AMG Advisory Council / Minutes / 4-12-2016 / Page 1 of 4
Agenda Item / Discussion Leader / Discussion / Action/Recommendation / RAIL Follow Up
AMG Advisory CouncilCommittee Meeting
Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Location:Tecumseh Room
Facilitator:Jack Berno, MD
Recorder:Amber Thompson
Participants (with Titles)
  • John Gabis, MD, Senior Medical Director – Primary Care*
  • Richard Mizer, MD, Medical Director, West Region*
  • Collins Okolie, MD, Internal Medicine*
  • Brian Cohen, MD, Orthopaedic Surgery*
  • Emiley Blake, DO, Medical Director, Ob/Gyn*
  • Adam Esham, MD, Urology*
  • Thomas Lewis, MD, Dermatology*
  • Beverly Tolle, CNP, Internal Medicine*
  • Debra Wolf, CNP, Family Medicine*
  • Eric Cecava, Chief Operating Officer
  • Jack Berno, MD, Chief of Staff
  • Wayne Coats, DO, Chief Medical Officer, Inpatient Medicine
  • Takaji Kittaka, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Primary Care
  • Anthony Freeman, DO, Chief Medical Officer, Surgical Specialties
  • Mark Shuter, Chief Executive Officer
  • Maria Smith, Director of Communications
  • John Fortney, MD, Senior System Medical Advisor
  • Chuck Gooder, Interim VP, Adena Medical Group

Absent: / Dr. John Gabis (FMLA)
Key: / (P)=Phone;(E)=Excused; *=Voting Member
Quorum Present: Yes (8/9)
Minutes / Page 1 of 2
Agenda Item / Discussion
Leader / Discussion / Action/Recommendation / RAIL Follow Up
  1. Call to Order
/ Jack Berno, MD / Dr. Jack Berno called the meeting to order at 11:33am. / Acknowledged / No
  1. Introductions
/ Group / The committee made roundtable introductions and then Chuck Gooder, Interim Vice President for Adena Medical Group introduced himself and his background. / Acknowledged / No
  1. Purpose of Council
/ Dr. Berno/
Chuck Gooder / Chuck stated that in his experience it takes four to six months to recruit and hire for a permanent position of this importance. He noted at the end of the meeting that he wished to see the committee members involved in the interviews for this position. Chuck has established two other physician councils such as this one in both New Mexico and Florida. He started at Adena a year ago with standardization and best practice for the clinics. He has been in this interim position for the last four weeks and alternates being on site 2 days one week and then 3 days the next.
Chuck added that the goal for the council is to foster two-way communication in general, and to improve the communication between administration and providers. He added that they the providers’ input is needed on a regular and ongoing basis, before any implementation takes place. Maria Smith and the appointed Executive Assistant will take minutes and send this out to the committee members and all providers.
One of the projects that Chuck has implemented for the Adena Medical Group includes the creation of an Audit Committee. This team is comprised of multiple team members who review everything from front desk operations to Joint Commission standards. If areas of improvement are identified, these are sent to the clinic manager for completion and they must report their progress and findings to the entire AMG Leadership Committee. This process holds the managers accountable as well, and educates other managers on outstanding issues.
Chuck added AMG is working on a scorecard that will be presented to theCouncil once there is verifiable data. The scorecard will include charges, adjustments, payer mix, as well as benchmarking information against Adena peers and nationally. The Physician Compensation Policy is another item that will come to the Council. This policy has been vetted through Legal and Integrated Healthcare Strategies, a third-party Fair Market Value organization.
Chuck stressed he appreciated everyone willing to serve on this council, which represents the interests of all within Adena Medical Group. A primary reason for the Council’s creation is to ensure communication is being providing and discussed with AMG physicians and advanced-practice providers on projects and initiatives before they happen. He also asked that councilmembers be liaisons to their respective departments on the topics and decisions from this meeting.
Chuck emphasized the Council will focus on the right thing for the community and utilize group thinking for the organization as a whole.
He noted that other members from support areas would be invited to this meeting from time to time for additional information (i.e. marketing, finance, etc.)
The Council discussed how to handle disagreements between providers and leadership, and how to compromise and listen to all parties. This committee will follow “Roberts Rules of Order” for motions and preceedings. Quorum for this council was also discussed. If a vote should be tied, the topic will be brought back to a future meeting with additional information or data for the members. If a topic is approved within thecouncil; and then should be denied by supporting areas outside of this group, leadership will bring the topic back to the Council to discuss the reasons behind the denial. The Council agreed we need to continue to ask the communities what they need and what care we can provide for them. In addition to community need, the Council will review the financial aspect and Adena resources to ensure success of any projects that are approved.
Chuck added that meeting packets will be sent out to the Council ahead of time for review; therefore, ensuring meetings are action-oriented.
The group discussed the terms of service for council members. To maintain consistency, it is recommended terms be staggered over a 2 and 3 year period, respectively.
The group discussed the future meeting scheduled for theCouncil.
The Council was asked to nominate a Chair and Vice-Chair.
The group asked if a member cannot attend, could a proxy member be sent in their place. Chuck noted that a proxy member could attend the meeting and bring the elected council member’s vote and discussion points.
The Council agreed that a charter needs developed for its purposes.
Future agenda items discussed by the group include: Physician Compensation Policy, Medical Director hours, GME payments for Residents, the Adena Medical Group vision, and strategic plans. / Chuck to send out the Vice President for Adena Medical Group job description to the group.
Any additions/deletions to the job description should be sent to Chuck.
For agenda topics, please send to Maria Smith and Amber Thompson.
The group asked for Maria Smith to send out a survey to the departments and have them vote on term limits.
The group decided that for now, the Council will meet two times per month on the same weeks as Surgical DYAD (2nd and 4th Tuesdays) from 7:30 – 8:30 a.m., with specialty meeting exceptions when needed.
The Council asked if Maria Smith could send out a ballot for these positions. / No
Adjournment / Dr. Berno / Dr. Berno adjourned the meeting at 12:53pm.
The next meeting will be set for Tuesday, April 26th at 7:30am.

Respectfully Submitted:

Amber Thompson
