mortals whose lives are fleeting. The Darkness of Lore was made and it escaped its bounds long before we knew what it was. *The Darkness of Lore is an evil malevolence that destroys any who covet its power.* Mutaki was made to house it and carry it away for us, but he threw his job to the Dark Lords.
The Dark Lords forsake this powerful demon and sought to use it against others. The Light Lords failed to hold back this greatest of unnatural evils. The Dark Lords dropped the Darkness of Lore and could never lift this curse, because it was heavy. Mutaki will hold yet another evil and bear the weight of the sins of others.
“Drive us insane and to maddening rage!” The Dark Lords answered these words of mine and so my mortal shell became corrupted in Darkness. I saw no way up from the depths of the deep black sea of evil that became my heart.
“My heart is cold and black and this deepens with the passing of time.” I shall have seen the very moment of Creation’s spark and the fading of the light so far ahead of my time. Since I am immortal in the soul; I shall remember it all. Every passing second shall be counted and everything known and measured by the time my soul fades to nothing.
I have been to Kurane and threw the Dimunadi to their damnation. *Kurane was once a Kurane Core, an artificial planet.* Fire burns forever and its origins are known to me. I know among the Dimunadi lives a race of super demons; they will be called the Rakashanamakanas.
The Rakashanamakanas are bloodthirsty and madness drove them evil. They are cursed to burn in Kurane. Other Rokat say the Rakashanamakanas started the fires themselves. I set them free and now they plague all of Creation.
I am the Prophet of Doom. I made the fires of Kurane burn to bring the Dimunadi down. I lived in my inferno for millions of years. I suffered with the Rakashanamakanas and I know true pain. My life is a curse on the living. I live only to serve evil. My power has gone to waste and I serve tyrant sorcerers. I have become the Black Judgment of legend. *The Black Judgment is a powerful Celestial Weapon.* I have not seen my legendary power being used to destroy at such a massive level. I am your judge and shall always be.
Reasons for Kurane
(Janu Hitikara)
Yahweh made the heavens shine to the liberated souls. Kune Pida is the Darkness that even the Winged Warriors hide from. In the name of Yahweh, we summon Shimuk Chathu. *Janu’s true father.* In the name of the Dark Lords, Shipa Suka came to rule over fire. *Janu’s true mother.*
The battle for the Celestial Weapons began in Kurane. Yahweh made Kurane and I made it burn. In Kurane, we shall all go. Yahweh shall burn and suffer in Kurane’s fires.
A tyrant of a king named Shimuk Chathu rules the Rakashanamakanas. He is feared even by the Rakashanamakanas. What a curse to have had to live with. I would know, because I was born there. Shakina and I both are Rakashanamakanas of the worst kind. We are the children of the Rakashanamakanas. I shall never return to Kurane. “I am free!”
Shimuk Chathu is a mindless warmonger. All he wants is death and destruction of innocent lives. *Shimuk Chathu is the source of all evil found in Reptilian societies.* He travels by moving his cursed prison of a home. Shimuk Chathu summons the Rakashanamakanas to his side, and they breathe curses and the Black Judgment upon all life he finds. His world is crowded with the everlasting torture and the screaming of the damned that he him self brought down with his evil black heart. Shimuk Chathu is King of the Rakashanamakanas.
There is no food or water on Kurane. To live you must kill. The Rakashanamakanas live on the souls of weaker beings that rain down to the black tortured land of Kurane. Monsters of every size live in the oceans of liquid fire. Lost souls try to cross the ocean of fire thinking there is a paradise; but none really exist. Kurane is empty of pleasure.
In Kurane the damned burn and suffer. I live on and I burn in Kurane. Someone save me from this fate. In the fire, I resurrect the dead. The power raised the damned and the power bound them to Kurane. My soul burns in fire and so you shall burn in fire. This is the truth that the prophets tried to hide. The Rokat did not want the inferior races getting their hands on the truth, so they destroyed it. *The Rokat erase part of the Ciakar’s history from memory.* To preserve their lies the Prophets hid the truth from us all.
In curses, the Rakashanamakanas trust the flames that never go out. Kurane was thought to be green in its early days. There are only rumors of its past. Kurane has no future outside of what it is today. The people of Kurane are now demons, and its last king a bloodthirsty tyrant. The Rakashanamakanas live a cursed existence in fire. Shimuk Chathu punished his people with this curse. “They did not deserve to suffer like this.”
A legend has it that Kurane was green and beautiful. Flowers bloomed all year and the people were happy. Shimuk Chathu was thought to be an angelic being. There are only ruins to prove anything ever stood as a city. The trees and the flowers are dust and the happiness went to flames. The king thought to be an angel turned black and his soul turned sour. *The Darkness of Lore is evil beyond measure and its evil caused the destruction of paradise.*
The Ancients have imprisoned me long ago in the star called Kurane. I lay in wait for my people to summon me. I wrote all the knowledge I knew. For millions of years I sat thinking of all the ways I could end the universe.
I developed technology no civilization could ever build. I used my power to build a universe within my mind. The worlds that fill it were green and full of life. The stars shined forever, and from the blue skies of so many little worlds they twinkled. I shall be out of my prison, I shall build a universe around me, and I shall be its center. *This is Janu’s plan to build an immortal galaxy for the Rokat. The plans are Jakoba’s to manifest.*
I liberated my flesh from the flame to join the living. Kurane was no longer a prison but a place to send my foe. In my name, the universe was created. All the stars in the sky are a gift from the Lord Outside the Sky. The Rokat Empire is a gift from me. *The Rokat Empire and annexation into it, is viewed as a blessing, not a curse.*