Horizontal Curriculum Map by 3-Week Block COURSE:______

Block / Common Core Standard(s) / Topic(s)/
Essential Question(s) / Content/Materials / Assessments / Academic Vocabulaty
1A / PE/ATE 7, 7b,
7a, 7d, 7e.
4, 4b,
RST 1, 2, 4 / What is science? What is the scientific method? What is earth science? Why are measurements important? / Scientific method
Intro to Earth Science
Chapter 1
Reading graphs
Annotating, Reading science books / Test bank
Scientific method
Branches of earth science
safety / geology, oceanography, meteorology, astronomy, ecosystem, scientific method, observation, hypothesis, global warming, model, theory, meter, volume, mass, temperature
1B / 7, 7f, 7b,
6c, 7d, 6, 6b,
RST 3,7
WHST 1, 6 / What do maps tell us? Why are they important?
Why are minerals important? How are they created? What are the characteristics of different types of rocks? / Maps
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Writing scientific reports / Test bank
Maps, topographic maps, types of minerals, formation and mining of minerals / map, reference point, cardinal decision, true north, magnetic declination, equator, latitude, longitude, prime meridian, Mercator projection, conic projection, azimuthal projection, aerial photograph, remote sensing, topographic map, elevation, contour lines, contour interval, relief, index contour, mineral, element, atom, compound, crystal, silicate mineral, monsilicate mineral, luster, streak, cleavage, fracture, hardness, density, ore, reclamation
1C / PE/ATE 7, 1a, 2, 2b, 6b, 6c, 7, 7b, 1d, 2a, 1e
RST 1,2, 4
WHST 1, 4, 5 / How are rocks formed? What are the different types of rocks? How do you classify rocks? / Rocks
Chapter 4
Reading science specific publications / From test bank
Types of rocks, formation of rocks, changing of rocks / rock, rock cycle, magma, sedimentary rock, metamorphic rock, igneous rock, lave, composition, texture, intrusive, extrusive, strata, stratification, foliated, nonfoliated
2A / PE/ATE 7, 7b, 6, 6b, 6c, 3b, 6, 6a-6c, 4a,
WHST 2, 6, 7 / How do we use natural resources? What are different forms of fossil fuel? What are some alternatives to fossil fuels? / Energy
Chapter 5
Writing for science / from test bank
natural resources, fossil fuels, alternative energy / Natural resources, renewable resources, nonrenewable resources, recycling, energy resources, fossil fuel, petroleum, natural gas, coal, strip mining, acid preparation, smog, nuclear energy, solar energy, wind energy, hydroelectric energy,
2B / PE/ATE 1, 1e, 7, 7b, 1b, 1g, 3a, 7e, 7f, 1a, 1c-f, 6, 6a, 6b, 7f,
RST 1, 7, 8 / How is the earth made? Why do the continents move? What is plate tectonics? How does the earth crust change? / Plate Tectonics
Chapter 6
Reading and Using Data / from test bank
tectonic plates, continental drift, movement of tectonic plates, folds / Crust, mantle, core, lithosphere, asthenosphere, mesosphere, outer core, inner core, tectonic plates, continental drift, sea-floor spreading, plate tectonics, convergent boundary, subduction zone, divergent boundary, transform boundary, stress, compression, tension, folding, fault, normal fault, reverse fault,
2C / PE/ATEv7, 7b, 7e, 1, 1a, 1d-1g, 2d, 7f,
RST 1, 2, 7 / What causes earthquakes? How do we measure them? How have earthquakes influenced the world? / Earthquakes
Chapter 7
Comparing sources / from test bank causes of earthquakes, measurements, / Seismology, fault, deformation, elastic rebound, seismic waves, P waves, S waves, seismograph, seismogram, epicenter, focus, gap hypothesis, seismic gap. Moho, shadow zone
7, 7b, 1, 1d, 2, 2d, 4c, 1, 1a-e, 1g, 2, 2d, 4, 4c, 7f
WHST 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 / Why do volcanoes erupt? What effects have volcanoes had on the earth? How do volcanoes relate to plate tectonics? / Volcanoes
Chapter 8
Writing observations and drawing conclusions / from test bank
types of eruptions, effects of volcanoes, predicting eruptions / Magma, vent, lava, pyroclastic material, volcano, shield volcano, cinder cone volcano, composite volcano, crater, caldera, rift, hot spot
7, 7b, 3, 3a, 7, 7b, 7e, 3c, 7c, 3b, RST 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, / What is temperature? What is heat? How is it transferred? How does heat influence matter? What are different heating technologies? / Heat
Evaluating scientific arguments / from test bank
temperature, hear, matter, technology / Temperature, thermal expansion, absolute zero, heat, thermal energy, conduction, conductor, insulator, convection, radiation, specific heat capacity
3C / PE/ATE 2, 2a, 2b, 7, 7b, 7e, 4a, 2c, 6, 6a, 6b, 7, 5e,
WHST 2, 7 / What is the water cycle? How does water remake the world? What role does ground water play? How can we better manage water use? How do waves shape our world? How does wind influence the shoreline? What role do glaciers play? How does gravity influence erosion? / Water/Erosion
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Writing scientific arguments / from test bank
Water cycle, river development, river deposits, aquifer, water treatment, waves and erosion, wind, glaciers, gravity on erosion / Erosion, water cycle, drainage basin, tributary, divide, channel, gradient, discharge, load, deposition, alluvium, delta, alluvial fan, flood plain, ground water, aquifer, porosity, permeability, artesian spring, karst topography, shoreline, beach, longshore current, saltation, deflation, abrasion, dune, loess, glacier, iceberg, crevasse, horn, arête, hanging valley, glacial drift, stratified drift, till, mass movement, rock fall, landslide, mudflow, creep
4A / PE/ATE 7, 7e, 1, 1a, 2b, 3a, 4a, 4d, 7b, 7d, 1e, 2a, 5, 5c-5e. 6. 6a – 6c. 7a,
RST 1, 2, 4 / What are the major divisions of the oceans? How do we study the ocean? What kind of life exists in the ocean? What resources come from the oceans? What influence does pollution play? / Oceanography
Chapter 14
Observation writing / from test bank
divisions and properties of the oceans, regions, groups of ocean life, oceans resources, pollution / Surface current, Coriolis effect, deep current, upwelling, El Nino, crest, trough, wavelength, wave height, wave period, breaker zone, surf, whitecap, swells, tsunami, storm surge, tides, tidal range, spring tides, neap tides, tidal bore
7, 7b, 7e, 3a, 4b, 3, 3c, 3d, 4, 4a, 4b, 4d, 4e, 7a, 2b, 6, 6a
RST 2, 6, 7
WHST 2, 4,6, 7 / What are the characteristics of the atmosphere? How is the atmosphere heated? What is the relationship between atmospheric pressure and winds? What causes air pollution? What is the importance of the water cycle? How does air mass influence weather? What causes lightening? / Atmosphere/ Weather
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Scientific Arguments / From Test bank
Atmosphere, radiation, greenhouse effect, air pressure, wind patterns, pollution, water cycle, air mass, storms, measurement, / Atmosphere, air pressure, altitude, troposphere, stratosphere, ozone, mesosphere, thermosphere, radiation, conduction, convection, greenhouse effect, global warming, wind, Coriolis effect, trade winds, westerlies, polar easterlies, jet streams, weather, water cycle, humidity, relative humidity, psychrometer, condensation, dew point, cloud, cumulus clouds, stratus clouds, cirrus clouds, precipitation, air mass, front, severe weather, thunderstorm, lightening, thunder, tornado, hurricane, weather forecast, thermometer, barometer, windsock, wind vane, anemometer, station model, isobars
4C / PE/ATE 4, 4b, 7, 7b, 7e, 7c, 7f, 4e, 5, 5b, 5d, 5e, 1, 1a, 1e, 4, 4a, 4b, 6a,
RST 2, 6, 7
WHST 2,4,6,7 / What is the difference between weather and climate? What are the three major climate zones? How has the climate changed over time? / Climate
Chapter 17 / From test bank
Definition of climate, climate zones, climate change, greenhouse effect / Weather, climate, latitude, prevailing winds, elevation, surface currents, biome, tropical zone, temperate zone, deciduous, evergreens, polar zone, microclimates, ice age, global warming, greenhouse effect