Bulloch County State Court


January 22, 2013

8:30 a.m. BF Date:

Last Name
Attorney / First & Middle / Case Number / Offense(s) / Bond
01 / Aaron / Audrey Lorraine / SO 29530 - 31
/ Suspended Registration, Suspended License / 24/7
02 / Anderson / Kenneth Alan / SO 26635 – 36 / Suspended License, Loitering / Akins
03 / Anderson / Staci Street / DPS 1064109 – 112 / DUI, FTML, Open Container, Littering / Carolyn Street
04 / Barton / Matthew Corey / SO 27385 – 86 / Disorderly Conduct, Public Drunkenness / Tommy Barton
05 / Bohannon
Keith Barber / John Philip / DPS 01086465 – 466 / DUI, Suspended License
NG / Jury / Victoria Bray Lee
06 / Bohannon
Keith Barber / John Philip / SPD 254043 - 045 / Speeding 90/50, FTML, Reckless Driving
NG / Jury / No bond attached
07 / Brown / Charles Edward / SO 26633 – 34 / Driving Unlicensed, No Insurance / Charles Palmer
08 / Carrington / Harold Kenneth / SO 27028 / Disordelry Conduct / Akins
09 / Clemons / Leigh Ann / SO 27005 – 06 / Obstruction, UIP / Akins
10 / Collins, Jr. / George Robert / SO 27653 / Contributing To The Delinquency Of A Minor
Per his father….he is in a PDC somewhere / George Collins
11 / Cook / Anthony Mitchell / DPS 01064100 – 101 / DUI, Suspended Registration / Akins
12 / Cooper / Rodreqiues Carlos / DPS 10162040 – 042 / DUI, FTC, Child Endangerment While DUI / 24/7
13 / Crosby / Randall Stephen / SO 29566 – 67 / DUI, Improper Stopping On Roadway / Akins
14 / Curry / Carla Jaudon / SO 29869 / Violation Of A Limited Permit / Donaldson
5 / Florentino / Andrea / GSU 019401 – 403 / Driving Unlicensed, DUI – under 21, Headlight Violation / Donaldson
16 / Gay, III / Donnie Arastus / SPD 253963 / Obstruction / Donnie Gay
17 / Glenn / Sarah Weslie / SO 29345 – 346 / Drug Object, Marijuana / Brian Sydow
18 / Gwinnett / James Robert / GSU 018470 – 471 / Disorderly Conduct, Improper Passing / Akins
19 / Hagan / James Anthony / SO 29560 – 564 / Suspended License, Marijuana, DUI, Open Container, FTML / O’Neal Young
20 / Hall / Daron Lorenzo / SPD 253471 – 472 / Obstruction, Driving Unlicensed / 24/7
21 / Hayton / Lanette / SPD 253240 / Theft By Deception / Donaldson
22 / Heath / Lyndon Jay / 2B12T5463 / Driving Unlicensed, Seatbelt Violation / No bond attached
23 / Henderson / Jeffrey Gadsden / GSU 019207 – 212 / DUI, FTML, DTCD, TFFC, Open Container, False Info / Florabelle Mellard
24 / Howard / Sheniqwua Alexis / SO 26796 &
2012-3542 / Suspended License, Disorderly Conduct / Donaldson
25 / Hubbard / Mark Ellery / 2B12T5477 / No Insurance, Suspended Registration / No bond attached
26 / Kilcrease / Robert Leon / DPS 01073118 / Suspended License / Desianne Devine
27 / Loudermilk / Kyle Edward / GSU 019574 / Criminal Trespass / Rhett Brenner
28 / Lupo / Phillip Ambrose / GSU 019312 / UIP / Phillip D. Lupo
29 / Martin / Craig Oris / DPS 714727 – 730 / DUI, Obstruction, Defective Equipment, Operating An Unsafe Vehicle / Thomas Anderson
30 / Mayer / Akil Lateef / DPS 01099746 – 747 / DUI – under 21, Speeding / Akins
31 / Mikell / Billy James / DPS 01101213 – 214 / DUI, FTC / Donaldson
32 / Miller / Roger Dale / SO 29348 / Public Drunkenness / John West
33 / Morgan
/ Robert Grey / GSU 019575 / UIP / Akins
34 / Morris / Joshua Adam / SPD 253938 – 393 / DUI, Obstruction / Ronald Morris
35 / Olliff / Jamie Elizabeth / SO 29341 – 342 / Marijuana, Drug Object / Jane Odom
36 / Palmer / Randy Lamar / DPS 01075187 – 190 / Suspended License, DUI, FTML, Speeding 68/55 / Donaldson
37 / Parker / Tiffany Blair / 2B12T5511 / Suspended License, Speeding 75/45 / No bond attached
38 / Reins
Keith Barber / Corey Francis / DPS 01064107 – 108 / DUI, FTML
NG / Jury / Akins
39 / Remy / Joshua Michael / DPS 01076874 – 875 / Suspended License, DTCD / All American
40 / Stears / Morgan Sumner / SPD 254145 – 150 / UIP, Littering, Open Container, Public Drunkenness, Refusal To Sign Citations / William Neville
41 / Vanarsdale / Justin Creed / SPD 251744 - 745 / Obstruction, Shoplifting / James Roberts
42 / Vickery / William Rowand / 2B12T5464 / Speeding 75/55, Driving Unlicensed, Expired Tag / No bond attached
43 / Voyles / Kevin Baylor / SO 29363 / Hit & Run / 24/7
44 / Warren / Edwin DeWayne / SPD 254301 – 302 / Suspended License, Defective Equipment / Haley Jo Warren


Last Name
Attorney / First & Middle / Case Number / Offense(s) / Bond
Rowe Brodgon / Jacob Henry / 2B12T4103 / DUI – under 21, UIP, Open Container, FTML Plea / James Edenfield

1:30 p.m.

Last Name
Attorney / First & Middle / Case Number / Offense(s) / Bond
01 / Addison / Jeffery Bernard / DPS 1056171 - 172 / Suspended License, Failure To Yield / Michael Nordeoff
02 / Addison / Jeffery Bernard / PW 2012-2420 / Endangering A Security Interest / Michael Nordeoff
03 / Baker / Richard Michael / SPD 2012-3402 – 03 / Marijuana, Theft By Deception / Betty Howell
04 / Bergdorf / Stephanie / SO 2012-3570 / Simple Battery – FV / Akins
05 / Bostic / Samuel Lyvell / SPD 2012-3314 – 315 / Battery – FV, Criminal Trespass – FV / James Roberts
06 / Braddy / Raymond John / SO 2012-3496 / Interference With Custody / Raymond Braddy
07 / Brandyburg / Brittany Raquel / 2B11CR606 / Affray / Akins
08 / Bryant / Amanda Lauren / SPD 2012-3476 / Public Drunkenness / Akins
09 / Buckles / Taylor Richardson / SO 2012-3312 / Marijuana / All American
10 / Burnsed / Jessica / SO 2012-3502 / Battery – FV / J E Baker
11 / Chaffin – Warren / Heather Renee / SO 2012-3465 / Disorderly Conduct / Akins
12 / Chester / Jason Robert / SPD 2012-3480 / Simple Assault / Kathy Chester
13 / Chimariya / Kali Prasad / GSU 2012-3467 / Criminal Trespass / Donaldson
14 / Clifton / Keara Lashay / PW 2012-2188 / Shoplifting / Donaldson
15 / Coleman / Sandy Sharmaine / SPD 252828 / Shoplifting / Akins
16 / Cone, Jr. / Harry / SPD 2012-3478 / Criminal Trespass – FV / Donaldson
17 / Denmark / Taylor Ryan / SPD 2012-3472 / Criminal Trespass / Marilyn Denmark
18 / Dumas / Tierney Aaquanta / SPD 2012-3274 / Shoplifting / Akins
19 / Griffin / Christopher Jordan / SPD 2012-3386 / Battery / Donaldson
20 / Hager
Louise Dietzen / Joseph Brian / SPD 253896 – 897 / FTML, DUI / Akins
21 / Hill / Brittani Krystin / GSU 2012-3351 / Theft By Taking / Akins
22 / Hood / Jeremy Carter / SPD 2012-3481 / Pointing A Firearm At Another Person / Kathy Chester
23 / Hughes / Robert Bradley / SO 2012-3571 / Battery – FV / Vivian Collins
24 / Jordan / Shonte Nicole / SPD 2012-3511 / Criminal Trespass – FV / Akins
25 / Kendrick / Benjamin Lovett / DPS 104358-60
1056169 - 70 / DUI, Hit & Run / Leaving The Scene, Suspended License, FTML, Defective Equipment – Tires / Gregory Kendrick
26 / Kirkland / Francheska Kershawn / SPD 2012-3441 / Obstruction / James Roberts
27 / Lanning / Adam Christopher / SO 2012-3535 / Battery – FV / Akins
28 / Lanning / Nancy Nations / SO 2012-3534 / Battery – FV / Akins
29 / Moore / Christopher Anthony / SPD 2012-1301 / Marijuana / No bond attached
30 / Mosley, II / Alvoy / SPD 2012-3510 / Possession Of A Dangerous Drug, Drugs Not In Original Container / Velma Mosley
31 / Powell / Michael Christopher / SO 2012-3345 & 46 / Disorderly conduct, Simple Assault / Robert Nance
32 / Prescott / Nicholas Jamar / 2B12T5452 – 5452a / FTML, DUI / No bond attached
33 / Redman / Katelyn Mae / SPD 2012-3479 / Simple Battery / 24/7
34 / Rivers / Brett Matthew / SO 2012-3489 / Disorderly Conduct / Lois Burke
35 / Rivers / Janet Denise / SPD 253498 / Suspended License / No bond attached
36 / Rodousakis / Johnny Stephen / DPS 1040349 – 352 / Speeding 91/55, No Insurance, Suspended Registration, Altered License Plate / No bond attached
37 / Rogers / Kelly Ann / SPD 2012-3425 / Shoplifting / Akins
38 / Sims / Charity Christina / GSU 2012-3421 / Simple Assault – FV / 24/7
39 / Tanner / Heather Kristi / SPD 252236 / Aggressive Driving / No bond attached
40 / Tanner / James Jason / SPD 250739 – 740 / June 27, 2012 Open Container, DUI / James Oates
41 / Tanner / James Jason / SPD 252237 / Sept 4, 2012 Reckless Driving / No bond attached
42 / Tate / Katrina Renell / GSU 2012-3420 / Simple Battery – FV / 24/7
43 / Thomas / Jeremy Marice / 2B12T5386 / Shoplifting / All American
44 / Thompson / Ernest Coss / 2B12T5504 – 5504d / DUI, Seatbelt Violation, FTML, Suspended License, VGCSA / No bond attached
45 / Tolliver / Joshua James / SPD 2012-3316 / Criminal Trespass / Akins
46 / Tyler / Zachary Lee / SPD 2012-3567 / Battery – FV / 24/7
47 / Vincent / Anje Kerry / SPD 2011-3127 – 3129 / Theft By Receiving (3 cts) / No bond attached
48 / Wadley / LaShontria Dantrelle / PW 2012-1766 – 1769 / DAF (4 cts) / James Roberts
49 / Walls / Heather Bell / SPD 253753 / Shoplifting / Akins
50 / Warren / Haley Jo / SO 2012-3466 / Disorderly Conduct / Jackie Dickey
51 / White / Vinson Lee / 2B12T5337 / DUI, Speeding 70/45 / 24/7
52 / Wilbur / Seth Andrew / GSU 2012-3392 / Theft By Taking / Donaldson
53 / Williams / Fantasia Sierra / SPD 2012-3426 & 27 / Simple Battery – FV, Cruelty To Children 3º / Donaldson

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